Why people reject Moshiach


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Because they were deceived by the fables of the first messiah aka the imposter messiah.
Even those opposing the new religion are fooled by the precepts it engraved in pior teachings and claims like that on Messiah being anything more then a man.

Another reason is selective recognition and fallacious placement into scripture trying to trick people into falling for the deceiver.
Similarly, theydon't know the actual prerequisites of secreting the Moshiach or the hidden Moshiach in the Bible.

"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name-(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)

Moshiach lifts the veil from our eyes.-Isaiah 25:7.

Moshiach will know the secret wisdom of the name of God 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4.
(because the name is shared and the definition is the reflection and teaching)

Moshiach must have his name in
"the bible" (Mikra)-Melakim
{I Kings8:43} Torah-Devarim 14:22

The Torah portions(Miketz,Shevitz)must
carry his first and last name.
Helps to know Hebrew; MIKEtz-
(Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)

The name must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
and the name must be in
the holy city of YeruShalem.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)

The name must be remembered by the Sheva (7th) day kept holy.

The name must be revealed in all cultures to come together as one(Y'shv,Shiva,proper transliteration of Shalem, Al Laila,Mikado).
The first and last name and secret name will be revealed in the Bible(Dan 10:20-21 in Hebrew carries both).
The Moshiach must come from the Aaronic Lineage.-scrolls: lQS lX, ll which seems to be fragment omitted from 4QSe(4Q259).

The name must be of the remover of the devil and his works. The person must know the secret of returning to his inheritance. Must know and be a catalyst for process of messaging and a catalyst for the Tikkun Olam and resurrection process and involved in the movement to build the Temple. Has to be involved in being an intercessor, mediator, remover, archstrategist, fascilitstor, teacher, judge etc....
None of these things have Jesus by name or deeds
Whatever ya said I'm still a Catholic and will remain so. Luv ya Bru!!

Whatever ya said I'm still a Catholic and will remain so. Luv ya Bru!!


As long as you are the best possible you within it, and are a good person, then all the power to you!
But even though there are many roads that lead to the same destination, some are quicker more precise then others, & some are less likely to get you lost and off the path, some just make more logical sense, while others never directly connect to your final destination. (liken to my hamster cage analogy).
You might enjoy your particular scenic route, but it might not be practicle for someone carrying more of a load and might not be the path best suited for others.
Whatever ya said I'm still a Catholic and will remain so. Luv ya Bru!!


As long as you are the best possible you within it, and are a good person, then all the power to you!
But even though there are many roads that lead to the same destination, some are quicker more precise then others, & some are less likely to get you lost and off the path, some just make more logical sense, while others never directly connect to your final destination. (liken to my hamster cage analogy).
You might enjoy your particular scenic route, but it might not be practicle for someone carrying more of a load and might not be the path best suited for others.

Mate I will be happy to make it hanging on by my fingernails with someone snatching me from the burning gates. I have no delusions about my worthiness; I'm not. But whatever it is I have HOPE. Without that I'm stuffed; may as well be atheist. I've read a fair bit of the Hebrew stuff in translation and, allowing for the fact that translations lose so much, am cool with anyone adhering to the Jewish Faith. But as a bloke said: The Law is written on every heart. Just gotta live by it by whatever light shines on it.

I had a neighbor friend who used to discuss philosophy & theology with.
He said even if none of what he was taught was true and his religion false, he'd not care & still cling to it as necessity. I believe they call that knowingly swallowing a placebo.

The afterlife teachings contradicts the Judaic teachings of resurrection, in such a way that neglecting the CREATION where the paradise resides for your
HaShev (return/restoration).
The afterlife teaching lusts for death, causing Kings to use their pawns to die as martyrs for their kingdoms in death and the flock willingly going to death, a place the kings are trying desperately to stay away from.
Thousands of wars, over 50 millon murders, and that one single factor is the deluded expectation that paradise sits upon death, instead of requiring you to build it and as an award for your achievements return to see what you inspired and helped create.

Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
.....That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;
Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.
People are " Fence Sitters" even though it is rather uncomfortable and they get splinters in uncomfortable places they are afraid to get off their perch as it is the only one they have ever known....When Humpty Dumpty(The Roman Empire) fell all the kings horses and all the kings men tried to put Humpty back together again but they failed and those people have been left with egg all over there face ever since even though they knew it not....There is a festival that the Romans were famous(notorious) for called Hilaria where they made jokes at others expense and had a good chuckle....If they were to be transported to todays times and see what had become of their joke they wouldnt be able to stop laughing....The world has never come off the fence and it is doubtfull that many will...A Reedemer is supposed to Redeem... A Restorer is Supposed to Restore and a Returner is soupposed to Return.....If we are truly on the correct path then there is nothing for A Moschiach to do but if we are not then obviously the path most of us are on is incorrect and straddling the fence will accomplish nothing...
And yet the choice & reply is always the same:
"we're fine where we are at, thank you, but no thanks"=Status Quo.
Usually the same people who declare the world has gone insane, why is there so much strife and turmoil, and why do bad things happen to us.....well there it is....they are fine living incomplete and unstable
Adversary 'Shalem' (stabilty, complete, and wholeness)

When Charles Thomson designed the dollars logo of the incomplete pyramid detached capstone, it was representing the colonies not yet completed and whole.
They did not expect us to reject and fight off the capstone and remain incomplete and divided.
The brightness (knowledge and truth)shines off the Mica as a beacon of light (knowledge and truth) for the world to become Shalem.
The intent was our way of justice, rights, protection, democracy was to bring forth (shine onto the world)
this knowledge and truth of stability and progressions to become whole(evolve).
Boy did party obstructionism and complacent status quo sabotage that idea.
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