Watch out for big-time American corporations hiring illegal immigrants. Joe Biden may grant work permits to illegal immigrants after election


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
A great video by black conservative perspective, where he talks about the uppity rude immigrants from Africa. And these types of rude immigrants are a disgrace to many honorable Christian African people who have a hard working lifestyle. An actual refugee would be so thankful to be in the USA to have a roof over their head to have three meals a day…but a lot of these illegal immigrants are economic opportunists. And they have an entirely different attitude toward life than does a real refugee.

And this is something that Republicans can attack and criticize. And that is major corporations across America like Walmart for example, who give jobs to new immigrants, and even illegals sometimes. For example the Walmart in Buffalo, New York where I’m from is completely filled with Bangladeshi people.
They are wonderful people but these folks will not fight for a better wage, they won’t try and unionize. They are very easily controlled. And they will happily take a low wage, therefore driving down the wage of American workers where they are from.

Big corporations who have Republican owners or Republican supporters are a part of the problem in this country. They are part of the problem as to why the American middle-class is that one of its worst points in history. Because of their hiring policies for example as discussed above.

This is it , this is a big time in American history. How are we going to handle the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants in this country. What is going to happen to the American middle-class?

This country is not like what it used to be. The middle-class has been devastated under Joe Biden’s economy. Things will get even worse if the illegal immigrant issue is not handled properly.
A great video by conservative black perspective, where he talks about the uppity rude immigrants from Africa. And these types of rude immigrants are a disgrace to these so many honorable Christian African people who have a hard working lifestyle. An actual refugee would be so thankful to be in the USA to have a roof over their head to have three meals a day.but a lot of these illegal immigrants are economic opportunist. And they have an entirely different attitude toward life. But a lot of these illegal immigrants are economic opportunist. And they have an entirely different attitude toward life than does a real refugee.

And this is something that Republicans can attack and criticize. And that is major corporations across America like Walmart for example, who give jobs to new immigrants, and even illegals sometimes. For example, the Walmart in Buffalo, New York, where I live is completely filled with Bangladeshi people. And these folks will not fight for a better wage, they won’t try and unionized. They are very easily controlled. And they will happily take a low wage, therefore driving down the wage of American workers where they are from.

This is it this is a big time in American history. How are we going to handle the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants in this country. What is going to happen to the American middle-class. This country is not like what it used to be. The middle-class has been devastated under Joe Biden’s economy. Things will get even worse and more devastating if the illegal immigrant issue was not handled properly.

Wow, you guys really have the fear factory going all out, don't you.
It’s the uniparty at play folks. Anybody with logic can see what’s going on here. Democrats will do nothing or even support the illegal immigration into this country. And then Republican business owners will hire illegal workers, or they will hire a bunch of people from Bangladesh or Pakistan people who don’t speak any English, people who are easily controlled. People who will not want to unionize or demand better wages. and this is how we continue to have an astronomical gap between the wealthiest Americans and the poorest Americans.

You see we need another John Rockefeller or Henry Ford. Many of the CEOs in America today don’t care about making the whole country better…. And that was the vision of the great men who built America. They believed in making billions of dollars but also improving the entire country. That’s called patriotism.

Henry Ford went against his investors and believed that there should be an automobile that was affordable to the working class.

Mr Ford at one time doubled the wages of his workers overnight. And it had a glorious effect for Ford Motor Company which raked in tons of money. It helped create the American middle class. Today though we don’t have the same CEO class and many of these illegal immigrants don’t have the same mentality as the immigrants from the early 20th century. So we have a lot of problems to overcome. But if we pay homage to American history and study American history and what made the middle-class great we will prevail in this country.
Wow, you guys really have the fear factory going all out, don't you.
Wow, you guys really have the fear factory going all out, don't you.
Not that big of a leap, Crep.


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