Watch History Being Destroyed!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
It has always been that, in conflicts, the winners get to write the history.

It is also that the winners have the right to destroy the history!

Watch it happen for yourself: (Warning, unpleasant images, some surely offensive to believers)

BBC News - Nimrud Outcry as IS bulldozers attack ancient Iraq site

"Iraqi archaeologist Dr Lamia Al-Gailani: "If you destroy it, you destroy your own history"

Dr Gailani told the BBC: "Nimrud for us in Iraq and for me as an archaeologist is one of the most important [sites]. There are still quite a lot of things that are standing - the reliefs and the statues, the famous winged bulls."

"They are erasing our history. I wish it was a nightmare and I could wake up."

'It is a "horrific crime against the cultural heritage of the whole world", said the president of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, John Curtis, calling Nimrud "the best preserved Assyrian site in Iraq".'

"Last week, IS released a video apparently showing militants with sledgehammers destroying historic artefacts in a museum in Mosul

Remember, one of the primary missions of ISIS, when they sack Rome, is to destroy all the artworks. It's all idolatry to them and MUST go.
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It has always been that, in conflicts, the winners get to write the history.

It is also that the winners have the right to destroy the history!

Watch it happen for yourself: (Warning, unpleasant images, some surely offensive to believers)

BBC News - Nimrud Outcry as IS bulldozers attack ancient Iraq site

"Iraqi archaeologist Dr Lamia Al-Gailani: "If you destroy it, you destroy your own history"

Dr Gailani told the BBC: "Nimrud for us in Iraq and for me as an archaeologist is one of the most important [sites]. There are still quite a lot of things that are standing - the reliefs and the statues, the famous winged bulls."

"They are erasing our history. I wish it was a nightmare and I could wake up."

'It is a "horrific crime against the cultural heritage of the whole world", said the president of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, John Curtis, calling Nimrud "the best preserved Assyrian site in Iraq".'

"Last week, IS released a video apparently showing militants with sledgehammers destroying historic artefacts in a museum in Mosul

Remember, one of the primary missions of ISIS, when they sack Rome, is to destroy all the artworks. It's all idolatry to them and MUST go.
way to fuck yourselves out of your own history!
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?
It has always been that, in conflicts, the winners get to write the history.

It is also that the winners have the right to destroy the history!

Watch it happen for yourself: (Warning, unpleasant images, some surely offensive to believers)

BBC News - Nimrud Outcry as IS bulldozers attack ancient Iraq site

"Iraqi archaeologist Dr Lamia Al-Gailani: "If you destroy it, you destroy your own history"

Dr Gailani told the BBC: "Nimrud for us in Iraq and for me as an archaeologist is one of the most important [sites]. There are still quite a lot of things that are standing - the reliefs and the statues, the famous winged bulls."

"They are erasing our history. I wish it was a nightmare and I could wake up."

'It is a "horrific crime against the cultural heritage of the whole world", said the president of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, John Curtis, calling Nimrud "the best preserved Assyrian site in Iraq".'

"Last week, IS released a video apparently showing militants with sledgehammers destroying historic artefacts in a museum in Mosul

Remember, one of the primary missions of ISIS, when they sack Rome, is to destroy all the artworks. It's all idolatry to them and MUST go.
These insane fuckers will tear down the pyramids if given the chance.
well , they did blow up some Buddha sculptures in one of the 'stans' a few years ago . I think that some of the history might be in private hands and that's ok with me . Bought and sold , traded , I have no problem with that .
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?

Not to mention Vikings discovered it 500 years earlier.
I personally wouldn't mind having a statue of 'Hamaurabi' [sp] outside my front door , he could be made into an umbrella stand !!
It has always been that, in conflicts, the winners get to write the history.

It is also that the winners have the right to destroy the history!

Watch it happen for yourself: (Warning, unpleasant images, some surely offensive to believers)

BBC News - Nimrud Outcry as IS bulldozers attack ancient Iraq site

"Iraqi archaeologist Dr Lamia Al-Gailani: "If you destroy it, you destroy your own history"

Dr Gailani told the BBC: "Nimrud for us in Iraq and for me as an archaeologist is one of the most important [sites]. There are still quite a lot of things that are standing - the reliefs and the statues, the famous winged bulls."

"They are erasing our history. I wish it was a nightmare and I could wake up."

'It is a "horrific crime against the cultural heritage of the whole world", said the president of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, John Curtis, calling Nimrud "the best preserved Assyrian site in Iraq".'

"Last week, IS released a video apparently showing militants with sledgehammers destroying historic artefacts in a museum in Mosul

Remember, one of the primary missions of ISIS, when they sack Rome, is to destroy all the artworks. It's all idolatry to them and MUST go.

Very sad to see. So much great history in the region and these fools try to destroy. They should be learning from it and seeing when the region was a better place.
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?

Not to mention Vikings discovered it 500 years earlier.
Except they didnt discover it either. NA's were there then too.
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?
Columbus's discovery led to the advance in civilization in the Western Hemisphere and culture that we know now so it is relevant.
I know you racist history re-writers like to imply that black Africans created everything advanced in the world and even landed on the moon centuries ago but they don't flaunt that accomplishment because they don't like to show off which is odd considering every sport blacks play in they are constantly looking for opportunities to show off.
listen, history smistory, They are dead and gone. They lost the future so crush any history of their backward asses. lol. isn't that what we did to the indians? lol
Well , I've heard that 'brian' , might be true , then again I've read that the Welsh discovered the USA before the Vikings . Or the Chinese , egyptians , muslims or the injuns discovered America as they moved from Asia over the Bering Straits into Alaska and then moved south . Course , there is talk in some areas that the good old Caucasian was already here long before any of those other wannabe Americans got here . Its all speculation and lies according to Keniwick man as according to him he predates them all .
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?

Not to mention Vikings discovered it 500 years earlier.
Except they didnt discover it either. NA's were there then too.

Just depends how you look at it. Was unknown to Europe so it was discovered to them.
Also happening in the USA on a smaller scale so far but its happening . Examples are removal of crosses on public lands and removal of religious inspired sculpture in public areas like court houses and their lawns or public areas . Already , Columbus day is being reinterpreted and there is a current [possible] move to replace Thanksgiving Day with 'celebrate immigration day' .
Columbus never discovered america. Thats why its being reinterpreted. What America did with Columbus day to the NA's is the equivalent of what ISIS is doing now. How the hell can you discover another persons home?

Not to mention Vikings discovered it 500 years earlier.
Except they didnt discover it either. NA's were there then too.

Just depends how you look at it. Was unknown to Europe so it was discovered to them.
Then it should say "discovered for Europeans".
Well , I've heard that 'brian' , might be true , then again I've read that the Welsh discovered the USA before the Vikings . Or the Chinese , egyptians , muslims or the injuns discovered America as they moved from Asia over the Bering Straits into Alaska and then moved south . Course , there is talk in some areas that the good old Caucasian was already here loing before any of those other wannabe Americans got here . Its all speculation and lies according to Keniwick man as according to him he predates them all .

I believe the vikings are he earliest confirmed. But anything is possible.

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