Obama speech on Ferguson: Don't just assume police are doing a bad job


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".

YEAH!!! Obama shoulda said everyone should assume their doing a bad job!!!
However, the FPD is a corrupt, inefficient, and racist department.

Although Officer Wilson acted appropriately, the department needs to be fixed.

Also folks like luddly and bucs90 and our OP need attitude adjustements, 'cause right now they are all just messed up.
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
Police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, child molestation, corruption, lying under oath, stealing, accepting bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and writing quota tickets, have all been proven to be real, not fabricated. My Facebook page is covered with stories from all across this nation each and every day. The stories are well documented, and some have videos and sound to prove their authenticity. Anyone that doubts the above can do a little research on the matter and see for themselves. Members of law enforcement are out-of-control thugs and egotists. To see it any other way, is akin to turning a blind eye to facts.
Tampa security officer recogized by police for heroic actions PRIVATE OFFICER MEDIA
Norwalk officer honored for his heroic actions - Thehour.com Nw-police
Officer s heroic actions help subdue robber
Heroic actions Quick action of two Lorain police officers saves stabbing victim fox8.com

Do you have another page showing the numbers not jnvolved that do protect and serve each and every day? Do you have a page showing the heroic acts of law enforcement? Such as these above? Or a page to honor those that are killed in the line of duty? Such as those recently ambushed?
There are around a million officers employed in the US, working daily to protect and serve. Obviously, a minute percentage are corrupt, just as in any industry. And just as in any industry those that get caught overshadow the hundreds of thousands that are not.

Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
Police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, child molestation, corruption, lying under oath, stealing, accepting bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and writing quota tickets, have all been proven to be real, not fabricated. My Facebook page is covered with stories from all across this nation each and every day. The stories are well documented, and some have videos and sound to prove their authenticity. Anyone that doubts the above can do a little research on the matter and see for themselves. Members of law enforcement are out-of-control thugs and egotists. To see it any other way, is akin to turning a blind eye to facts.
anyone else sick of these PEOPLE in government and their damn theater shows they put on every frikken week?

Is this what we PAY FOR THEM FOR?

I stopped listening that ugly race hustling person when he won LIE of the year for OScamCare
I just got this, it is from Neil Cavuto's show today. I think it worth posting here-
50 years after Selma, is the president actually selling Selma?
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) (from Obama's speech today re: Selma)

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The notion that some kid that was brought here when he was two or three years old might somehow be deported at the age of 20 or 25 even though they've grown up as American, that's not who we are, That's not true to the spirit of what the march on Selma was about."


Not what the march on Selma was about?

Mister President, I know we weren't much more than toddlers ourselves back then, but I'm sure we've both looked at the history since.

Selma was about legal Americans denied their rights.

Not illegal Americans thinking they were entitled to those rights.

Don't conflate the two.

Don't use the blood of victims half a century ago, to score some cheap political points now.

You not only sully their message. You sully their sacrifice.

This isn't about mixing up causes. This is mixed up, period.

It's like Nancy Pelosi walking arm-in-arm outside the Capitol, to sell votes for healthcare "inside" the Capitol.

Even quoting Martin Luther King.

That Martin would have wanted it.

Maybe just me, but it seems a pretty big leap going from "the content of one's character"

To "the content of one's healthcare insurance policy."

Now that's sick.

And that's wrong.

To compare the descendants of illegals who snuck in here

with the descendants of those who were killed here, and beaten here, and bully-clubbed here, and humiliated here, and attacked by dogs here, and fire-hosed here, and jeered at and spit at here, and denied entrance to schools here, all while legal citizens here.

Mister President, I say that kind of stuff stops here.

Fix what needs fixing without getting yourself in a bigger fix.

And attaching causes to all their causes some of who are long dead. We'll never know what they would have wanted.

All we know is what they did. Leave it at that. And leave them alone.

It's like blaming another president for everything that's gone wrong on your watch.

Piggy-backing on a genuine hero to fix all the messes you've failed to address on your watch.

Not civil.

Not right.

Mr. President, not ever.
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
Police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, child molestation, corruption, lying under oath, stealing, accepting bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and writing quota tickets, have all been proven to be real, not fabricated. My Facebook page is covered with stories from all across this nation each and every day. The stories are well documented, and some have videos and sound to prove their authenticity. Anyone that doubts the above can do a little research on the matter and see for themselves. Members of law enforcement are out-of-control thugs and egotists. To see it any other way, is akin to turning a blind eye to facts.
I see, so the Police by majority are corrupt thugs, rapists and liars. And anyone disagreeing is simply ignoring the truth. Really. Have you ever considered that you may have some personal issues with Police that have influenced your rather extreme condemnation of them?
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".

YEAH!!! Obama shoulda said everyone should assume their doing a bad job!!!
The ODS in these people is ridiculous! :rofl:
Oh you mean like you did with your knee jerk statement slamming the Cambridge Police dept? Let's see how did that go again "I don't know all the details but it's clear that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly".
Police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, child molestation, corruption, lying under oath, stealing, accepting bribes from drug dealers and pimps, and writing quota tickets, have all been proven to be real, not fabricated. My Facebook page is covered with stories from all across this nation each and every day. The stories are well documented, and some have videos and sound to prove their authenticity. Anyone that doubts the above can do a little research on the matter and see for themselves. Members of law enforcement are out-of-control thugs and egotists. To see it any other way, is akin to turning a blind eye to facts.
I see, so the Police by majority are corrupt thugs, rapists and liars. And anyone disagreeing is simply ignoring the truth. Really. Have you ever considered that you may have some personal issues with Police that have influenced your rather extreme condemnation of them?
I have had very few bad situation with police, thank GOD. But, I have seen what happens personally, known people that have had bad experiences, and have read tons of news articles stating the obvious. In my opinion, it way more than just a few bad cops.
If I lived in Ferguson I would be planning on moving before the prescribed "salvation" arrives.

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