Wasn't Mr. Peanuts the worst president in US history

Carter was an outsider, and after Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford who were deeply connected, people were very tired of insiders and thought a change would be nice, but as you should know by now is not an option. The system grew around him, like a tree growing around a knot, and just waited him out while the script continued. He wasn't an ambitious man, and couldn't be played well, but not deemed as dangerous as future presidents will be. The presidents that damaged this country were Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson.
Jimmy Carter is a nice guy. Nice guys do not always make good Presidents.

It occurs to me, reading this, to see carter and Trump as opposites that seem to support the point.

By all credible accounts, Jimmy Carter has always been a good, honest, well-meaning man. But he made a lousy President.

Donald Trump is an asshole. As one who voted for him in 2016, and again in 2020, and will almost certainly vote for him again this year, I have to admit that as a human being, he has many characteristics that I find repugnant. But I cannot deny his success as President, and the positive effects of his policies on this country.
I don't see how you can blame Carter for the failure of the rescue mission. The military brass who planned it were responsible for its failure. Carter didn't choose to use second-rate helicopters or fail to put experienced pilots in those choppers--the military planners did those things.

That being said, it's also fair to say that if Carter had not so horribly bungled our relations with the Shah's government and allowed the Muslim radicals to take over, there would have been no American and Canadian hostages in the first place.

It was under Carter's policies that our military was neglected, that much of our equipment not properly maintained, many of our personnel not properly trained. His policies weakened our military to the point that it could not carry out this operation.

And, of course, you're right that his abandonment and betrayal of the Shah led to this situation in the first place. He was the best ally that we had in the Muslim-dominated part of the world, and under his leadership, Iran was creating n example to its peers about how to reconcile a Muslim-based society with the needs to exist in the modern world.

When he fell, and the Khomeniacs took over Iran, that example was lost forever, replaced by the sort of toxic, violent, overtly-evil mutations of Islam that have spread from there like a foul disease; radically changing the course of world history. All of the trouble that the world now has with Muslim-based terrorism, is all the result of this event.
Carter was so awful, yet Reagan is a Saint for continuing Carter's policies. lol the cognitive dissonance is ripe. Carter was not perfect, he sucked at foreign policy, but Saint Ronald was far worse, appeasing terrorism and running dope.
No reason to exonerate him from being negligently at the fascist Ayatollahs rise.

Since 1979: The long bloody trail of crimes of the mullahs: In their totalitarian regime, massacres, mass torture (not just 1988) for so many years. And then the bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, and more.

The cowards in Tehran released the hostages as soon as wonderful and principled R. Reagan was elected.
Peanuts held the title for years until the first black, gay Marxist illegally took office. He held the title for several years until Pedo Joe's coup took place. I don't know if you can get any worse than Pedo Joe but I suppose there's a first for everything.
It was under Carter's policies that our military was neglected, that much of our equipment not properly maintained, many of our personnel not properly trained. His policies weakened our military to the point that it could not carry out this operation.

Actually, defense spending rose substantially during Carter's last three years in office, going from $124.7 billion for fiscal year 1979 to $175.5 billion for fiscal year 1981:

1978 -- $116.1 billion
1979 -- $124.7 billion
1980 -- $141.9 billion
1981 -- $175.5 billion

Carter's defense budget for FY 1981 represented one of the largest increases in defense spending in American history. His defense budget for FY 1980 also constituted one of the largest jumps in defense spending in U.S. history.

I agree with 99% of what you said about Carter's betrayal of the Shah of Iran and about his handing over of that nation to radical Muslims.
Actually, defense spending rose substantially during Carter's last three years in office, going from $124.7 billion for fiscal year 1979 to $175.5 billion for fiscal year 1981:

1978 -- $116.1 billion
1979 -- $124.7 billion
1980 -- $141.9 billion
1981 -- $175.5 billion

That was a time of extraordinary inflation. The American Dollar was losing value at a devastating rate. More dollars were being spent, but they were buying less.
Carter was an outsider

An "outsider"? He had been in politics since the early 1960s, and became Governor of Georgia in 1981. He is about as much of an "outsider" as Bill Clinton was when he took office.

Hell, I remember a lot of people commenting during that election that he openly attacked his opponent in the Governor race because he supported Dr. King.

What he was to use a term was "flexible". He would use racists to obtain office, wrote to the Supreme Court after they threw out the Georgia Capitol Punishment law, then pushing for and signing a new law to quickly replace the one that had been thrown out.

And he also had nowhere else to go, as Georgia term limits (intended to keep George Wallace out of office) meant that he could not run for Governor again. And in 1972 he campaigned hard with Wallace in support of McGovern in the 1972 election.
It occurs to me, reading this, to see carter and Trump as opposites that seem to support the point.

By all credible accounts, Jimmy Carter has always been a good, honest, well-meaning man. But he made a lousy President.

Donald Trump is an asshole. As one who voted for him in 2016, and again in 2020, and will almost certainly vote for him again this year, I have to admit that as a human being, he has many characteristics that I find repugnant. But I cannot deny his success as President, and the positive effects of his policies on this country.
We both view Trump in the same manner.

He doesn’t act like your typical President but he does get thing done.
Carter was a technocrat who came into office with the Watergate Babies, all technocrats to a man. Like theie REpublican allies, they all believed in the 'Big Is Better' and promoted monopolies and cartels running the economy and the govt. We Knowz Best Cuz Weez Wentz Ta Hahvahd types. They only disagreed on who should get the most welfare, multinational corporations or foreign countries. Reagan chose both, and became the best President Japan ever had while simultaneously handing the financial sector carte blanche to steal the country blind. He got no opposition from the technocrats in either Party.
Wallace was getting a significant number of black votes in 1972. While he was a segregationist, as Governor he also increased state welfare spending going to blacks and made sure black schools and towns got their fair share of the tax base instead of the usual robbery spent in the white districts. Siding with Wallace was the smart move.

This article of course skips over Wallace's concrete support for black communities as Governor and pretends it never happened. Black people then were much more interested in concrete policies than radical ideological blathering in those days, a fact which modern radicals have to ignore and deny.


lollerz. He kept on getting black votes even after the Governorship. 1972 Democratic Convention ...

MIAMI BEACH, July 10 (UPI) — Norman E. Jones, a black delegate from Florida, is trying to persuade other blacks to support Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama for President.

“Black people are better off in Alabama than any state in the union,” Mr. Jones shouted at a gathering of Wallace delegates from Florida, Michigan and Hawaii.
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So did a LOT of golfers, BUT...................They weren't president.

Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During ...

View attachment 912292
The Seattle Medium
https://seattlemedium.com › News
Jan 4, 2021 — President Donald Trump has spent 307 days, almost a full year, golfing during his presidency. The total is likely to be the most golf outings ...
It has been said that a lot of business gets accomplished on golf courses.

I know the management of the company I worked for before I retired spent a lot of time golfing with clients.

That was a time of extraordinary inflation. The American Dollar was losing value at a devastating rate.
"Extraordinary inflation," "devastating rate"? That's a bit of an exaggeration. Inflation was 6.5% in 1977, 7.6% in 1978, 11.3% in 1979, 14.5% in 1980. Under Nixon/Ford, inflation was 8.7% in 1973, 11% in 1974, and 9.1% in 1975. Inflation was 17.8% in 1917, 17.3% in 1918, 15.2% in 1919, 15.6% in 1920. Inflation was 8.5% in 1946, 14.4% in 1947, and 7.7% in 1948.

Carter's 1980 defense increase was about 2.5 percentage points above the inflation rate. His 1981 defense increase was about 4 percentage points above the inflation rate.
It has been said that a lot of business gets accomplished on golf courses.

I know the management of the company I worked for before I retired spent a lot of time golfing with clients.

Sure............It has been said.
"Business" gets accomplished.
WHERE does Trump fall in that equation?

So did a LOT of golfers, BUT...................They weren't president.

Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During ...

View attachment 912292
The Seattle Medium
https://seattlemedium.com › News
Jan 4, 2021 — President Donald Trump has spent 307 days, almost a full year, golfing during his presidency. The total is likely to be the most golf outings ...
So what? Many political deals start out on golf courses and also political deals. Plus with all the pressure Trump experienced while in office and even now, finding some relaxation is important.

Trump got a lot done during his Presidency although those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will refuse to admit it. Trump also had his share of failures too to be fair.

Joe Biden spends a lot of time on his beach in Delaware. I really don’t think he is busy planning how to stop the war in Ukraine or stop the fighting in Gaza let alone figure out how to secure our Mexican border. But of course I could be wrong.
Trump kept Hillary out of the White House, best thing that happened to the U.S, this century. He didn't need to do a damn thing but sit on the White House patio and napping, but he went on and did more stuff. He did good, mostly.

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