We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?

"Systemic racism" is what they call it when people are trying to be not racist, but still occasionally say racist things. It's like picking at a scab instead of letting it heal.

That's not what it is at all. Systemic racism arrests and charges black kids 7 times more often than white kids for possession of marijuana. White kids get let off with a warning. Black kids get charged.

Systemic racism is shows up when HR staff is given resumees and and candidates with "black names" get picked less often for interviews. Studies mixed up the names and the resumees, and the HR people consistently picked the candidates with "black names" less often, regardless of education, experience or skills.

It shows up in SAT tests, and in a dearth of funding for schools in poor neighbourhoods. It's in the incorporated municipalities which are created to ensure middle class tax dollars aren't going to "poor" neighbourhoods. It's guys like Ray saying his neighbours grandkids live with them so they can attend a better school. This shouldn't be allowed because their parents didn't "earn" that schools for their kids. Instead of applauding the family for wanting to give their children the best possible chance for economic success, and not ending up in crime or poverty.

Systemic racism shows up in black and brown men going from being 30,000 federal prisoners in 1980, to more than 300,000 in 2008, even as violent crime statistics have dropped throughout this time frame.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
"systemic racism" is just a Democrat buzz word or catchphrase- a dogwhistle designed to rile up their base.

A lot like "white privilege" or "vast rightwing conspiracy"

"systemic racism" will not be fixed, but it will be replaced when the blood thirsty liberal mobs get bored with it. Democrat Party writers are already working on the next expression of Outrage to inflame their base.
Can you explain how race relations got worse?
Democrats kissing BLM ass as our cities burn down.

Your cities weren't burning down when Obama was in office, because Obama was addressing the problems in policing that were driving the kills. Trump cancelled ALL of those police reform programs, and openly encouraged police brutality and violence towards suspects.

Ironically, with the failure of Republicans to provide money to the states and cities so heavily impacted by the corona virus, it is the Republicans who have now defunded the police, as cities will have to lay off police and fire department workers to pay for the treatment of corona virus patients in their clinics and hospitals.

The Trump Republicans have now so thoroughly politicized every little thing, that they're shooting themselves and their agenda in the foot at every turn. They need the American people to take the vaccine to get herd immunity, but the states that voted for Trump and which have the highest rates of disease and death in the country, won't take the vaccine because covid is a hoax, and the vaccine is a plot to inject trackers into every American.
Can you explain how race relations got worse?
Democrats kissing BLM ass as our cities burn down.

Your cities weren't burning down when Obama was in office, because Obama was addressing the problems in policing that were driving the kills. Trump cancelled ALL of those police reform programs, and openly encouraged police brutality and violence towards suspects.
Unsupported bull shit.
Absolute fact free nonsense.

Ironically, with the failure of Republicans to provide money to the states and cities so heavily impacted by the corona virus, it is the Republicans who have now defunded the police, as cities will have to lay off police and fire department workers to pay for the treatment of corona virus patients in their clinics and hospitals.
GARBAGE! More of the same.

The Trump Republicans have now so thoroughly politicized every little thing, that they're shooting themselves and their agenda in the foot at every turn. They need the American people to take the vaccine to get herd immunity, but the states that voted for Trump and which have the highest rates of disease and death in the country, won't take the vaccine because covid is a hoax, and the vaccine is a plot to inject trackers into every American.
Three for three. Lots of accusations. No proof to base it on except your own diseased
mind. Have a nice Christmas, unhinged lunatic.
Just the mere fact that a democrat is in the WHITE HOUSE makes race relations better.

It's like magic!
I don’t blame bush or bush for fueling the fire of racism like I do trump. Bush just ignored blacks cause he knew he wouldn’t get their votes. But he didn’t woo white supremists
What racism? Do you have some evidence of such? I keep hearing all this nonsense about racism, yet we don't see a measurable increase in cases filed with the various agencies designed specifically to handle such things.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
"systemic racism" is just a Democrat buzz word or catchphrase- a dogwhistle designed to rile up their base.

A lot like "white privilege" or "vast rightwing conspiracy"

"systemic racism" will not be fixed, but it will be replaced when the blood thirsty liberal mobs get bored with it. Democrat Party writers are already working on the next expression of Outrage to inflame their base.

You post is a whataboutism.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
Can you explain how race relations got worse?

The Democrats and the Magical Muslim Faggot manufactured a "crisis"!!!!!
Just the mere fact that a democrat is in the WHITE HOUSE makes race relations better.

It's like magic!
I don’t blame bush or bush for fueling the fire of racism like I do trump. Bush just ignored blacks cause he knew he wouldn’t get their votes. But he didn’t woo white supremists
You scumbag weasels can't stop lying about Trump. An you believe people should believe your whining that the election was honest?
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
This will be a task he gives to Kamala. First half black female Vice President.

Maybe if more companies hired more women and minorities we’d be doing better. So Kamala will be pushing for more diversity programs.

You guys watched Obama get us out of the Great Recession bush caused. Then you saw trump mishandle a national emergency.

So stop thinking you are hiring the brightest and best when you elect or hire a white man. Trump and bush prove the white guy is not always the best candidate. That just might be your bias.
Under Trump, more blacks were hired than under any other president.

No one ever claimed the white guy was always the better candidate, but Trump was far better than any sleazy lying Dim candidate.
Can you explain how race relations got worse?
Democrats kissing BLM ass as our cities burn down.
Now that trumps gone the burnings will stop. Odd for the black communities to act this way towards trump when he was so good to them. Supposedly.
It was mostly white people doing the burning and looting, you fucking douchebag. All you proved is that the riots were nothing more than pure terrorism.
When looking at the masses of African Americans, they will ALWAYS be sucking on the hind teat. Stating it another way, there will NEVER achieve "equality," even though they in effect have equal opportunity and equal access to 90% of the joys that our society offers. This is not to say that EVERY African American will be poor, or uneducated, or wretched; we are talking about overall averages.

This inequality is the result of three factors: genetic limitations, cultural suicide, and racial discrimination. Fortunately for all, this third factor has been virtually eliminated. By that I mean that even where some benefit is withheld from a Black person, that Black person can access that benefit elsewhere. This is true whether the benefit is a job, acceptance by a school or a program, a promotion, or whatever.

The community at large has invited Blacks to provide examples of discrimination so that they can be attacked and eliminated. But those examples are so rare that Black "leadership" has been forced to create a new kind of discrimination THAT CANNOT BE MEASURED OR DEMONSTRATED! Then they Challenged the community at large to eliminate it. It is like a group of wretched people claiming that they have been cursed and demanding that others remove the curse. But that curse does not exist.

And there you have it. Systemic Racism. Endemic Racism. No matter what they call it, if I can't be shown it doesn't exist.

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