We haven't found aliens because they're aren't any

This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.

You do understand that the kind of life they're looking for doesn't look like the dummy in the Yahoo! article, right?
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.

You do understand that the kind of life they're looking for doesn't look like the dummy in the Yahoo! article, right?

They aren't going to find so much as a microbe.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

Ignoring your piss poor grammar, there aren't any aliens from outer space in our neck of the woods because they haven't arrived. Yet.


This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.

You do understand that the kind of life they're looking for doesn't look like the dummy in the Yahoo! article, right?

They aren't going to find so much as a microbe.

We'll see. :D
Here's an article from a couple years ago from a physicist.

We are alone in the universe: Professor Brian Cox says alien life is all but impossible and humanity is 'unique'

  • Presenter makes bold claim during BBC documentary
  • He says the spark of life on earth billions of years ago was a fluke
  • 'We still struggle to understand what happened. It's incredibly unusual'

The biological process which lead to intelligent life on earth was a fluke that is unlikely to have been repeated anywhere else in the universe, claims Professor Brian Cox.[/FONT]
The presenter and scientist blames a series of 'evolutionary bottlenecks' for the lack of extraterrestrial life on other planets, despite there being a mind-bogglingly vast number of them in the galaxy.
Humanity miraculously overcame them in a chance binding of two single cells merging somewhere in the mists of time, he said.
'There is only one advanced technological civilisation in this galaxy and there has only ever been one - and that's us. We are unique.
'It's a dizzying thought. There are billions of planets out there, surely there must have been a second genesis?
'But we must be careful because the story of life on this planet shows that the transition from single-celled life to complex life may not have been inevitable.'
He made the claims in an episode of BBC's Human Universe, adding that yet another freak occurrence - the meteor which wiped out the dinosaurs - allowed mammals and ultimately humanity to dominate the planet.
On the subject of the genesis of complex life, he added: 'We still struggle to understand how this happened. It's incredibly unusual.
'We're confident this only happened once in the oceans of the primordial earth.Life here did squeeze through.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2809183/We-universe-Professor-Brian-Cox-says-alien-life-impossible-humanity-unique.html#ixzz3y1F8hU60

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Here's an article from a couple years ago from a physicist.

We are alone in the universe: Professor Brian Cox says alien life is all but impossible and humanity is 'unique'

  • Presenter makes bold claim during BBC documentary
  • He says the spark of life on earth billions of years ago was a fluke
  • 'We still struggle to understand what happened. It's incredibly unusual'

The biological process which lead to intelligent life on earth was a fluke that is unlikely to have been repeated anywhere else in the universe, claims Professor Brian Cox.[/FONT]
The presenter and scientist blames a series of 'evolutionary bottlenecks' for the lack of extraterrestrial life on other planets, despite there being a mind-bogglingly vast number of them in the galaxy.
Humanity miraculously overcame them in a chance binding of two single cells merging somewhere in the mists of time, he said.
'There is only one advanced technological civilisation in this galaxy and there has only ever been one - and that's us. We are unique.
'It's a dizzying thought. There are billions of planets out there, surely there must have been a second genesis?
'But we must be careful because the story of life on this planet shows that the transition from single-celled life to complex life may not have been inevitable.'
He made the claims in an episode of BBC's Human Universe, adding that yet another freak occurrence - the meteor which wiped out the dinosaurs - allowed mammals and ultimately humanity to dominate the planet.
On the subject of the genesis of complex life, he added: 'We still struggle to understand how this happened. It's incredibly unusual.
'We're confident this only happened once in the oceans of the primordial earth.Life here did squeeze through.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2809183/We-universe-Professor-Brian-Cox-says-alien-life-impossible-humanity-unique.html#ixzz3y1F8hU60

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Yes, this scientist kind of gets it.

"Humanity miraculously overcame them in a chance binding of two single cells merging somewhere in the mists of time, he said."

Why do so many refuse to see what has to be? Life is a miracle, to use his term. Intelligent Designer or no life. God is the one communicating to us. He is that intelligent designer. 70 sextillion stars and even more planets and they are all nothing but inanimate rocks unless God so wills it to come to life.
What the OP describes is known as the Fermi Paradox which arose from debate of the Drake Equation which in 1961 was written to calculate the mathematical probability of life within our galaxy alone. Way to much information to paste here on the topic, but worth a Google for those interested in the probability.
There is no one at this point that can say for certain whether life does or does not exist outside our solar system. There is simply a complete lack of evidence either way. For now the debate is pure speculation.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.

You do understand that the kind of life they're looking for doesn't look like the dummy in the Yahoo! article, right?

They aren't going to find so much as a microbe.

We'll see. :D

So far its not thing. Of course there is always Bigfoot.
We can't even say for certain that life doesn't exist /in/ our solar system, we can only [maybe] just /barely/ even rule it out /present/ life on our nearest planet Mars (we cannot rule out ancient life on Mars yet.) Just because aliens are not using a technology /we/ might be able to detect (which consists of radio waves lol) doesn't mean jack. SETI is nice and all, but looking at it realistically, I have little doubt that "radio" is going to go away on Earth before too long, then really the only long distance indicators of life on Earth will be physical objects like satellites and probes, or if we destroy ourselves nukes. Outside of that one would have to get close enough to see satellites in orbit, see the lights at night, etc., so basically have to just happen upon the planet with life while passing through the solar system.

We've found amino acids (the building block for life) on asteroids, we've found liquid water on asteroids, and we've found ocean moons heated by tidal friction that could possibly support life, and that's without leaving our solar system at all - even by our present narrow-minded and egotistical standard's of where life could exist there are potentially billions perhaps trillions of planets and moons that could support life, and that's not even getting outside of the box of carbon based life as we know it. It makes no logical, nor statistical, sense that there isn't life out there somewhere else. We've barely got a handle on detecting Earth sized planets around other suns, and as far as I know we can't find Mars size planets yet, much less all the moons.

Anyone trying to say they /know/ anything about the existence of life off the planet Earth itself is basically full of crap. heh
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.
We only just started looking and you want to throw in the towel, less then one hundred years. You think we wasted resources but the advances nasa has done and able to do has been incredible, in a very short time. We believed certain scientific data for thousands of years until Galileo and Newton destroyed these false premises based on Aristotle and thinking like you just espoused. "Yet screw it! these scientists need to only work on what I want, so I can be more ignorant and lazy." I am glad you do not have any power controlling the money to research.

If you think we need to come up with other resources, what is stoping you from going to school and getting a degree in engineering, or physics or geology. You take all the advantages they have done, yet complain.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

Good Morning darling, I'm not usually on until my evening, your afternoon.

You know, I simply don't think there are aliens, although I love the 1951 original of "The Day The Earth Stood Still", also the 1956 original of "Invasion of The Body-Snatchers".

The Day the Earth Stood Still - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good morning !!
Those movies were great, always loved "The Day The Earth Stood Still".
My favorite is Forbidden Planet.
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

NASA has wasted so much time and resources searching for "life", they need to concentrate on finding natural resources for us to use. There isn't any life in the rest of our solar system. Scientists can't even explain how life ever came into existence from an inorganic universe, much less replicate the process, yet they expect to find life under a rock on Mars or a Saturn moon.
The Right is fighting all efforts to find natural resources.

Does life as we know it exist elsewhere?

Most likely...

Panspermia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Would intelligent life wish to contact us much less let us know they're around?

I sure as heck wouldn't if I were monitoring most of the forums available on the internet.


Wow. Los of fallacy here.
Absence of proof is not proof of absence.
Fermi's Paradox.

The probability of aliens already being at Earth is so massively high (because 1 Billion years is a fucking long time), that the only reason Earth has not been conquered and reconquered by aliens a million times is because there are no aliens or interstellar travel is impossible.
That makes no sense. how many life forms have formed on this planet alone. how many live in volcanic vents in the oceans and in other hostile environments. clearly there is a range of circumstances under which life can form and/or survive.

We've found amino acids (the building block for life) on asteroids, we've found liquid water on asteroids, and we've found ocean moons heated by tidal friction that could possibly support life

I picked these two snippets to quote because I think it represents a lot of modern thinking on the subject. There are several major points you guys are failing to consider here. The most fundamental point is, we do not know how life originates. For over 300 years we have tried to make life spontaneously generate and it simply refuses to do so. Until you have an explanation for the origin of biogenesis you cannot assume that it just randomly happens. Inorganic matter does not become organic and then spontaneously generate living organisms. You may theorize that it could do that but you've not shown evidence for it.

Yes, life CAN survive in volcanic vents but did all living things evolve from volcanic vents? Or did the life in volcanic vents originate elsewhere and adapt to the environment? Again, until you come up with the process by which life originated in volcanic vents, you don't have anything.

Yes, amino acids and H2O are present in the universe, were you thinking that these things only exist on Earth and nowhere else? I would postulate that everything in the form of elements and compounds on Earth are also elsewhere in the universe. Why would they NOT be? It's not surprising that we find amino acids and water elsewhere, these are natural elements in our universe and not exclusive to this planet.

Again, until you come up with a process by which inorganic material becomes organic and then spawns living organisms, you have nothing. That's the key to the whole thing. You can speculate and assume, but speculation and assumption is not valid science.

Now... could there be other planets out there which humans might be able to survive? It's possible, but life as we know it would be a long shot at best. You have to remember that our planet has about a dozen specific things that make it suitable for the living systems we know of. Seasons, for example. Ocean tides. Atmospheric pressure. The ozone layer. Abundance of water in the ideal temperature range so as not to be frozen or steam, enabling a climatic system and weather. An iron-nickel molten core which gives us an electromagnetic field which shields us from solar radiation, etc. Dozens of things that, if they were not precisely the way they are, life "as we know it" couldn't exist.

That's not to say that there might be some other way for life to evolve but again... the origin of life question has still not been answered. So we are back to speculation and assumption. Okay... so while we are speculating and assuming... let's ponder this... What IF there are other intelligent beings all around us all the time in another dimension of space and time?

What if I told you there was a symphony playing in the room you are in? Go turn on your radio and you will hear them. The frequency waves are there, you just need an apparatus to detect them. So we see that there are things around us that we cannot detect with our five limited senses. And I say "limited" because we're really not that good at any of them. Species exist on this planet with a better sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Sure, it's remarkable that we are intelligent enough to develop language but there are species of life that communicate without language... think of bees and ants.

Dark energy and dark matter make up 96% of our universe and we have no idea of what it is because we cannot directly interact with it. Some theoretical physicists believe it could be a form of matter in a different dimension. Along with the multiverse theory is an alternative "brane" theory, whereby, various "universes" can co-exist in the same space time. There could be dozens of people or people-like creatures in the very room you are in, or even in the seat you are sitting in. They just happen to be in another dimension.

I think... and again, this is just my speculation, that all the various credible UFO accounts can be explained if we consider this "other dimensions" possibility. It could be that when we sight a UFO, it's merely something seeping through into our dimensions from elsewhere.
Again, until you come up with a process by which inorganic material becomes organic and then spawns living organisms, you have nothing. That's the key to the whole thing.
That is the seminal point and I agree. But it is only a start. If someone comes upon what some scientists say is inorganic to organic in a lab they can hardly claim victory. There has to be some kind of intelligent “force” moving these rudimentary molecules onto bigger and better things. That occurring without an I.D. is just as implausible for me as non-life to life.

Of course no one is interested in trying to solve where did matter itself originate. That would likely be a waste of resources.

I think... and again, this is just my speculation, that all the various credible UFO accounts can be explained if we consider this "other dimensions" possibility. It could be that when we sight a UFO, it's merely something seeping through into our dimensions from elsewhere.
So is it your opinion there are credible eye witness accounts of UFOs? Why or why not?

When you suggest “other dimensions” for their origin is this more of the same, i.e. more unexplained life but no evidence for God?
Last edited:
That makes no sense. how many life forms have formed on this planet alone. how many live in volcanic vents in the oceans and in other hostile environments. clearly there is a range of circumstances under which life can form and/or survive.

We've found amino acids (the building block for life) on asteroids, we've found liquid water on asteroids, and we've found ocean moons heated by tidal friction that could possibly support life

I picked these two snippets to quote because I think it represents a lot of modern thinking on the subject. There are several major points you guys are failing to consider here. The most fundamental point is, we do not know how life originates. For over 300 years we have tried to make life spontaneously generate and it simply refuses to do so. Until you have an explanation for the origin of biogenesis you cannot assume that it just randomly happens. Inorganic matter does not become organic and then spontaneously generate living organisms. You may theorize that it could do that but you've not shown evidence for it.

Yes, life CAN survive in volcanic vents but did all living things evolve from volcanic vents? Or did the life in volcanic vents originate elsewhere and adapt to the environment? Again, until you come up with the process by which life originated in volcanic vents, you don't have anything.

Yes, amino acids and H2O are present in the universe, were you thinking that these things only exist on Earth and nowhere else? I would postulate that everything in the form of elements and compounds on Earth are also elsewhere in the universe. Why would they NOT be? It's not surprising that we find amino acids and water elsewhere, these are natural elements in our universe and not exclusive to this planet.

Again, until you come up with a process by which inorganic material becomes organic and then spawns living organisms, you have nothing. That's the key to the whole thing. You can speculate and assume, but speculation and assumption is not valid science.

Now... could there be other planets out there which humans might be able to survive? It's possible, but life as we know it would be a long shot at best. You have to remember that our planet has about a dozen specific things that make it suitable for the living systems we know of. Seasons, for example. Ocean tides. Atmospheric pressure. The ozone layer. Abundance of water in the ideal temperature range so as not to be frozen or steam, enabling a climatic system and weather. An iron-nickel molten core which gives us an electromagnetic field which shields us from solar radiation, etc. Dozens of things that, if they were not precisely the way they are, life "as we know it" couldn't exist.

That's not to say that there might be some other way for life to evolve but again... the origin of life question has still not been answered. So we are back to speculation and assumption. Okay... so while we are speculating and assuming... let's ponder this... What IF there are other intelligent beings all around us all the time in another dimension of space and time?

What if I told you there was a symphony playing in the room you are in? Go turn on your radio and you will hear them. The frequency waves are there, you just need an apparatus to detect them. So we see that there are things around us that we cannot detect with our five limited senses. And I say "limited" because we're really not that good at any of them. Species exist on this planet with a better sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Sure, it's remarkable that we are intelligent enough to develop language but there are species of life that communicate without language... think of bees and ants.

Dark energy and dark matter make up 96% of our universe and we have no idea of what it is because we cannot directly interact with it. Some theoretical physicists believe it could be a form of matter in a different dimension. Along with the multiverse theory is an alternative "brane" theory, whereby, various "universes" can co-exist in the same space time. There could be dozens of people or people-like creatures in the very room you are in, or even in the seat you are sitting in. They just happen to be in another dimension.

I think... and again, this is just my speculation, that all the various credible UFO accounts can be explained if we consider this "other dimensions" possibility. It could be that when we sight a UFO, it's merely something seeping through into our dimensions from elsewhere.

True, but in the next paragraph of my original post I clarified to indicate that these people were referencing early life, so I agree that we cannot necessarily base anything on something that may have evolved to live in a volcanic vent for instance.

Not knowing how life forms we don't know the mechanics, we don't know if there are multiple vectors, we don't know if asteroids can seed etc., etc.

We simply don't know and my real premise was that these scientists don't either, as stated in my last paragraph of the original post. They can postulate, but have no means of testing their hypothesis, so, from a hard science standpoint, they've got nothing in the way of hard data or evidence, which you know, as you reference the same later in your post

In terms of your multiverse theory, that's a possibility. It's also possible that other civilizations have learned to harness physics more effectively an we have. This could be in a means to manipulate dimensions, but it could also be a means of harnessing quantum physics to travel in ways that we don't fully understand, so that they don't necessarily have to move through space to get where they're going.

I posted on this here. I'm just going to paste that post in. The discussion was similar enough that I think it works here.

Hillary Clinton: Aliens May Have Visited Us Already

"....I infer from newly emerging things, particularly in quantum physics, such as quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation etc.

How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic)

To me it's clear we are still scratching the surface on thisstuff. Our observational tools for observing the universe and observing some of these sorts of phenomena in the lab are also in early developmental stages.

These are the areas we know about and can observe now. Will there be realms of physics that will be better understood as those areas are explored- almost certainly. Will new realms be found as a result of better tools and advancements in these areas- that isn't certain of course but I would call it probable.

There is an awful lot we don't know or cannot even directly observe now. Two examples that I can think ofoff the top of my head:

1. Dark matter/dark energy- we can't see these things but only infer it from their apparent effects on other things. It is approximately 95% of the matter/energy content of he universe.

Dark matter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Gravitational waves. I cite this as scientists are currently working on a detector to directly observe them, so it is an example of our advancing the tools themselves in order to advance the science.

Gravitational wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in thecurvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, travelling outward from the source. Predicted in 1916[1][2] by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity,[3][4] gravitational waves theoretically transport energy as gravitational radiation. Sources of detectable gravitational waves could possibly include binary starsystems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, orblack holes. The existence of gravitational waves is a possible consequence of the Lorentz invariance ofgeneral relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. Gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, in which physical interactions propagate atinfinite speed.

Here is a piece on the detector:


So, do I think there is a lot we don't understand with any sort of depth- absolutely. Do I think there are things we know nothing of now? Probably.

Do I infer that we will take some of things we learn and turn them into ways of transporting ourselves around via development of better 'engines' or by learning to use those things to move us? Yep."

As as add-on to that post there are rumblings in the science community of a 'major announcement' coming soon. The rumor is that this will an announcement that they have indeed observed these gravitational waves.

From the Arizona desert
To the Salisbury Plain
Lights on the horizon
Patterns on the grain
Anxious eyes turned upward
Clutching souvenirs
Carrying our highest hopes and our darkest fears

They swear there was an accident back in '47
Little man with a great big head
Splattered down from heaven
Government conspiracy; cover-ups and lies
Hidden in the desert under endless skies

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No time for heroes, no place for good guys
No room for Rocky The Flying Squirrel

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your weary eyes back homeward
Stop your trembling, dry your tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

Would they pile into the saucer
Find Orlando's rat and hug it?
Go screaming through the universe
Just to get McNuggets?
Well, I don't think so, I don't think so
It's much too dangerous, it's much too strange
Here in a world that won't give Oprah no home on the range

Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No authenticity, no sign of soul
The radio won't play George and Merle

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
'Til we put away our hatred
'Til we lay aside our fears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my sister
They're not here, they're not coming

To this garden we were given
And always took for granted
It's like my daddy told me, "You just bloom where you're planted."
Now you long to be delivered
From this world of pain and strife
That's a sorry substitution for a spiritual life


Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold
Post, postmodern world
No place for sentiment, no room for romance
Bring back the Duke of Earl

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
Turn your hopes back homeward
Hold your children, dry their tears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

They're not here, they're not coming
Not in a million years
'Til we put away our hatred
And lay aside our fears
You may see the heavens flashing
You may hear the cosmos humming
But I promise you, my brother
They're not here, they're not coming

I guess this proves who wrote the best Eagles tunes....GLEN FREY!

Is he the one to blame for that annoying Hotel California?
This seems to be the new thought of many scientists, and I keep hearing it more and more.

I get the idea that a planets environmental hostility makes it nearly impossible for life forms to survive long enough to evolve into technological beings, but the idea that it has only happened here seems crazy to me.
They acknowledge the universe is likely filled with habitable planets. It's as if they are using that likliehood as a way of concluding there must not be any life out there, in other words, since there are likely habitable planets throughout, why aren't we finding life ? Life must be a complete fluke.
The conclusion then is to say we must be the only ones.

"What happened here was a fluke - and is highly unlikely to have happened elsewhere", the researchers say.

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

The reason there has never been a confirmed sighting of an alien - or a message from an alien race - could be very depressing.
The reason we haven’t heard from aliens is because they’re all already dead, a new study has suggested.
Researchers from Australian National University suggest that the environments on early planets tend to be so hostile that even when life arises, it is quickly exterminated.
‘The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens,’ said Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University.
‘Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive.’
‘Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable.’’

We Haven’t Found Aliens Because They’re All Already Dead, Scientists Say

no.i dont agree.
we have limit for light speed
and universe is big
its imposible fo travel to far .......
for example one
Mosquito in brazil and one Mosquito in japan
they cant find .................
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