Was Their Only Regret That They Had But One Life to Give for Liberal Memes and Mantras?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Was Their Only Regret That They Had But One Life to Give for Liberal Memes and Mantras?

Was Their Only Regret That They Had But One Life to Give for Liberal Memes and Mantras?
Burn, baby, burn has become a mantra totally out of control.
Would Nathan Hale have felt the same if his daughter were murdered during a weekend of gun violence in Chicago? Or murdered by an oft-deported Illegal at Pier 39 in San Francisco. Or incinerated during a hellacious wildfire in Paradise, California that was the inexorable result of a quarter-century trend among “progressive” Democrat Leftists intent on constricting responsible forestry policies, even when it costs human lives, so that they can boast of protecting a spotted owl? Or murdered because the society stopped locking up the pathologically deranged?
“My only regret is that she had but one life to give for climate change and the spotted owl. My only regret is that she had but one life to give so that we could reduce the police presence in our inner city community.”

  • Human Martyrs Sacrificed on the Altar of Black Lives Matter
  • Human Martyrs to the Cause of the Spotted Owl and Anti-Logging, As Rules Get Sycamore and More Each Year
  • A One-Party State That Cannot Be Stopped from Implementing Brutal and Toxic Policies in Pursuit of Left-Progressive Memes and Mantras
  • As Long as Hollywood and Silicon Valley Money Dominates State Politics, No Change Towards Sanity Can Come Until Catastrophe Hits Them, Too.
Hollywood demands restrictions on police but expects maximized day-and-night patrols through their neighborhoods. Hollywood and Silicon Valley oppose charter schools for the inner cities, but all their children attend private schools that others cannot dream of affording. Hollywood and Silicon Valley oppose forestry that would endanger a dead tree or some spotted owl, but their own homes are replete with topiary gardening and meticulously gardened-and-cleaned lush grounds, courtesy of under-paid and exploited Latinos whose arrivals they promote from south of the border.
Of course the dry desert climate always will play its part in California’s wildfires. But the man-made tragedy stoking those flames is not of climate change but of extreme radical environmental forestry policies that stump the reasonable. The metaphoric result: a Golden State where Democrat Progressive Hellfires now consume Paradise.

This is the most powerful piece Rabbi Dov Fischer has written to date. And that is saying something. The left is totally out of control, and like in Venezuela, destroying everything in its path. I don't know how we will stop it, since so many have relinquished reason to join their irrational movement. Our country is experiencing an out-of-control wildfire of insanity. I fear we will be devastated like the poor residents of rural CA.
The treatise clearly points out that Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftists ramifications of their policies is of no concern. It truly applies to any policy they push, from open borders that allow millions of illegal immigrants to enter to gun control (confiscation), to abortion and the environment. People are being killed by these policies.
The PMS Democrats only concern is, will the policy increase government and thus their own POWER. That is the only consideration. The rest is just blowing smoke.
Frankly, the only way PMS Dem left-wing hypocrites will learn is when THEIR house burns down or some illegal alien kills THEIR loved ones. But, since they're so protected living in their gated communities or gentrified areas of their plantation cities they'll NEVER experience any of the hell they're unleashing on other Americans. Lying hypocrites like Tom Steyer, George Soros, Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn and Janet Fonda have killed more people through their millions than every illegal immigrant criminal combined. But they'll NEVER see the inside of a jail cell unless the civil unrest they, and their fellow travelers are promoting, comes to pass.
In the end should any tragedy befall them within the future they will blame it all on White racism, Republicans and Trump.

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