Was Your Pfizer Vaccine From a "Death Batch"?

I don't get the point of all these "the vaccine will kill you" threads.
What is it you would like us to do?
Not take a vaccine we have already had?
I got two shots. No boosters. I'm still alive and well.
Seems like you guys are
Hey loser, why are you ignoring all those that did die? Pos
Whine about it on an internet forum, that will fix the problem every time!

If you people believed 1/4 of the shit you post on here you would be marching on DC with pitch forks and torches.
What kind of limp dick morons march with torches and pitch forks? Oh yeah, leftist tards.
Okay. Thanks.

Tailoring my answer to your skill set.

You believe the Govt is killing people purposely and you cannot think of anything to do about it but whine on here.

Then again, this is the same Govt that in a different thread we were not allowed to question or doubt according to you.

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