One thing I hope people will remember is the fact that who Trump is and what Trump is is what they right wants for this country, that can not be forgotten. If that doesn't move you simply look at Paul Ryans Budget proposals over the years and it will reiterate the same thing. What the right wants for us is ugly. Even though business is on a tare in this country , profits are at a all time high and the percentage of gross that is profit are at a all time high and the fact that only one small group in this country has gained anything from this and the gains are massive in the last 35 year. Add in the fact that every dime of the new wealth of the richest country in the world has gone only to the top. No one else. Along with the highest corporate profits in history, Paul Ryan wants to transfer more to corporations and the rich, the money will all come from programs for the needy ,the old and the sick and also from Education. Thats what the right wants for this country. Like I said it's ugly.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.
There has never been a time in my life time (71 years) that so many have voted against their best interest.