We Don't Want No Stinkin Special Interest Legislation


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2009
As Congress does the special interest shufffle with Cap & Trade and The Health Care Government Empowerment Bill they will face increasing opposition as people see it for what it is. Petty grabs by goverment for more power while further enriching their phony cronies is exactly what the electorate, US, is rebelling against and why Congress ratings are in the low 20 percentile.

What we want is common sense legislation that is actually good for the country now and in the future. We don't want to be terrorized by fantastic claims that the end is near in order to frighten us to fall in line with your overhyped hysteria.

Some examples of legislation the country can get behind:

Health Care:
Insurers and lawyers need to be held accountable and held to a high level of fair play
Regulations that force competition between insurers
Regulations that limit copayments
Regulations that make it very tough for an insurer to deny coverage for any reason.
Regulation that forces insurers to create a cooperative pool to insure the currently uninsured
Hospitals need to start billing fairly for services/products offered. (ie. $20 for a box of tissues speaks volumes)
Get waste and fraud out of Medicare

Stop trying to scare us with unproven science. We are skeptical and untrusting of the UN and the Euros. They are just hungry for their next power grab.
Promote energy independence through an all of the above approach
build nuclear plants, clean coal and refineries.
incentivize alternative energy projects where they make sense.
get Goldman Sachs and their speculative cohorts out of the energy markets

I believe nearly every American can get behind those simple goals. What we want is common sense legislation that is simple, actually serves our interests, does not expand already over expanded goverment and does not contribute to further debt.

What we want is for our government to exhibit common sense and serve its people rather than elitists and scum like Goldman Sachs.
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WEll...it's a cinche that we'd all like to see a government not run for the benefit of special interests.

Unless those special interests happen to be our special interests, of course.
WEll...it's a cinche that we'd all like to see a government not run for the benefit of special interests.

Unless those special interests happen to be our special interests, of course.

Speak for yourself...
Why not decide what objectives you want public policy tio achieve and then look at the ways they can be achieved? Some things are best left to the private sector and some things are best done by the public sector. Horses for courses,
Why not decide what objectives you want public policy tio achieve and then look at the ways they can be achieved? Some things are best left to the private sector and some things are best done by the public sector. Horses for courses,

I stated a list of those objectives. You are free to add or subtract from it. All of mine deal with the focus of legislation and leaves the special interests where they belong, out in the cold.
Why not decide what objectives you want public policy tio achieve and then look at the ways they can be achieved? Some things are best left to the private sector and some things are best done by the public sector. Horses for courses,

I stated a list of those objectives. You are free to add or subtract from it. All of mine deal with the focus of legislation and leaves the special interests where they belong, out in the cold.

You didn't do anything of the sort. You posted a list of things that you think should be done. Preconceived thinking, prefabricated responses to your own prefabricated questions.

You seem to not like the consequences of capitalism and the free market. But I sense, correct me if I'm wrong of course, that you are opposed to socialism.

As you Americans so pithily put it, shit or get off the pot.
WEll...it's a cinche that we'd all like to see a government not run for the benefit of special interests.

Unless those special interests happen to be our special interests, of course.
Not exactly Ed, nor all of us. I have GE stock (lots of it) and I'd rather see it lose value than have this unholy alliance between GE and the government...

An FF, I can't find much to disagree with in your post...if only!
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...get Goldman Sachs and their speculative cohorts out of the energy markets

What purpose would this serve? And whose "special interests" would this accomidate?

It would return the energy market to honest dealings. The market would once again respond to supply and demand of the product rather than supply and demand of trading tickets and spin meisters. 3rd world food riots would no longer occur due to prices overhyped by speculators driving the price.
Why not decide what objectives you want public policy tio achieve and then look at the ways they can be achieved? Some things are best left to the private sector and some things are best done by the public sector. Horses for courses,

I stated a list of those objectives. You are free to add or subtract from it. All of mine deal with the focus of legislation and leaves the special interests where they belong, out in the cold.

You didn't do anything of the sort. You posted a list of things that you think should be done. Preconceived thinking, prefabricated responses to your own prefabricated questions.

You seem to not like the consequences of capitalism and the free market. But I sense, correct me if I'm wrong of course, that you are opposed to socialism.

As you Americans so pithily put it, shit or get off the pot.

I suggest you take your computer to an AA meeting..

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