War on Christmas 2021

The 'War on Christmas' has always been an overexaggerated dumb point. Yes, the move to try and shame everyone to 'happy holidays' was asinine. It failed. Everyone walks around saying merry Christmas or happy holidays for the next month and no one anywhere is offended, upset, marginalized or anything else you can think of over it. I still have to endure 2 months of terrible Christmas music each and every damn year with the majority of it Christian based for obvious reasons.

This tired old tripe about a war on Christmas is old and no one buys it anymore.

To understand the war on Christmas you need to read Saul Alynskis book Rules for Radicals. Actually, it might help you understand many things that are going on in this country for the past 60 years.
I dunno. Over the past 30 years or so we've become not just more ethnically diverse, but blended. We were less secular and more insular in the 1960s. Institutional christianity has less influence, and imo relevance to people. Christmas itself was always a pagan holiday the early church ... adopted. Imo the term "war on Christmas" was about social changes, and institutional christianity "lost." At least with non-immigrant groups and the more protestant denominations.

People now say gleefully as a social statement "'merry christimas,' and if that offends you, piss off." LOL Thirty million americans identify as "former" catholics. Baptist rosters are down over 20% in two decades. The methodists are considering a schism over sexual orientation. We Episcopalians not only bankrupted ourselves over the issue, but attendance is down except in the South. Hispanic Catholics and Muslims have seen gains. LOL
Meh. We are headed that way, yes. Rather quickly too I might add. I don't think that the Church as an institution has had much influence for a long time but that really was not my point. All I was really saying is that the holiday itself is connected with and still retains quite a bit of religious significance. In general, no one really cares if you say merry Christmas or happy holidays and no one ever did. The whole mantra was dumb from the onset. If every store in the entire nation is playing Christmas music then any war against it failed really, really, really badly.
When you focus on grammar and mistakes, you're out of ammo Rambo.
It hurts when I take the Mickey out of you guys. I love it.
Ammo? You didn't even make a point just bitched.

And that you did so while doing what you decried is funny in my book no matter who you are.
I think it is just a natural phenomena of being overly successful. It is a well known phenomena that the most engaged electorates are always the most suppressed. Show me a nation that has an actual voter turnout above 90% (not forced or contrived elections) and ill show you a nation that is having its very first free elections. It makes sense as their vote actually means something. It may even mean the difference between life and death.

In the US on the other hand, we are widely successful. I do not even need to leave my house and food will just appear at my door. Food from anywhere in any ethnic variety in any combination all in less than an hour. I am never cold, hot or otherwise discomforted in any meaningful way without me actively choosing it. Shit is pretty amazing. And the reality is, no matter who I have voted for or who gets in office nothing really changes and shit pretty much remains amazing. I am not saying we do not all have hardships in our lives but really any glance at history reveals how amazing it is to be alive now and in a wealthy nation.

Unfortunately, that also means we can devolve politics into a sports league where we get to root for the winner, dance around like idiots when we win by virtue of voting for the right side or pout when our team does not win. When things actually start to get bad for people, when we see true suffering, then the electorate will start to care again.
There is no war on Christmas , republican's made that up.
Yes, there is. San Fransicko had tree burned too, I read, as well as in New York. I bet trees will soon be burned ALL OVER this country. Nice, huh? Show how far gone we are in law and order.

We seriously, very bad, definitely need some change, kiddoes.
That's only the cover story....it's more disturbing than that.
No. It isn’t. It’s a simple “Fuck Joe Biden” chant. It was “misunderstood” by a sportscaster. Or was it? So, it became “Let’s Go Brandon.”

That’s the long, the short and the entirety of it.
It is your duty as a lefty to say that there is no war on Christmas, even as the Christmas tree burns.
It's true. I was born a Christian but I was taught to defend non Christians. I'm a man but I was taught to be a feminist. I'm straight but I advocate for gay people. I'm white but I defend BLM.
When I lived up North I saw the changes. Catholic school and Church raised. When younger...Merry Christmas was a statement made all the time in places of business and in public. It changed. The broadcasters kept pushing Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. And I get it to some point . But every time I saw the local TV channels do that it felt strange. So you go to the stores and it is Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas. Of course there is still some of that as it reduces by TV and movies. At the same time for those who are Christians, TV and movies started to become blasphemy to their beliefs. So even TV show we like at being jaded, include that as a designed tool to turn us into a dysfunctional civilization. I claim no perfection. I do say there is no Rock of Gilbralter to influence a percentage of the population from doing things that harm them and our society. And you make it up with massive taxes to sugar coat the bad things we do that cost us all.
It's true. I was born a Christian but I was taught to defend non Christians. I'm a man but I was taught to be a feminist. I'm straight but I advocate for gay people. I'm white but I defend BLM.
When were your balls cut off? That must have been when you became a crazed liberal.
At the same time for those who are Christians, TV and movies started to become blasphemy to their beliefs. So even TV show we like at being jaded, include that as a designed tool to turn us into a dysfunctional civilization.

See, this is where you lose me.

I don't think anyone is looking to turn us into a dysfunctional civilization by attacking Christmas...
When were your balls cut off? That must have been when you became a crazed liberal.
In college. Back then high schools didn't indoctrinate kids. You had to go to college for that. Then my beliefs were confirmed when I was part of the labor force.
What is a "spike"?
Ah. We sit ram rod straight, making no eye contact, in the same pew every sunday, preferably at the earliest service which is the most lightly attended and has no music. And we are perfectly happy to enter and leave without speaking to anyone.

My wife objects to this. LOL
Since the democrats made it ok to disrespect a president. Why can’t we? It’s ok to disrespect a Republican administration but how dare you to disrespect the current administration? Get lost

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