Watch How the Democrats Have Totally Flip Flopped On Impeachment

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Watch How the Democrats Have Totally Flip Flopped On Impeachment....Damn, just how DISHONEST AND PATHETIC can these scumbags be ( and their sycophants that post on USMB! )...Clinton was a PROVED LIAR AND PERJURED HIMSELF IN A COURT OF LAW....and SPECIFICALLY WHAT HIGH CRIME DID TRUMP DO???

Is that Blubber the blue whale, or Da Nads?...ROTFLMFAO
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote) Not for a blowjob....
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote) Not for a blowjob....
He lied about a blowjob.

That's why he was impeached.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime, then trying to extort a foreign power for personal political gain is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime.
The Republicans spent four years trying to find a reason to impeach Clinton. They were all over the map. Whitewater, TravelGate, TrooperGate, Vince Foster.

They kept going and going and going until they finally landed on a blue dress.

If you want to see a flip flop, you should see Lickspittle Graham's justifications for impeaching over a blowjob.
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote) Not for a blowjob....

You have to be careful.
Posting truth like that to a leftard is like pouring holy water on a vampire.
Do you want this place to go up in flames?
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” - Lindsey Graham, 1998
The Republicans spent four years trying to find a reason to impeach Clinton. They were all over the map. Whitewater, TravelGate, TrooperGate, Vince Foster.

They kept going and going and going until they finally landed on a blue dress.

If you want to see a flip flop, you should see Lickspittle Graham's justifications for impeaching over a blowjob.

There was no justification then or now.
"Article III of impeachment against Richard Nixon, the article was based on the idea that Richard Nixon, as president, failed to comply with subpoenas of Congress. Congress was going through its oversight function to provide oversight of the president. When asked for information, Richard Nixon chose not to comply, and the Congress of that time said, 'You're taking impeachment away from us. You're becoming the judge and jury. It is not your job to tell us what we need. It is your job to comply with the things we need to provide oversight over you.' The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." - Lindsey Graham, 1998

Paging Lindsey Graham....

If the shoe fits, you must convict.
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote) Not for a blowjob....

You have to be careful.
Posting truth like that to a leftard is like pouring holy water on a vampire.
Do you want this place to go up in flames?

I noticed. Now another lefty is on the lying about a blowjob is why he was impeached. It was not the "reason" why (blowjob) , but the FACT that he perjured and obstructed justice. That's the crime but you can't argue truth and fact with a lefty, just present fact and let them twist it.
This does not even begin to scratch the surface of all the bullshit and corrupt actions The Democrat Party was engaged in.

  • First it was asking Putin to help defeat Orange Man Bad by purchasing a Kremlin made Dirty Dossier.
  • Then it was threatening to behead the president and blow up The White House by the Left and screaming at the sky.
  • Then it was Hillary and Obummer announcing their Resistance.
  • Then it was Eric Ciaramella announcing The COUP had begun when Trump was Sworn in.
  • Then it was The Dirty Dossier was legit, even though Obama Ordered and paid for it.
  • Then it was Russian Collusion
  • Then it was False Affidavits, Tampering with Evidence and make false statements to FISA to spy on The President.
  • Then it was laughing at The President for daring to say he was being spied on.
  • Then it was Eric Ciaramella leaking phone calls of The President with Mexico, Thailand, Australia.
  • Then it was Obstruction of Justice
  • Then it was Mueller will save us, just you wait.
  • Then it was "Insufficient Evidence"
  • Then it was Erica Ciaramella getting kicked out of the White House for leaking classified and privileged information.
  • Then it was Eric Ciaramella committing Espionage and so did the people who shared classified details of the President's call with Ukraine.
  • Then it was Ukraine, not weak!
  • Then it was The President being 100% transparent with releasing the transcript.
  • Then Joe Biden committing extortion video emerges
  • Then it was, Quid Pro Joe is my Hero
  • Then it was Trump committed Bribery & Extortion, Quid Pro Joe is my Bro.
  • Then it was Focus Group to sell America on Quid Pro Quos, and call it "Bribery" instead.
  • Then it was No Bribery and Extortion
  • Then it was NO DUE PROCESS
  • Then it was NO MINORITY DAY
  • Then it was Focus Groups again on what the charge The President on.
  • Then it was laughable calling protecting Executive Privilege, Obstruction of Congress (Didn't Eric Holder Commit that when he LIED UNDER OATH?) and Abuse of Power for doing the following:

Democrats want to exonerate Joe Biden for Extorting Ukraine in to firing The Prosecutor Investigating his son, George Soros, and Burisma

Democrats want to impeach President Trump for asking why Joe Biden Extorted Ukraine in to firing The Prosecutor Investigating his son, George Soros, and Burisma

Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Nope. He was impeached for lying and obstructing justice. Not a blow job.

You should do some research before posting your stupidity. LOL
Gotta laugh at GOP outrage over impeaching Trump when they impeached Clinton over a blow job

Nope. He was impeached for lying and obstructing justice. Not a blow job.

You should do some research before posting your stupidity. LOL
He was impeached for lying about a blowjob and for trying to get his girlfriend to lie about giving him a blowjob.

You should do some research before posting your stupidity.

Let's force Trump under oath and ask him about HIS sex life.
"The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment".

The House of Representatives does not have The Power to Override Executive Privilege.

The Executive Branch is Co-Equal with "Congress," not The House of Representatives.

The Congress is Bi-Cameral.

Now, if The House and Senate agreed on a matter, like Impeachment and then a Subpoena to The Senate which is The Sr. member of The Bi-Cameral Congress, you might have an argument, but even there, you are in tricky waters when you get in to certain areas of Executive Privilege.

Here is a riddle:

Can The President Order Nancy Pelosi to come to The White House and Testify under Oath?

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