War Has Been Declared on Deplorables


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

When Hillary was talking about deplorables ashe was talking about racists and bigots... did you not understand that or are you claiming all these peaceful grandmas and grandpas are racists and bigots ?
War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

This was months before the peaceful protest that showed up at the Capital.. Now that she has identified US as enemies of the State, then she must be the enemy of the People..

UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans as “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state” - YouTube
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.

War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

When Hillary was talking about deplorables ashe was talking about racists and bigots... did you not understand that or are you claiming all these peaceful grandmas and grandpas are racists and bigots ?
Lol, you scum and your all knowing what everyone is thinking. GD liars.
War has been declared against a helpless enemy who refuses to fight back.

You can guess how this will play out.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
War Has Been Declared on Deplorables

Brayin Candy
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By Gary Bray
You can tell who fascists fear the most by who they are the most desperate to silence. The Communist Party is terrified of Trump’s army since they know without stealing the election, they are on the trash heap of histoir. What we are witnessing is the wholesale trashing of our laws and institutions as they weaponized every part of DC to eliminate dissent. When they are criminalizing the chanting USA and singing the National Anthem as terrorism you know you have hit a nerve.
The same people who have been preaching how riots are a form of protest and the destruction of people’s businesses is to be ignored have decided the People’s House is somehow the Vatican. Yes, there were 2 people killed needlessly which the legal system will try and punish anyone who assaulted anyone, but they made the rules, so they have to live by those rules.
It is obvious to anyone with eyes which group was causing the mayhem which was the AntifAmerica instigators and huge questions why the doors were left open and basically invited in. Why is nobody axing the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the building or are they afraid they will get the truth? Truth is Nazi Pelosi with the help of Barak staged this entry into the Capitol and are now exploiting the mini riot for political gain. Nazi, you should always know your limitations. You have completely overstepped your limits and your purging of the Trump army of Deplorables is not going to end well. Sure, your bullies in the corporate world are eliminating free speech in the guise of violent speak or hate speak or whatever your Soviet style vilification is, but they will pay the price when they lose fifty million customers who use their platforms, enjoy that fallout.
To think these instant multi-billionaires are willing to destroy the very freedoms which made them wealthy beyond their imaginations are destroying it all for a political Party. Free speech is why there is Facebook and Twitter. At what point does this army say enough is enough with the lockdowns, the stolen election and now having their lives singled out for destruction, when are they forced to fight back from the one-sided persecutions? The March on Washington is not a reason to take people’s lives from them for a Party which only preaches hatred, censorship and corruption.
The real reason for the feigned outrage is they know the investigations of voter fraud are getting closer and closer. If they lose PA, WI, and GA they are under the 270 and Trump wins the election. Of course, she can say he has been impeached and the election has been done, but it would make for the most interesting debate of any election. The entire world knows what happened and those Patriots who went inside the building knew what happened and were frustrated which is why Nazi left the doors open.
This is not going to end well for the Communist Party, PravdABDNC or corporate America as the retribution will be felt as economic punishment goes both ways. No Trumpster should have a Fakebook or Twitter account today. Many of these powerful social media platforms will be gone or diminished as well as those companies who are throwing passengers off planes, good luck getting those customers or Trump flyers back. Guess business has been pretty good for these industries for too long. Payback will likely be swift and hard.
There is a war against Trump and his army now thanks to the fake outrage of the largest Trump rally in histoir (a little French lingo for those in Rio Linda). It may have been lured into the Capitol by Nancy and her terrorists but the restraint by the Trump army was admirable, you watched cities destroyed by their army over and over and with this very little by true Trumpsters, most just walked around inside, big deal. The real damage was done by their guys to stop the count and promote the fraud.
This war is to keep the fraud going. Until the vote is balanced and explained there is going to be more and more suppression and pyrotechnics by the left to keep the eyes off the prize. This fraud needs to be exposed completely and thoroughly to the American people and then they can decide who is really the President and if it is Trump then the real fun begins. His army will demand he is installed.
Either way, God is in control and he will decide if this country will continue to be freedom’s great experiment. Unfortunately, democracies require God’s people to work and America has one Party which is devoid of any integrity and only craves power for their own selfish needs. The Godless cult is trying to destroy freedom.

Where have you all been for the last 5 years?
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists have always painted the Deplorables as violent even though they are the most peaceful crowd of grandmas and grandpas on the planet. The false flag operation by the Left and their terror group of Antifa/BLM on January 6th is evident.
Meanwhile in the center of all this we see the PM/DSA Democrat Left, Nancy Pelosi and the 'Deep State'. "Why is nobody asking the questions of who staged this so-called violent riot inside the Capitol building or are they afraid they will get the truth?

When Hillary was talking about deplorables ashe was talking about racists and bigots... did you not understand that or are you claiming all these peaceful grandmas and grandpas are racists and bigots ?
Lol, you scum and your all knowing what everyone is thinking. GD liars.
I don’t need to know what she’s thinking I just need to listen to what she actually said. Try it sometime

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