We are heading for 1930s levels for unemployment.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I think the economic numbers are so bad, people are just ignoring them. We went from the most robust economy in 50 years to the worst of all time within 1 month! We were complaining about JUST 2% GDP growth. Alrighty then how about -30%? I just can't believe what I'm seeing what are we doing to ourselves? I heard Dr. Fauci say we need to keep the country shutdown until we drive the curve down to zero. Are you fucking kidding?
But why would Dr. Fauci say that? :dunno:

Even by his latest, most recent, and his own admission, it would seem, it is time to end this non-sense. Yet, it does not seem what he is saying on TEE VEE matches the science. . . . . so. . . we must ask, why?

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
List of authors.

  • Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,
  • H. Clifford Lane, M.D.,
  • and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
". . . On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

The efficiency of transmission for any respiratory virus has important implications for containment and mitigation strategies. The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread. Recent reports of high titers of virus in the oropharynx early in the course of disease arouse concern about increased infectivity during the period of minimal symptoms.6,7. . . "

Does no one around Trump read? Does Trump not know this?

. . . is this a plot by Fauci to trash the economy for the left to help them get elected? :dunno:
Does no one around Trump read? Does Trump not know this?

. . . is this a plot by Fauci to trash the economy for the left to help them get elected? :dunno:
Oh it's definitely a plot to trash the economy. I can't tell what the endgame is, though.

There is no endgame, because there is no deep state plot to trash the economy.
That we are, and the Coronavirus shutdown was engineered to do exactly that.
Where will they get the money when they put all the producers out of work?
Government and welfare people are going to have to cut taxes/take a pay cut/budget tighter.
Government employees should get a 25% percent pay cut
Does no one around Trump read? Does Trump not know this?

. . . is this a plot by Fauci to trash the economy for the left to help them get elected? :dunno:
Oh it's definitely a plot to trash the economy. I can't tell what the endgame is, though.

There is no endgame, because there is no deep state plot to trash the economy.
You are wrong.

Yet you have an assumed plot with no endgame. Evil figures hellbent on destroying the world with no clear goal.

As much as I would like it to be, the world isn't a comic book.
What's happening is much bigger than just the US economy. I know this will sound hard to believe for those who are not into this sort of thing, especially those who still trust the MSM, but the endgame is the NWO.

Here are my thoughts on it, on another thread:
Does no one around Trump read? Does Trump not know this?

. . . is this a plot by Fauci to trash the economy for the left to help them get elected? :dunno:
Oh it's definitely a plot to trash the economy. I can't tell what the endgame is, though.

They are trying to keep Trump from getting re-elected by trashing the economy.
Oh! Is that it?

Like everyone will forget it's them that perpetrated the hoax?
I think the economic numbers are so bad, people are just ignoring them. We went from the most robust economy in 50 years to the worst of all time within 1 month! We were complaining about JUST 2% GDP growth. Alrighty then how about -30%? I just can't believe what I'm seeing what are we doing to ourselves? I heard Dr. Fauci say we need to keep the country shutdown until we drive the curve down to zero. Are you fucking kidding?

There have been grocery stores looted in Italy and France, reminiscent of Venezuela.
It would be almost comforting to think that some central group were so omniscient and fore thinking that such an event could be so orchestrated. People who believe the covid 19 catastrophe is engineered give much too much credit to "evil doers".
As for unemployment, etc., perhaps we will finally take to heart the fact that there is enough for everyone to survive on this planet and all we have to do is to continue doing what we do, in good faith and united as humans. It isn't the world of finance that keeps us alive, it is we who maintain it. Any system will work as long as we have faith in it. Any system will fail as soon as we withdraw that faith.
I think the economic numbers are so bad, people are just ignoring them. We went from the most robust economy in 50 years to the worst of all time within 1 month! We were complaining about JUST 2% GDP growth. Alrighty then how about -30%? I just can't believe what I'm seeing what are we doing to ourselves? I heard Dr. Fauci say we need to keep the country shutdown until we drive the curve down to zero. Are you fucking kidding?
Yeah, we just need democrats to fix it since they created it.
It would be almost comforting to think that some central group were so omniscient and fore thinking that such an event could be so orchestrated. People who believe the covid 19 catastrophe is engineered give much too much credit to "evil doers".
As for unemployment, etc., perhaps we will finally take to heart the fact that there is enough for everyone to survive on this planet and all we have to do is to continue doing what we do, in good faith and united as humans. It isn't the world of finance that keeps us alive, it is we who maintain it. Any system will work as long as we have faith in it. Any system will fail as soon as we withdraw that faith.
You're fucking delusional.
I think the economic numbers are so bad, people are just ignoring them. We went from the most robust economy in 50 years to the worst of all time within 1 month! We were complaining about JUST 2% GDP growth. Alrighty then how about -30%? I just can't believe what I'm seeing what are we doing to ourselves? I heard Dr. Fauci say we need to keep the country shutdown until we drive the curve down to zero. Are you fucking kidding?

There have been grocery stores looted in Italy and France, reminiscent of Venezuela.

We're not far from looting.
I was skeamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if write it my way
But when I woke up this mornin'
Another isolation day

The Fed’s ink all turned purple
There were people hordin' everywhere
Tryin' to hide from the corona
You know I didn't even care

'Cause they say two thousand twenty twenty
Party over, oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1929

I was skeamin' when I wrote this
So sue me if I go to fast
But life is just a party
And parties weren't meant to last

da Gov is all around us
My mind says preppers were right
So if I gotta shut down
I'm gonna get some top shelf tonight

Yeah, they say two thousand twenty twenty
Party over, oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1929
Yeah, yeah

Yeah, they say two thousand twenty twenty
Party over, oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1929
Yeah, yeah

~S~w/apologies to Prince

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