My Bible Lexicon to decode Bible era slang & Hebrew


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Mike Night's Bible Lexicon

Abaddon or Apollyon = destroyer.

Adam = Man.

Almah = young woman, not virgin. Betoula, betouli, tahor mean virgin.

Angel = in Hebrew 'malakh' means messenger/prophet/reflecting G0D thus a term used for Rabbis & Prophets.

Archangel or Chief Malakh = Top or main messenger/prophet/reflection of G0D.

Asherah = pagan goddess and was a term used for altars dedicated to Baal, carved wooden poles and crosses or statues of Asherah the goddess.

Warning is in Deut 16: 21 Thou shalt not plant thee an 'Asherah'
of any kind of tree beside the altar of the LORD thy G0D, which thou shalt make thee.

Belial = wicked man.

Bethlehem Ephrathah = the tense in the Hebrew is MASCULINE GENDER and birthplaces are feminine gender therefore it's not a birth place its a birth lineage one comes out of. Bethlehem the son
(or grandson) of Ephrathah (1 Chronicles 4:4, 2:50-51).
Micah 5:2 reads: "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah (showing a lineage not a city ).

Book of Life = history and or the Bible.

Bright Star or Great Star = top messenger or prophet (an archangel).

Cherub = guardian/ in Hebrew - 'Nazarei' also means guardian.

Clothed in the sun = clothed in satan/sun god worship.

Clouds = gathering of Hosts/Kohanim (Temple Priests) like in
1 Kings 8:10.

Converging rivers = faiths mixing.

Darkness = lies, ignorance, and folly.

Day or Morning or Sun = Satan/sun god-idol worship like Bel (Baal) or Mithra.

Devil = is not a deity. It is a word used to denote that power in life of decay, destruction, and death and to denote the idol worship of dagon, who was called the devil, as it represented a path to decay and death. Thus Devil is simply what brings about or leads us to the end of having 'lived'; thus the mirror reverse of lived is devil.

Dew = symbolic of the gift of Divine Revelation thus small "droplets" (concentrated drops) of "dew" must flow down the "locks" of the Groom to his bride which is what is being conveyed in Song of Songs 5:2 on the droplets of Night.

Eve = Adam's (mankind's) wife, but not his first bride (very important clue).

Fallen Star = fallen messenger/ prophet aka false prophet.

Fire = mystical ray of luciferous light or Kundalini force thought to be magical associated with Luciferian doctrines. Beware of 'catch the fire' and 'come to the fire' or 'jump into to the fire' catch phrases.

Fish = men in the flock/followers/Christians, Dagon priests.

Fruits = people or teachings or works depending on context.
G0D = Power and source of Life is neither a Man nor a Son of Man (Numbers 23:19). Nor image or form (Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching) Note:The word for "image" in Gen. 1:27 is "tzelem," which refers to the nature or essence of a thing and not a form.

Garden of Eden (location) = ancient Iran according to Gen 2:10-14.

Harlot = Hierarchy which slept with many nations and whored its wares to many kingdoms, worships the literal harlot woman according to historical accounts of Mariam Ben Stada mother of Yeshu, and because they use all the harlots of the Bible for the lineage of its idol.

Matthew uses Tamar(Genesis 38:12-19), Rahab (Joshua 2:1),
Ruth (Ruth 3:1-14), and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-5) all harlots
to make up the lineage of Jesus.

Hashem = the Name.

HaShev = return/restore/deliver in the NT the Hebrew version uses the word Shewb thus blotting out the name of the deliverer.

HaSheva = the redeemer.

HaShevet = the staff.

Heaven = In Hebrew Olam Habah meaning world to come
(future transformed perfected earthly kingdom).

Ish = man.

Kittim = Romans.

Laylah or Laila = Night -in Hebrew.

Light = truth and knowledge.

Melchizedek = King of Righteousness and Zadokite line, but originally stems from.

Mal_khiy-tzehthehq (MalakhTsadek) =
meaning messenger (angel) of righteousness.

Metatron = mediator -referring to Enoch and his mediating in his context or other references being of Archangel Michael when referring to THE Mediator between G0D and man, as well as between the nations.

Mikdash or Mikdosh = The Holy Temple in the name of the head of hosts.

Mikedem = From everlasting to everlasting.

Mikra = the Hebrew word for the Bible that carries the name.

Mikveh = a form of purification, atonement (cleansing) for contact with the death/murder.

Mishichistim = Moshiachists.

Mithnite = Hebrew meaning gift/hope.

Morning Star or son of day = son or messenger/prophet of Satan aka Lucifer.

Mystery Babylon = Mystery Religions from Babylonian paganism.

Naked = the Hebrew has no vowels can be read as
-eromim meaning without clothes or
-arumim meaning the uncovering of
deceptions as in 'the naked truth'.

Perdition = to fall/descend to hell/be annihilated-to die. (son of perdition is the fallen one, "the son" who was annihilated and descended to hell acts 2:27, apostles creed, seen as the one who fell from grace per Ezekiel 28 accounts on Lucifer).

Prince of the Congregation or head of the hosts = Archangel Michael.

Prince = one who sacrifices for others.

Purple = color of rich people's garments in which the purple dye/fabric was invented in TYRE.

Rivers = faiths.

Samael = poison of G0D.

Satan = stems from saw tawn meaning adversary, is not a deity, its a word used for a hierarchy which is adversary or a person which reflects adversary teachings.

Scarlet/red = color of sin.

Sea (when not literal) = Rome.

Semikah = Rabinnic ordination.

Shalem = Evening Star (the one YeruShalem is named after) The NIGHT, remover of the Day(satan) which then brings peace, thus became
known as Shalom. This means Shalem = Archangel Michael.
Which is why the given name was appropriately revealed as NIGHT.

Shemen Afarshimon of Psalm 133 = the Holy Anointing Oil, from the Holy Temple.

Sheva = 7

Shew Bread = (pronounced Shev, offered at the temple in ceremony).

Shiloh = one who's right it is (commentary says Ezekiel's Shiloh was Archangel Michael).

Ships = Rome's army like in Dan 11:30.

Soul = in Hebrew the word is 'Nepes' meaning breath
(even fish had nepes in the Bible).

STAR = messenger/prophet.

Sword from out of the mouth = sWORD/the words are strong and sharp/to the point pulls no punches/will guarantee to hurt as truth sometimes hurts.

Teshuva = return to G0D (repent).

Tree of Life = the deeper inner dimension of the Torah.

Two Horns = 2 powers (duality of power-political and religious system).

Waters = body of followers.

Wicked Prince (Belial) Fallen Prince = fallen prophet/Lucifer.

Wine = knowledge/teachings.

Wormwood (a bitter toxic) = bitter or poisonous.
What are the Hebrews words for shake and speare?

Shake or רָעַל (raal)to quiver, tremble

but sometimes with spear means to
"brandish(shake) a spear"

qayin or רֹ֫מַח (romach) - a

Psalms 46:10 however in the Tanakh version is about breaking the weapons of war described, one being a spear.
So to decipher if later writers such as Shakespeare rewrote verses to place their signature in, you need to compare the later rewrites to the original Hebrew vesion.
However in claiming Shakespeare had anything to do with later NT bible versions you need to prove Shakespeare actually existed, since many claim him to be a pen name and image for a group of Oxford writers much in the same way the Gospels were written or character Jesus was forged as an image for the word, which is why the original trinity after Father mother son, was father "word" son before ending up Father holy spirit son.
What are the Hebrews words for shake and speare?

Shake or רָעַל (raal)to quiver, tremble

but sometimes with spear means to
"brandish(shake) a spear"

qayin or רֹ֫מַח (romach) - a

Psalms 46:10 however in the Tanakh version is about breaking the weapons of war described, one being a spear.
So to decipher if later writers such as Shakespeare rewrote verses to place their signature in, you need to compare the later rewrites to the original Hebrew vesion.
However in claiming Shakespeare had anything to do with later NT bible versions you need to prove Shakespeare actually existed, since many claim him to be a pen name and image for a group of Oxford writers much in the same way the Gospels were written or character Jesus was forged as an image for the word, which is why the original trinity after Father mother son, was father "word" son before ending up Father holy spirit son.

Right , exactly, but of course Shakespeare is as real as Jesus, if you catch my drift. I do believe someone inserted it in the AKJV of the bible, who, who knows.
Personally I don't buy the Shakespeare argument I have read of it years ago..I also read that Psalms 42 - 49 are claimed to have been composed by the sons of Korah during the second temple time..If one reads them in context it seems to point that way instead of taking one psalm 46 out of the middle and attributing it to someone else...Now where Oh Where have we seen this before...If anyone wishes to study this further they can look up chronicles 20:19 where these sons of Korah composed certain psalms ...Of Course Penelope can claim WILL I AM Shakespeare did indeed write that psalm but maybe she is looking at the wrong WILL I AM...On a different note Michael I noticed in your mention of Psalm 46 the breaking of the weapons of war .I find this fascinating considering Psalm 47 is mainly used for the blowing of the Shofar or ram horn depicting the messianic age and the coming of Moschiach it is noted that this Psalm or the verses their In are recited 7 times while the horn is blown 101 times.. So keeping things in CONTEXT... Psalm 46 tells of the breaking of weapons of war and or the spear is used here which is interesting because was it not a SPEAR that was claimed to pierce Jesus and since the followers of Jesus have used this as one of their main weapons to convince peoples to stray from the worship of The Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I find it fitting that the SPEAR is Broken in Psalm 46 and that ushers in the messianic age in the following Psalm of 47....One must note that Hebrew is a poetic language and that the Hebrews were telling a story in context..Taking verses out of context is silly because not only does it confuse the reader but it is like reading a book and starting on chapter 4 and then reading to chapter 7 only to go back to chapter 2 and read to chapter 3 and then skip to chapter 8... None of us read our novels or books like this so why would we read the Jewish scriptures like this unless we want a huge headache and want to misunderstand everything pretty silly isn't it...
I did not say he wrote the Psalm, but someone did put shake and speare in it at 46th word from the beginning and 46th word from the end. Shakespeare did a lot of writing about the NT as well. I never said ? Shakespeare wrote the Psalm.
Personally I don't buy the Shakespeare argument I have read of it years ago..I also read that Psalms 42 - 49 are claimed to have been composed by the sons of Korah during the second temple time..If one reads them in context it seems to point that way instead of taking one psalm 46 out of the middle and attributing it to someone else...Now where Oh Where have we seen this before...If anyone wishes to study this further they can look up chronicles 20:19 where these sons of Korah composed certain psalms ...Of Course Penelope can claim WILL I AM Shakespeare did indeed write that psalm but maybe she is looking at the wrong WILL I AM...On a different note Michael I noticed in your mention of Psalm 46 the breaking of the weapons of war .I find this fascinating considering Psalm 47 is mainly used for the blowing of the Shofar or ram horn depicting the messianic age and the coming of Moschiach it is noted that this Psalm or the verses their In are recited 7 times while the horn is blown 101 times.. So keeping things in CONTEXT... Psalm 46 tells of the breaking of weapons of war and or the spear is used here which is interesting because was it not a SPEAR that was claimed to pierce Jesus and since the followers of Jesus have used this as one of their main weapons to convince peoples to stray from the worship of The Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I find it fitting that the SPEAR is Broken in Psalm 46 and that ushers in the messianic age in the following Psalm of 47....One must note that Hebrew is a poetic language and that the Hebrews were telling a story in context..Taking verses out of context is silly because not only does it confuse the reader but it is like reading a book and starting on chapter 4 and then reading to chapter 7 only to go back to chapter 2 and read to chapter 3 and then skip to chapter 8... None of us read our novels or books like this so why would we read the Jewish scriptures like this unless we want a huge headache and want to misunderstand everything pretty silly isn't it...

I agree that she might be getting the Williams mixed up.

I think she is also getting the different Jesus mixed up in The Works of Josephus.
But I also could be wrong. :)
I did not say he wrote the Psalm, but someone did put shake and speare in it at 46th word from the beginning and 46th word from the end. Shakespeare did a lot of writing about the NT as well. I never said ? Shakespeare wrote the Psalm.

Yeah you were talking about the KJV version.
In rationalizing things of this nature we must list all possibilities and not assume one concept.
1)if the KJV is written at or after WS's time then it's possible it was purposefully done. DATES match up for WS lifetime so the group of Oxford writters using the WS penship name would be the type to make such a clever little easter egg sit there all that time as a signature to them being the rewrite authors of the KJV. So what is the significance to the 46 number? That many writers in the group? Some significance you read about and can share?

2) Selective Recognition (coincidence seemingly special by selectively recognizing the one coincidence but ignoring
the many non essential codes.)

3) involves the same way the Torah reveals history.

Irony is Shimon is probably laughing because he just left a huge easter egg in his post that sits in the Tanakh Psalms 47 anouncing the Moshiach.
One being the number of a name the other being the number which in Hebrew is a name and is on topic, because it's in my Lexicon.
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Why Lexicons are important:
1) In the era of the Hebrew Bible the adversary was Babylon then Rome.
During the struggles to be autonomous the revolts required discrete and hidden communications using slang words, so Rome didn't know they (sea) or their army (ships) were being discussed. Sort of like how our kids today use slang terms to hide things from their parents without them knowing what they truly are discussing.
2) similar words sometimes have different meanings through different cultures and regions or are misunderstood into new precepts. I'll use food as an example as perhaps many have had similar incidences with this same problem when ordering something seemingly simple that is messed up by people's own interpretation of that food.
I once ordered a Pizza steak which is what we call it in Philly, but in another state they delivered a steak meat pizza. Once again in visiting another state ordering a
simple pizza steak but adding the word sandwich just in case, the foreigner interpretation was a 1/4-1/2 inch thick whole steak in a roll. *slaps head*, same out of state different city years later gets me a really confused cheese Peperoni and sauce on a roll??? Boggles the mind how that becomes an interpretation of a pizza steak sandwich.
Then I find this NY pizzaria thinking they know the term however they call it a
steak parmesan. You know that if I were to use that term at any southern sub shop I will get a country fried steak parmesan sandwich.

A lexicon and commentary from other sources like the dead sea scrolls helps solve that issue of knowing how words were used in the writers era not our era today.
JUST think how hundreds of years from now someone reading about a 1980's album that was "bad" will assume bad=terrible instead of context in that era bad meant good in slang.
So when you read ancient accounts of son of man coming out of or from clouds, you do not assume some silly flying nun episode and denounce such rediculous notion without now understanding that yes a man can come out of a "cloud"=gathering of temple priests and it is describing in reality actual event not some musroom induced psychotic dream.

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