We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?

No one can "fix" the ethnic unpleasantness in this strange nation.

By the end of the century, Caucasians are projected to be a small minority.

So it will no longer be possible for certain folks to blame everything on Caucasians.

The nation in the next century will be populated and governed primarily by Hispanic people and African American people.

Certain folks will have to find another scapegoat to blame for "systemic racism."
Hispanic people and Asian people. African Americans are driving themselves to extinction. Between killing one another, drug deaths and abortions they might not exist at all by the next century.

Thank you for saying what I did not have the guts to say: The folks under discussion will blame Latinxs and Asians when the Caucasians are basically gone.

But I respectfully disagree that certain folks will cease to exist.

African Americans are a resilient group: brought here on floating concentration camps, forced to be slaves, freed but then subjected to humiliating de jure (in the South) and de facto (in the North) segregation, and finally "given" equal rights in the 1960s, only to be hit by the drug scourge that has had a devastating effect on their community.

I am 83. I have had my share of unpleasant experiences with teenaged and twentysomething young gentlemen of that ethnicity.

Nevertheless, I can (in theory) understand the underlying anger among many younger African Americans. Many Caucasian people claim to be color blind but are not. Many people of all ethnicities continue to be scared of African American youth. Most people do not want to live in an integrated neighborhood which, as studies have shown, never stays integrated for long. Their intellect is constantly questioned by other ethnicities.

When the 22nd century comes, African Americans will still be here, but I fear that their overall situation will not have improved much.

I have no solutions.

Like many other Americans, I thought the Civil Rights laws would usher in a paradise of harmony as the younger generations enjoyed equality denied to their parents and grandparents.

I was wrong.
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...by simple executive order! Equality means equal protection of the laws in the US. Under Capitalism solving simple poverty means the right wing won't have as much basis to discriminate against the Poor for being literally worthless under Capitalism.

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