
Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2018
Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China? To weaken us even if it gives them a bloody nose also. A bio war attack on the world with the richest nation weakened and if it does not get things under control, may lash out as a response. China may be betting that we do not. For it may mean the end of everything if we do. Is this idea to extreme?
I'm thinking more of an "oops sorry about that" to see how it worked.
A "practice run" to see if it worked as predicted, to fine tune their bio-weapon.
Maybe this bug was targeted for blood type "A"?
Next time it could be another marker target.
Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China? To weaken us even if it gives them a bloody nose also. A bio war attack on the world with the richest nation weakened and if it does not get things under control, may lash out as a response. China may be betting that we do not. For it may mean the end of everything if we do. Is this idea to extreme?

If I were to develop a Biological Weapon, I would develop a vaccine first and make sure my population was inoculated before I released it on the rest of the world.
Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China? To weaken us even if it gives them a bloody nose also. A bio war attack on the world with the richest nation weakened and if it does not get things under control, may lash out as a response. China may be betting that we do not. For it may mean the end of everything if we do. Is this idea to extreme?

If I were to develop a Biological Weapon, I would develop a vaccine first and make sure my population was inoculated before I released it on the rest of the world.
That would be too obvious an attack and a war you don't want. Why not cull the herd as part of the test?
Trump doesn't believe it.....so delete this post
You don't know what Trump believes, so why post shit?
I know he praised China over their response to the virus.....

Now come with your bitch ass excuse about how Trump had no choice or "what was he supposed to do"

He wasn't supposed to praise a country whom you dic suckers think waged a bio-attack against us -- then send them medical supplies afterwards...

Trump doesn't believe it.....so delete this post
You don't know what Trump believes, so why post shit?
I know he praised China over their response to the virus.....

Now come with your bitch ass excuse about how Trump had no choice or "what was he supposed to do"

He wasn't supposed to praise a country whom you dic suckers think waged a bio-attack against us -- then send them medical supplies afterwards...

China has their boot on our throat, they make everything we need. Trump has to suck up to them.
Trump doesn't believe it.....so delete this post
You don't know what Trump believes, so why post shit?
I know he praised China over their response to the virus.....

Now come with your bitch ass excuse about how Trump had no choice or "what was he supposed to do"

He wasn't supposed to praise a country whom you dic suckers think waged a bio-attack against us -- then send them medical supplies afterwards...

China has their boot on our throat, they make everything we need. Trump has to suck up to them.
So then when you morons talk tough about China...you are just talking??

Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China?
One would have to be pretty damn stupid to think such, which is why it is a growing belief. Shutting down it's largest customer is not something China would want to do.
yea, we owe them a shitload of $ and they own a lot of our debt. they lose us, who are they selling all their crap too?

that said, i do think after this we're going to rethink the value of goods and likely be willing to pay more to bring it back. esp medications. no way in hell should we be sourcing our RX drugs via china. if they want to hit us, they do it there.
All the more reason to bring back factories here, despite the snivelings of Wall Street labor racketeers and their customers, and the pols they get the tax payer subsidies from that make that fake 'free trade' nonsense affordable for the traitors.

We also need to force divestiture of their ownership of companies here in the U.S. as well, and deport a lot more of their fake 'journalists' who are nothing but spies and criminals, and stop educating their future Cadre scum in our universities.
Get this exclusive report out fight back against the communist operation

But hey wtf do we knnow lmfao.

It's like oooopsie when ur censored like MSM and can't share the information because emotions controllers on here decided what fits or not
tooo bad so sad we knnow yall donn't eheeh

Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China? To weaken us even if it gives them a bloody nose also. A bio war attack on the world with the richest nation weakened and if it does not get things under control, may lash out as a response. China may be betting that we do not. For it may mean the end of everything if we do. Is this idea to extreme?

If I were to develop a Biological Weapon, I would develop a vaccine first and make sure my population was inoculated before I released it on the rest of the world.
But if you're a communist you unleash it on your own people to get rid of all of the old people and use it to keep the rest of them in line.
Do any of you believe that is is an attack on our nation by China? To weaken us even if it gives them a bloody nose also. A bio war attack on the world with the richest nation weakened and if it does not get things under control, may lash out as a response. China may be betting that we do not. For it may mean the end of everything if we do. Is this idea to extreme?

Honestly, I maintain that the Wuhan Virus was developed by China to be used on the protesters in Hong Kong.

Either way it's biological warfare and deserves a nuclear response by America.

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