We all know “racists” vote Republican...So who votes Democrat?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Woke those who are woke
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
For example, the word demos did not originally refer to "common people"; rather the word demos referred to districts within Attica, the region that constituted the city-state of Athens. Each citizen of Attica, regardless of where he eventually resided (foreigners, women and slaves were all excluded from citizenship), was known by his demos. To participate in political affairs, each citizen had to be registered as a member of a demos. Thus the word demos eventually came to be associated with people from different regions of Attica and the political process within the Athenian city-state that we know today as democracy.
Democrat is a democrat as it turns out. It's a city hall barbershop where they cut hair and discuss "local" politics with the common people who are "locked in" to the village and excluded from national and international affairs.
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Just love it when one of these guys comes awake with a big AHA! Because he's gonna show them....

You just outed yourself as a racist.
Like you needed to be outed.

Want to know who Democratic voters are?

Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
For example, the word demos did not originally refer to "common people"; rather the word demos referred to districts within Attica, the region that constituted the city-state of Athens. Each citizen of Attica, regardless of where he eventually resided (foreigners, women and slaves were all excluded from citizenship), was known by his demos. To participate in political affairs, each citizen had to be registered as a member of a demos. Thus the word demos eventually came to be associated with people from different regions of Attica and the political process within the Athenian city-state that we know today as democracy.
Democrat is a democrat as it turns out. It's a city hall barbershop where they cut hair and discuss "local" politics with the common people who are "locked in" to the village and excluded from national and international affairs.
Don’t be confused.
There is nothing democratic about the Democrat party.
The Demofrauds LOVE anyone who depends on the government. Especially, those who are looking for a free handout - Foodstamps and numerous years on not having to work a real job and collect from the government. They become the 'Enablers" because, as long as "YOU" rely on the government to put a band-aid on the problem, it's fine with then. The people don't care to have the problem solved. Because, the government is there to "help them".

The illegal immigrants LOVES the Demofrauds, because, they can say it's AMNESTY. In reality, it isn't. Throwing kids over the border isn't Amnesty. Especially when you have a President who doesn't think (at the time) it was a "Crisis" (but a Challenge). And you have the VP laughing as if it's not her problem (or something in that nature). The human traffickers could care even less, since they get paid throwing kids over the border and leaving them for the Customs to get them (the kids).

The (dirty) list goes on, and on and ....
The Demofrauds LOVE anyone who depends on the government. Especially, those who are looking for a free handout - Foodstamps and numerous years on not having to work a real job and collect from the government. They become the 'Enablers" because, as long as "YOU" rely on the government to put a band-aid on the problem, it's fine with then. The people don't care to have the problem solved. Because, the government is there to "help them".

The illegal immigrants LOVES the Demofrauds, because, they can say it's AMNESTY. In reality, it isn't. Throwing kids over the border isn't Amnesty. Especially when you have a President who doesn't think (at the time) it was a "Crisis" (but a Challenge). And you have the VP laughing as if it's not her problem (or something in that nature). The human traffickers could care even less, since they get paid throwing kids over the border and leaving them for the Customs to get them (the kids).

The (dirty) list goes on, and on and ....
The rich get more welfare than the plebs.
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
OMIGOD!!!!! Dark people vote? Gays vote???? Oh the Humanity!!!!!
Don’t be confused.
There is nothing democratic about the Democrat party.
It's the ancient Greek δῆμος -- a "dime" or a "tithe" -- people paying property taxes into a local services district. A dime is 100 mills -- and that's a heavy property tax burden. The Democrats won't accept any less.
A mill was the rate of property tax assessed in ancient Britain for a million pounds per milliard -- or "mill yard" -- the area of land where farmers and serfs in fief to lords and vassals were required by law under oath to deliver the produce of their land to the miller of the district in exchange for an equitable allowance of "fair trade" for their crops.
Are they government employees, are they taxpayer dependent folks, are they dark, gay, criminal or drug users?
Who fits the profile of a typical Democrat voter? Are the 2020 exit polls available?
Aren’t the majority of Dem voters voting on societal issues / social construct for personal reasons...what percentage of Dem voters actually care about actual politics?
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
Who votes Democrat? This time it was Democrats and normal people not ruled by their fears.
For example, the word demos did not originally refer to "common people"; rather the word demos referred to districts within Attica, the region that constituted the city-state of Athens. Each citizen of Attica, regardless of where he eventually resided (foreigners, women and slaves were all excluded from citizenship), was known by his demos. To participate in political affairs, each citizen had to be registered as a member of a demos. Thus the word demos eventually came to be associated with people from different regions of Attica and the political process within the Athenian city-state that we know today as democracy.
Democrat is a democrat as it turns out. It's a city hall barbershop where they cut hair and discuss "local" politics with the common people who are "locked in" to the village and excluded from national and international affairs.
Don’t be confused.
There is nothing democratic about the Democrat party.
I don't particularly care about the name or what it or the loudmouths in it project onto it. This time it was the rational choice. Nest time maybe not. Who knows there could be a viable 3rd party. Will admit, there is no way in hell I will trust a republican with continuing the country as we know it and preserving our heritage of living in a constitutional representative republic. They tried to kill it, but failed, but those that supported the attempt are still serving and desire to move back into leadership, constituting a continuing threat. No. No way one could be trusted for a few presidential cycles.
The Demofrauds LOVE anyone who depends on the government. Especially, those who are looking for a free handout - Foodstamps and numerous years on not having to work a real job and collect from the government. They become the 'Enablers" because, as long as "YOU" rely on the government to put a band-aid on the problem, it's fine with then. The people don't care to have the problem solved. Because, the government is there to "help them".

The illegal immigrants LOVES the Demofrauds, because, they can say it's AMNESTY. In reality, it isn't. Throwing kids over the border isn't Amnesty. Especially when you have a President who doesn't think (at the time) it was a "Crisis" (but a Challenge). And you have the VP laughing as if it's not her problem (or something in that nature). The human traffickers could care even less, since they get paid throwing kids over the border and leaving them for the Customs to get them (the kids).

The (dirty) list goes on, and on and ....
The rich get more welfare than the plebs.

Depends on how you define "welfare" I guess. Our lib friends have decided to call tax breaks by the purgative "welfare", even if the so-called "recipient " is required to and meets the requirements for "recipiency".
The Demofrauds LOVE anyone who depends on the government. Especially, those who are looking for a free handout - Foodstamps and numerous years on not having to work a real job and collect from the government. They become the 'Enablers" because, as long as "YOU" rely on the government to put a band-aid on the problem, it's fine with then. The people don't care to have the problem solved. Because, the government is there to "help them".

The illegal immigrants LOVES the Demofrauds, because, they can say it's AMNESTY. In reality, it isn't. Throwing kids over the border isn't Amnesty. Especially when you have a President who doesn't think (at the time) it was a "Crisis" (but a Challenge). And you have the VP laughing as if it's not her problem (or something in that nature). The human traffickers could care even less, since they get paid throwing kids over the border and leaving them for the Customs to get them (the kids).

The (dirty) list goes on, and on and ....
The rich get more welfare than the plebs.

Depends on how you define "welfare" I guess. Our lib friends have decided to call tax breaks by the purgative "welfare", even if the so-called "recipient " is required to and meets the requirements for "recipiency".
Subsidization is not tax breaks, yet the US govt. has always paid companies to build infrastructure in the US.

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