Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is

Gee, how timely.
Ok all wrong.

The back and to the left movement is irrelevant. AS we have already established bodies do not automatically move AWAY from the location of the shooter when shot and there are many reasons why bodies move and react unpredictably when shot. ( it is simply not like you see on TV when people jerk and fall away from the gun ).

The wound in the throat was an EXIT wound it was not a wound TO the throat but out of the throat and originated from behind.

The windshield was removed and entered into evidence and carefully examined. The hole came from the inside and passed out proving, once again the shot came from behind.

Oswald was of course BEHIND Kennedy.

The bystanders name was James Tague and yes his minor injury accounts for one shot while all the rest of the injuries were caused by two other shots.

The evidence leads to that conclusion as opposed to what conspiracy theorists do which is to try and twist the evidence to fit their conclusion.

That is the difference between the Warren Commission and conspiracy theorists. The WC was ordered to find out the truth FULL STOP. They were not under any mandate to find out anything else except what happened regardless of who it reflected on and that is what they did. They based their conclusion on the evidence.

There is no audio recording where you can hear two shots in fact there is no audio recording of the shooting at all.

There was one known audio recording which unfortunately did not survive. It was taken by a reporter who then asked some technicians in his news studio to copy it but instead they goofed and copied over it thus erasing it. Another recording surfaced which some experts CLAIMED recorded the shots as you say unfortunately they undermined and debunked themselves. This recording was taken from the shoulder mic of a motorcycle officer in the parade. The very experts who claimed it was evidence established a premise that the officer HAD TO BE in a certain spot at the corner of Houston and Elm street to make their conclusion work. Photographic evidence proves he was a block away from that spot thus negating their whole theory. It was a theory because there are no audible shots on the take there is only static and belles and voices. The experts tried to claim that the static was gun shots which is preposterous.

The bells turned out to be from a church right next to Parkland hospital and the voices were actually recorded from the Parkland hospital PA system paging a doctor.

The recording was not of the shooting at all but merely a recording of a few minutes at the hospital which was some time after the shooting.

Hoover Bush and Nixon were NOT in Dallas that day.

LBJ's presence means nothing and Lansdale is irrelevant. They had no known mafia bodies and the claim they did is nothing more than Hyperbole.

The body was NOT removed at gun point. The Secret Service may have wrongfully ignored Texas law by removing it but they did not pull any guns to do so.
LBJ was in the car ahead of Kennedy’s

If there were multiple shooters, he could have just as well been a victim
Not hardly.
LBJ's limo had the top on.

No it was not actually.

As one can see there are both dressed for winter in that photo it was in fact taken on some other day in some other place and not in dealey on Nov 22 1963.

This is his limo in dealey and as you can see no top.

View attachment 201823 View attachment 201823
I also see no LBJ in it either.

Can you see him in this one?

View attachment 201831
Yeah, limo looks white......not black.
Lee Harvey Oswald's Carcano Rifle - Shooting It Today - GunsAmerica Digest

Carcanos are kind of like the Japanese Arisaka guns. They are really rough-working and don’t function well. And while this rifle can’t be taken as an example of what Oswald experienced on the 6th floor of the book depository, especially 50 years later, it wouldn’t be surprising if he experienced at least some of the problems with his gun that this rifle has. During the 1960s, most gun shops had literally barrels filled with Carcanos selling for $10-$20. They aren’t good guns.

If this was a conspiracy with high profile agents from the Soviet Union, Cuba, the Mafia or CIA........why would they allow Oswald to use such an inferior rifle for such a crucial mission?

Proving yet again that you don't know squat. Arisaka are actually among the strongest rifle actions out there, they are only "clunky" when they have the dust protector attached, remove that, and they are every bit as good as the German Mauser. Unlike I actually own all of the rifles we are talking about. The Carcano is a useful weapon. It is accurate, and in the hands of a good shooter it is deadly as hell.

Your arguments actually HELP the conspiracy theorists you dolt. Oswald was a poor shot, the rifles scope was misaligned to the point where it was hitting IIRC 6 inches off at 100 yards. Every one of your points that you think argues against a second shooter actually argues FOR a second shooter. Because Kennedy was shot twice, at least. There were four shots fired IIRC, and all four hit the car. Damned good shooting for an imbecile like oswald.

Does that mean there was a second shooter? No, it doesn't, but it adds evidence that there might have been.


Oswald was not a poor shot he was a Marine Sharpshooter and therefore by definition skilled with a rifle. At least relatively skilled compared to the average person who never learns how to shoot a rifle.

Kennedy was in fact shot twice not at LEAST twice as there is no ambiguity in how many times he was shot.

The scope was found to be misaligned after multiple law enforcement agencies dis assembled and re assembled it. It was probably misaligned when he fired the shots but that is not an argument in favor of a conspiracy . The reason for this is we know he missed the first shot and hit with the second and third shots. The misaligned scope is a very good reason why he missed the first one. However since he probably knew he missed it it is obvious and simple that he likely ignored the scope for the second and third shots and instead used the iron sites mounted on the rifle which he was well trained to use by the Marine Corps.

There were not 4 shots fired there were 3. All of the physical evidence and the vast majority of witnesses prove this.

Not really damned good shooting for anyone as Oswald only hit two out of three and in fact even the first hit may technically be a miss. This is because the second shot was the first one to hit Kennedy but it hit on his upper back. Oswald was most likely trying for head shots all three times as the head was clearly visible above the seat back and of course the most likely target to aim at.

Yes the carcano is a potentially deadly weapon but he is correct. All things considered it is a cheap junky weapon. Even in 63 there were far better weapons out there of many types and varieties.

That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.
Hired killers do not grow on trees. Contrary to what Hollywood presents there are few such people and the selection would be small. Usually in fact they ARE just sociopaths and thugs with no motive other than getting paid and often not even paid well.

A real example would be Frank Netty who was a semi famous underline of Al Capone. He did many criminal jobs for Capone including murder but worked exclusively for Capone because that was who paid him. He needed no other rationalization.

In fact a hired killer is unlikely simply because you may be able to find people to commit murder for money but committing a spectacular murder such as JFK for money would be far less likely. Few would be killers would agree to such a job because they would no the massive dangers involved. Finding a military trained sniper to kill Kennedy would have been next to impossible especially as the military was actually supportive of Kennedy especially the special operations community. They considered Kennedy to be their patron.

Oswald said was a patsy because accused criminals TYPICALLY deny their guilt and claim to be set up or framed or the fall guy or whatever. His choice of words was just a little odd.

We can in fact show Oswald was a deranged nut job. He had a proven history of attempted political assassination before Kennedy when he tried to kill General Edwin Walker with the same rifle he used on Kennedy. He often spoke to his wife about being the first prime minister of the United Socialist States of America. He read a lot of spy novels and often hinted to others that he was such a spy involved in the same plot as what he read about in a book.

As a Child he and his mother lived briefly in New York. HE was arrested for attempting to stab his mother with a knife. The judge ordered him to be examined by a child psychologist who diagnosed him as a paranoid sociopath. The judge ordered him to be given therapy on an outpatient basis at a mental hospital. Oswald's mother was having none of this and skipped town returning to New Orleans.

So we know Oswald was a nut who suffered from mental illness as a child. That mental illness went untreated which means chances are it only got worse. Such issues do not tend to fix themselves.
I was on a Special Forces A Team for several years.
Trust me, even they have their share of degenerates.

Assuming that a grandiose personal claim is true so what?

We have evidence Oswald was a degenerate nut, We have evidence he had the skill to kill Kennedy, We have evidence he committed the act.

We have no evidence anyone else did.
And you went to the national archives and read this evidence???


It is publically available and documented in the Warren Commission report.

On the other hand none of the conspiracy theorists have any evidence a all
So you've seen it personally?
Sloppynazi630 was at Daley Plaza with his boss Poppy Bush that day. He knows it all but if he exposes the truth here, he would suddenly disappear before nightfall.
Which again, begs the question…if you do have no plan for escape…why not bring your pistol? Why in the world would you purposely set it up to where you have to go home and get your gun if you have no escape plan?

Long before the assassination Oswald was living in Dallas at a boarding house. His wife was living in Irving Texas at the home of her best friend Ruth Payne. Oswald visited the Payne residence on weekends to see his family. HE also stored his rifle in Ruth Payne's garage wrapped in a blanket. A pistol is easy to hide in a drawer or under a bed but a rifle not so much. The point is he routinely stored them separately for whatever reason.

The Motorcade route was announced on a days or a few days before the actual arrival of kennedy depending on which newspaper one read. Oswald was in the habit of reading old newspapers he found lying on the floor of the break room of the texas TSBD.

In all likelyhood he decided to make his move and try to kill Kennedy on Thursday November 21st which was one day before the shooting. This is reinforced by the fact that we have many witnesses testifying to odd changes in his behavior the day before the shooting. He visited Ruth Payne's house that night which was a weeknight and something he had never done before. Obviously to retrieve the rifle. Which he did.

HE had no chance to retrieve the pistol because he had to bum a ride from a co worker named Wesley Frazier to get to Irving Texas. Frazier lived very close to the Payne residence and did not mind driving OSwald to Irving and back to work the next day but he probably would not have wanted to drive all over Dallas to help Oswald run errands.

Oswald's trip to Irving with Frazier was clearly a last minute thing instead of something thought out in advance and obviously he could have had Frazier swing by the boarding house before work on Friday. This would ruin his plan to smuggle in the rifle which was wrapped in a paper bag and which he claimed was curtain rods for his boarding house room.

When one considers all of these details it makes sense. HE could access one or the other weapon the day before the shooting which is when he probably planned try for the shooting of Kennedy. Obviously the rifle was the most important piece of that plan and he retrieved the pistol only when he got very lucky and managed to slip out.

How on Earth is it easier to get a RIFLE into the building than a pistol?

It is not easier.

I did not say it was easier I said it was more important which is why he wrapped it in paper and claimed it was curtain rods.

HE needed it more than the pistol.

The pistol go's in your pocket or your lunch pail. Like I said, the support you give adds to the conspiracy, it doesn't take away from it. The facts are weird. I am not saying that he was part of a big plan, but there is credible evidence for it. Odds are he was merely a lone gunman, but the odds aren't 100 percent. Anyone who claims otherwise is either selling their book, or not able to think critically.

You miss the relevant point.

AS far as anyone can tell he began to plan the murder attempt WHILE AT WORK on thursday. This was when he probably read about the motorcade in an old paper lying in the break room. It was his normal habit to read old newspapers that way as he was miserly and did not like to purchase his own newspapers.

HE would not carry the gun into work in his lunch pail or pocket if he were not planning the murder until after he arrived at work. Unless he ROUTINELY carried it to work which he was not known to do. His job was a physical job and he would likely have not carried it on a regular basis for fear of being caught with it. Even in Texas in 63 people were generally not permitted to show up at jobs in warehouses armed.

This is why he is in a position of choosing between one or the other than the rifle was more important.

It does not add to the conspiracy at all it debunks the conspiracy.

There are no odds at all. I do not claim the odds one way or the other. I consistently address the evidence which is abundant.

Which is idiotic. If he hatched the plan that day he brings his pistol in with the rifle. Like I said, all you are doing is helping the CT people.
LBJ was in the car ahead of Kennedy’s

If there were multiple shooters, he could have just as well been a victim
Not hardly.
LBJ's limo had the top on.

No it was not actually.

As one can see there are both dressed for winter in that photo it was in fact taken on some other day in some other place and not in dealey on Nov 22 1963.

This is his limo in dealey and as you can see no top.

View attachment 201823 View attachment 201823
I also see no LBJ in it either.

Can you see him in this one?

View attachment 201831
Yeah, limo looks white......not black.
And you have different drivers.....
Long before the assassination Oswald was living in Dallas at a boarding house. His wife was living in Irving Texas at the home of her best friend Ruth Payne. Oswald visited the Payne residence on weekends to see his family. HE also stored his rifle in Ruth Payne's garage wrapped in a blanket. A pistol is easy to hide in a drawer or under a bed but a rifle not so much. The point is he routinely stored them separately for whatever reason.

The Motorcade route was announced on a days or a few days before the actual arrival of kennedy depending on which newspaper one read. Oswald was in the habit of reading old newspapers he found lying on the floor of the break room of the texas TSBD.

In all likelyhood he decided to make his move and try to kill Kennedy on Thursday November 21st which was one day before the shooting. This is reinforced by the fact that we have many witnesses testifying to odd changes in his behavior the day before the shooting. He visited Ruth Payne's house that night which was a weeknight and something he had never done before. Obviously to retrieve the rifle. Which he did.

HE had no chance to retrieve the pistol because he had to bum a ride from a co worker named Wesley Frazier to get to Irving Texas. Frazier lived very close to the Payne residence and did not mind driving OSwald to Irving and back to work the next day but he probably would not have wanted to drive all over Dallas to help Oswald run errands.

Oswald's trip to Irving with Frazier was clearly a last minute thing instead of something thought out in advance and obviously he could have had Frazier swing by the boarding house before work on Friday. This would ruin his plan to smuggle in the rifle which was wrapped in a paper bag and which he claimed was curtain rods for his boarding house room.

When one considers all of these details it makes sense. HE could access one or the other weapon the day before the shooting which is when he probably planned try for the shooting of Kennedy. Obviously the rifle was the most important piece of that plan and he retrieved the pistol only when he got very lucky and managed to slip out.

How on Earth is it easier to get a RIFLE into the building than a pistol?

It is not easier.

I did not say it was easier I said it was more important which is why he wrapped it in paper and claimed it was curtain rods.

HE needed it more than the pistol.

The pistol go's in your pocket or your lunch pail. Like I said, the support you give adds to the conspiracy, it doesn't take away from it. The facts are weird. I am not saying that he was part of a big plan, but there is credible evidence for it. Odds are he was merely a lone gunman, but the odds aren't 100 percent. Anyone who claims otherwise is either selling their book, or not able to think critically.

You miss the relevant point.

AS far as anyone can tell he began to plan the murder attempt WHILE AT WORK on thursday. This was when he probably read about the motorcade in an old paper lying in the break room. It was his normal habit to read old newspapers that way as he was miserly and did not like to purchase his own newspapers.

HE would not carry the gun into work in his lunch pail or pocket if he were not planning the murder until after he arrived at work. Unless he ROUTINELY carried it to work which he was not known to do. His job was a physical job and he would likely have not carried it on a regular basis for fear of being caught with it. Even in Texas in 63 people were generally not permitted to show up at jobs in warehouses armed.

This is why he is in a position of choosing between one or the other than the rifle was more important.

It does not add to the conspiracy at all it debunks the conspiracy.

There are no odds at all. I do not claim the odds one way or the other. I consistently address the evidence which is abundant.

Which is idiotic. If he hatched the plan that day he brings his pistol in with the rifle. Like I said, all you are doing is helping the CT people.
I suspect his CIA training is failing him.
Proving yet again that you don't know squat. Arisaka are actually among the strongest rifle actions out there, they are only "clunky" when they have the dust protector attached, remove that, and they are every bit as good as the German Mauser. Unlike I actually own all of the rifles we are talking about. The Carcano is a useful weapon. It is accurate, and in the hands of a good shooter it is deadly as hell.

Your arguments actually HELP the conspiracy theorists you dolt. Oswald was a poor shot, the rifles scope was misaligned to the point where it was hitting IIRC 6 inches off at 100 yards. Every one of your points that you think argues against a second shooter actually argues FOR a second shooter. Because Kennedy was shot twice, at least. There were four shots fired IIRC, and all four hit the car. Damned good shooting for an imbecile like oswald.

Does that mean there was a second shooter? No, it doesn't, but it adds evidence that there might have been.


Oswald was not a poor shot he was a Marine Sharpshooter and therefore by definition skilled with a rifle. At least relatively skilled compared to the average person who never learns how to shoot a rifle.

Kennedy was in fact shot twice not at LEAST twice as there is no ambiguity in how many times he was shot.

The scope was found to be misaligned after multiple law enforcement agencies dis assembled and re assembled it. It was probably misaligned when he fired the shots but that is not an argument in favor of a conspiracy . The reason for this is we know he missed the first shot and hit with the second and third shots. The misaligned scope is a very good reason why he missed the first one. However since he probably knew he missed it it is obvious and simple that he likely ignored the scope for the second and third shots and instead used the iron sites mounted on the rifle which he was well trained to use by the Marine Corps.

There were not 4 shots fired there were 3. All of the physical evidence and the vast majority of witnesses prove this.

Not really damned good shooting for anyone as Oswald only hit two out of three and in fact even the first hit may technically be a miss. This is because the second shot was the first one to hit Kennedy but it hit on his upper back. Oswald was most likely trying for head shots all three times as the head was clearly visible above the seat back and of course the most likely target to aim at.

Yes the carcano is a potentially deadly weapon but he is correct. All things considered it is a cheap junky weapon. Even in 63 there were far better weapons out there of many types and varieties.

That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.
LBJ was in the car ahead of Kennedy’s

If there were multiple shooters, he could have just as well been a victim
Not hardly.
LBJ's limo had the top on.

No it was not actually.

As one can see there are both dressed for winter in that photo it was in fact taken on some other day in some other place and not in dealey on Nov 22 1963.

This is his limo in dealey and as you can see no top.

View attachment 201823 View attachment 201823
I also see no LBJ in it either.

Can you see him in this one?

View attachment 201831
Yeah, limo looks white......not black.

It was grey.

In the first one I posted you can clearly see lady bird and she was next to him.

Oswald was not a poor shot he was a Marine Sharpshooter and therefore by definition skilled with a rifle. At least relatively skilled compared to the average person who never learns how to shoot a rifle.

Kennedy was in fact shot twice not at LEAST twice as there is no ambiguity in how many times he was shot.

The scope was found to be misaligned after multiple law enforcement agencies dis assembled and re assembled it. It was probably misaligned when he fired the shots but that is not an argument in favor of a conspiracy . The reason for this is we know he missed the first shot and hit with the second and third shots. The misaligned scope is a very good reason why he missed the first one. However since he probably knew he missed it it is obvious and simple that he likely ignored the scope for the second and third shots and instead used the iron sites mounted on the rifle which he was well trained to use by the Marine Corps.

There were not 4 shots fired there were 3. All of the physical evidence and the vast majority of witnesses prove this.

Not really damned good shooting for anyone as Oswald only hit two out of three and in fact even the first hit may technically be a miss. This is because the second shot was the first one to hit Kennedy but it hit on his upper back. Oswald was most likely trying for head shots all three times as the head was clearly visible above the seat back and of course the most likely target to aim at.

Yes the carcano is a potentially deadly weapon but he is correct. All things considered it is a cheap junky weapon. Even in 63 there were far better weapons out there of many types and varieties.

That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.
On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
That's dumb even for you.
How on Earth is it easier to get a RIFLE into the building than a pistol?

It is not easier.

I did not say it was easier I said it was more important which is why he wrapped it in paper and claimed it was curtain rods.

HE needed it more than the pistol.

The pistol go's in your pocket or your lunch pail. Like I said, the support you give adds to the conspiracy, it doesn't take away from it. The facts are weird. I am not saying that he was part of a big plan, but there is credible evidence for it. Odds are he was merely a lone gunman, but the odds aren't 100 percent. Anyone who claims otherwise is either selling their book, or not able to think critically.

You miss the relevant point.

AS far as anyone can tell he began to plan the murder attempt WHILE AT WORK on thursday. This was when he probably read about the motorcade in an old paper lying in the break room. It was his normal habit to read old newspapers that way as he was miserly and did not like to purchase his own newspapers.

HE would not carry the gun into work in his lunch pail or pocket if he were not planning the murder until after he arrived at work. Unless he ROUTINELY carried it to work which he was not known to do. His job was a physical job and he would likely have not carried it on a regular basis for fear of being caught with it. Even in Texas in 63 people were generally not permitted to show up at jobs in warehouses armed.

This is why he is in a position of choosing between one or the other than the rifle was more important.

It does not add to the conspiracy at all it debunks the conspiracy.

There are no odds at all. I do not claim the odds one way or the other. I consistently address the evidence which is abundant.

Which is idiotic. If he hatched the plan that day he brings his pistol in with the rifle. Like I said, all you are doing is helping the CT people.
I suspect his CIA training is failing him.

The only thing failing is your brain after having been debunked and proven a liar so many times.

Cite any passage in the WC which is a lie or fabrication with evidence
That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.
Oswald couldn't hit a board side of barn with a shotgun at high Noon in the summertime.
No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.
Oswald couldn't hit a board side of barn with a shotgun at high Noon in the summertime.
His record proves otherwise.

Cite some evidence fool
It is not easier.

I did not say it was easier I said it was more important which is why he wrapped it in paper and claimed it was curtain rods.

HE needed it more than the pistol.

The pistol go's in your pocket or your lunch pail. Like I said, the support you give adds to the conspiracy, it doesn't take away from it. The facts are weird. I am not saying that he was part of a big plan, but there is credible evidence for it. Odds are he was merely a lone gunman, but the odds aren't 100 percent. Anyone who claims otherwise is either selling their book, or not able to think critically.

You miss the relevant point.

AS far as anyone can tell he began to plan the murder attempt WHILE AT WORK on thursday. This was when he probably read about the motorcade in an old paper lying in the break room. It was his normal habit to read old newspapers that way as he was miserly and did not like to purchase his own newspapers.

HE would not carry the gun into work in his lunch pail or pocket if he were not planning the murder until after he arrived at work. Unless he ROUTINELY carried it to work which he was not known to do. His job was a physical job and he would likely have not carried it on a regular basis for fear of being caught with it. Even in Texas in 63 people were generally not permitted to show up at jobs in warehouses armed.

This is why he is in a position of choosing between one or the other than the rifle was more important.

It does not add to the conspiracy at all it debunks the conspiracy.

There are no odds at all. I do not claim the odds one way or the other. I consistently address the evidence which is abundant.

Which is idiotic. If he hatched the plan that day he brings his pistol in with the rifle. Like I said, all you are doing is helping the CT people.
I suspect his CIA training is failing him.

The only thing failing is your brain after having been debunked and proven a liar so many times.

Cite any passage in the WC which is a lie or fabrication with evidence
Cite a passage that is truthful.
That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.

The standards are the same as for any branch of service. He lacked the skill, the target was moving away and lower than the shooter, which makes the shot far more difficult. Add to that the oak tree that obscured the target for a significant period of time, and the fact that he had to make all three shots that we know for certain were fired within a very short span of time and yet again, you help the CT people and not you.
Proving yet again that you don't know squat. Arisaka are actually among the strongest rifle actions out there, they are only "clunky" when they have the dust protector attached, remove that, and they are every bit as good as the German Mauser. Unlike I actually own all of the rifles we are talking about. The Carcano is a useful weapon. It is accurate, and in the hands of a good shooter it is deadly as hell.

Your arguments actually HELP the conspiracy theorists you dolt. Oswald was a poor shot, the rifles scope was misaligned to the point where it was hitting IIRC 6 inches off at 100 yards. Every one of your points that you think argues against a second shooter actually argues FOR a second shooter. Because Kennedy was shot twice, at least. There were four shots fired IIRC, and all four hit the car. Damned good shooting for an imbecile like oswald.

Does that mean there was a second shooter? No, it doesn't, but it adds evidence that there might have been.


Oswald was not a poor shot he was a Marine Sharpshooter and therefore by definition skilled with a rifle. At least relatively skilled compared to the average person who never learns how to shoot a rifle.

Kennedy was in fact shot twice not at LEAST twice as there is no ambiguity in how many times he was shot.

The scope was found to be misaligned after multiple law enforcement agencies dis assembled and re assembled it. It was probably misaligned when he fired the shots but that is not an argument in favor of a conspiracy . The reason for this is we know he missed the first shot and hit with the second and third shots. The misaligned scope is a very good reason why he missed the first one. However since he probably knew he missed it it is obvious and simple that he likely ignored the scope for the second and third shots and instead used the iron sites mounted on the rifle which he was well trained to use by the Marine Corps.

There were not 4 shots fired there were 3. All of the physical evidence and the vast majority of witnesses prove this.

Not really damned good shooting for anyone as Oswald only hit two out of three and in fact even the first hit may technically be a miss. This is because the second shot was the first one to hit Kennedy but it hit on his upper back. Oswald was most likely trying for head shots all three times as the head was clearly visible above the seat back and of course the most likely target to aim at.

Yes the carcano is a potentially deadly weapon but he is correct. All things considered it is a cheap junky weapon. Even in 63 there were far better weapons out there of many types and varieties.

That's a joke. oswald barely qualified as Marksman. And he probably had help to do that. I haven't looked into the history for over twenty years so my memory is hazy, but I thought that two hit Kennedy, one hit Connally (possibly went through kennedy first which would drop it down to three.), and one hit the car.

No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.
Nice of him to pose with the murder weapon
No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.

The standards are the same as for any branch of service. He lacked the skill, the target was moving away and lower than the shooter, which makes the shot far more difficult. Add to that the oak tree that obscured the target for a significant period of time, and the fact that he had to make all three shots that we know for certain were fired within a very short span of time and yet again, you help the CT people and not you.
He better leave the thread now or his bosses at Langley will not be happy.
No it is not a joke he in fact qualified as sharpshooter in basic training which is documented fact in his Marne corps record. His record as a Marksman came later as he was about to be discharged and probably did not care to try very hard since he was getting out anyways.

The Marines have the best basic rifle markmanship training program in the military and even a poor marine shot is a good shot compared to most others.

The first shot missed entirely. The second shot Hit Kennedy and continued on to hit Connally. The third took Kennedy in the head and those are the only shots we have evidence of.

So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.

The standards are the same as for any branch of service. He lacked the skill, the target was moving away and lower than the shooter, which makes the shot far more difficult. Add to that the oak tree that obscured the target for a significant period of time, and the fact that he had to make all three shots that we know for certain were fired within a very short span of time and yet again, you help the CT people and not you.

No they are not the same,

They vary from branch to branch and the USMC training program is the best out of all of them.

He had more than enough skill.

The target was moving very slowly and yes away from him which only limited the amount of time he had. Limited but not unreasonably so. The target was very close which eliminates the downward problem,

The Oak tree did not obscure the target during the actual shooting which is all that matters,

I debunk the CT people you help them.

HE had the skill that is proven fact you had to backpedal on it and try to marginalize the facts proving he did in fact have the skill.
So, I did a little digging, and oswald shot a 212 after three weeks of intensive training. That's two points above the minimum for Sharp Shooter Which is less than Expert for those who don't know. It is the middle level of accuracy, that was in December of 1956. Then, in May 1959 he barely qualified as Marksman as in he made it by a single point. Marksmanship is a very perishable skill. If you're not practicing, you're losing it. So, by the time of the kennedy job, he was probably back down to where he would normally be...able to hit the side of a barn from the inside.

212 is sharpshooter.

I never claimed it was expert. The fact is he was not a poor shot.

HE did in fact conduct a lot of practice as his wife testified to.

The shooting itself was not difficult and the average deer hunter who shoots two or three times a year.

It is BARELY Sharpshooter. Under exceptionally controlled conditions and with a SGT at your elbow helping you do your best. The 1959 score is far more indicative of his actual ability. Your argument is specious at best.

Still sharpshooter and still USMC standards which are higher. Than any other,

My argument is sound. He had the skill to do it which is plain and simple he was no poor shot.

The standards are the same as for any branch of service. He lacked the skill, the target was moving away and lower than the shooter, which makes the shot far more difficult. Add to that the oak tree that obscured the target for a significant period of time, and the fact that he had to make all three shots that we know for certain were fired within a very short span of time and yet again, you help the CT people and not you.
He better leave the thread now or his bosses at Langley will not happy.

You better cite some evidence or everyone will keep laughing at how you made yourself into my bitch.

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