Virginia dems concede defeat in election….see how easy it is to be an adult who accepts defeat?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
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I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Deep!”

My god in heaven.
You have no God. You are evil. They lost because the people are fed up with you vermin.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Deep!”

My god in heaven.
Their candidates weren't lying to their base by saying the only way they could lose would be if the other guys cheated, as if they had some kind of special insight or secret evidence.

I mean, who would believe something like that, anyway?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Deep!”

My god in heaven.
Canvass the cemeteries and morgues better. Better luck cheating next time

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.

Virginia dems concede defeat in election….see how easy it is to be an adult who accepts defeat?​

Like they did from 2016-2020 with Trumps presidency?

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
tell that to Hillary and the dnc who colluded with Russians and created a fake dossier to get illegal fisa warrants in an attempt to overturn the 2016 election . with that NOW PROVEN FACT ! why would anyone trust the democratic party when it comes to elections ?
It’s childish, emotional thinking. That is how republicans are.
This is hysterical considering your entire party's platform has been Trump is a poopy head for 5 years now. And which party wears genitals for hats. And which party coined the RESIST movement.

You wouldn't know maturity if you were given personal lessons on it.
This is hysterical considering your entire party's platform has been Trump is a poopy head for 5 years now. And which party wears genitals for hats. And which party coined the RESIST movement.

You wouldn't know maturity if you were given personal lessons on it.
Yes, we pointed out the obvious which is that Trump is a childish fucking moron who lies constantly. I don’t even have to explain to you that isn’t the same as not accepting the election results as being legitimate.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.
The election was stolen from Trump and that has been proven.
The Pillow Guy laid out all the evidence in his Nothing-a-thon in September.
He's going to put out even more during his Milk-The-Rubes-palooza later this month.

I can just hear the knee jerk conservative reactions to this now: “well the defeat was obvious because of how big they won! Derp!”

My god in heaven.

How about New Jersey?
The Pillow Guy laid out all the evidence in his Nothing-a-thon in September.
He's going to put out even more during his Milk-The-Rubes-palooza later this month.
the Russian dossier that dems used to get fisa warrants in a attempt to overturn the 2016 election was fake .
You have no God. You are evil. They lost because the people are fed up with you vermin.

Wrong. They lost because of a lot of no shows. Youngkin won by 72,000 votes. Just the 33% decrease in Tidewater alone puts McCaulliffe over the top.

Enjoy your squeaker while you got it. Virginia turned blue the last 10 years for a reason.

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