Walmart requiring customers wear masks at all stores everywhere


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I find this amusing in that they slowly had droped their guard regarding having sani wipes at the entrance and or proper wipe down of carts.
They also have stock clerks without gloves sometimes no mask getting in the way of customers even though they have all night hours now to stock stuff and should know the customer has the right of way when it comes to shopping.
I posted that recently I saw a sick stock clerk cough into the frigerated section.
And this is Covid related issues, we will not get into issues of leaving containers with breathing hole lids under driping refrigeration displays, chicken with lid holes allowing contamination or germs, and so many more health violations.
I like Walmart, but if they are gonna be serious,
do it for real, not to play into a scare tactic narrative. This move is an admission by Walmart that they weren't doing a good job social distancing in the store and I agree, when employees saw people crowding others, they never said a word. I had some dirty person behind me just an arms length away in line, even without covid I wouldn't want Playpen at such smelling distance.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
I was in WM today and I didn't wear a mask nor did a few others. No one accosted me.
The WM Managers do not mess with Texas, Mike. WM likes Texans and the laconic attitude shared by most Texas guys. :thup: They also like the $10M stores in even small towns in the Lone Star State.

Of course, if they handed out free face masks, they'd not only get cooperation, they'd get orbital sales. Thrifty Texans love a gift.
I find this amusing in that they slowly had droped their guard regarding having sani wipes at the entrance and or proper wipe down of carts.
They also have stock clerks without gloves sometimes no mask getting in the way of customers even though they have all night hours now to stock stuff and should know the customer has the right of way when it comes to shopping.
I posted that recently I saw a sick stock clerk cough into the frigerated section.
And this is Covid related issues, we will not get into issues of leaving containers with breathing hole lids under driping refrigeration displays, chicken with lid holes allowing contamination or germs, and so many more health violations.
I like Walmart, but if they are gonna be serious,
do it for real, not to play into a scare tactic narrative. This move is an admission by Walmart that they weren't doing a good job social distancing in the store and I agree, when employees saw people crowding others, they never said a word. I had some dirty person behind me just an arms length away in line, even without covid I wouldn't want Playpen at such smelling distance.
Therfore I choose NOT shop at Walmart. We each have a choice and we both must bear the consequences of our choices.
Not to mention it doesn't take effect until July 20
I was in WM today and I didn't wear a mask nor did a few others. No one accosted me.
The WM Managers do not mess with Texas, Mike. WM likes Texans and the laconic attitude shared by most Texas guys. :thup: They also like the $10M stores in even small towns in the Lone Star State.

Of course, if they handed out free face masks, they'd not only get cooperation, they'd get orbital sales. Thrifty Texans love a gift.

Doesn't take effect until July 20th.
Not to mention it doesn't take effect until July 20
I was in WM today and I didn't wear a mask nor did a few others. No one accosted me.
The WM Managers do not mess with Texas, Mike. WM likes Texans and the laconic attitude shared by most Texas guys. :thup: They also like the $10M stores in even small towns in the Lone Star State.

Of course, if they handed out free face masks, they'd not only get cooperation, they'd get orbital sales. Thrifty Texans love a gift.

Doesn't take effect until July 20th.
The signs on my local WM says otherwise.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Masks are like Cowboy hats, you don't want to be somewhere where you are the only one standing out wearing one, so if you know everyone will be wearing one your vanity and ego is relieved and That's why it's probably better this way.
However, across the board blanket requirement even in non problematic areas at non crowded hours is a bit to broad stroking.
I'd rather everyone wore gloves and stayed their smelly distance away from me.
I was in WM today and I didn't wear a mask nor did a few others. No one accosted me.
I went earlier and didn't have to. Went back late afternoon for vodka, required a mask. Never go back the stupid pricks. I went up to the liquor store where I normally go. Wally World was just closer.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Mask have not been proven to do shit about stopping COVID. I think they are more dangerous. Humidity from breath condensates in mask and acts as a virus sponge.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Mask have not been proven to do shit about stopping COVID. I think they are more dangerous. Humidity from breath condensates in mask and acts as a virus sponge.
Our sources do differ. Also, I feel safe when I wear the masks, so they're going to be part of my life for the next few months. They also keep out bad stuff, because I've noticed that between a change of diet and wearing a mask, my asthma is practically gone, whereas six weeks ago, I could barely breath day or night, and coughed every waking minute. It was terrible.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Mask have not been proven to do shit about stopping COVID. I think they are more dangerous. Humidity from breath condensates in mask and acts as a virus sponge.
Most like you fight this virus like it's imaginary. That is the thought of those that call the virus a hoax.
You sound like some of the Japanese after Fukushima.
Masks are like Cowboy hats, you don't want to be somewhere where you are the only one standing out wearing one, so if you know everyone will be wearing one your vanity and ego is relieved and That's why it's probably better this way.
However, across the board blanket requirement even in non problematic areas at non crowded hours is a bit to broad stroking.
I'd rather everyone wore gloves and stayed their smelly distance away from me.
Walmart's getting sued.

First masks were for if you couldn't maintain safe distancing, now it is masks, distancing and hold your breathe, too.

I had to pick up a moneygram at Walmart for $2200.00 sent me by a fellow buying something off of me. On Sunday, I went into the local Walmart to pick it up at 8AM to get a parking space close to the store because of my bad legs and back, trouble walking, and respirator issues. I took a hanky with me tied around my neck just in case even though the money center was 10 feet inside the store.
  • First, I get there and they have everything taped off and you had to walk this ridiculous maze with arrows and stuff all around a course just to get into the store.
  • Then as I get inside some girl with a mask on says something to me. I told her Hi.
  • Then I get to the counter, give another girl my name, drivers license and reference number to pick up the cash. After a time, she turns to me and tells me she's REFUSING to give me my money already paid to them, because "she doesn't feel good about the transaction!"
  • I offered to give her personal details about the sender including a photocopy of the purchase receipt he sent me, offered to give her his phone number to call him, even had the UPS shipping label to be used with his name on it to ship the package to him! Didn't care.
  • I asked for the manager. Some Karen showed up and without the girl telling her anything, refusing to see any proof I had, refused to give me my money claiming she had to "support her employee." She then told me to try another Walmart despite my telling her my health issues.
  • The kicker was upon leaving, they had it all taped off that I couldn't even get out of the store at the door ten feet away! They tried to make me walk another 300 feet all through and around the store,. so I went back out the in door, they had that taped off, I finally pushed a stand out of my way just to make it directly to the exit door closest to my car before I couldn't walk anymore.
  • I had to wait 5 hours, drive a half hour, nearly kill myself making the long walk, to get to the other Walmart. Same info, same deal, they gave me the money no problem but the harm was done. The ordeal left me barely able to walk for three days.
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I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Mask have not been proven to do shit about stopping COVID. I think they are more dangerous. Humidity from breath condensates in mask and acts as a virus sponge.
I have trouble breathing with them.
I especially wear masks if I'm headed Wally World direction. Where I live, I'm often the only one wearing a mask at WalMart, the gymn, the gas station, the automobile food line at Taco Bell, Church's, MacDonald's, Long John Silver's, etc.
Is that because you care about yourself and all others? I hope it's both. If more people would quit fighting against this war on the virus it sure would help. Big time. The World is waiting for a vaccine that will eradicate Covid 19. Until then more people need to use common sense to help control it from further spreading.
Mask have not been proven to do shit about stopping COVID. I think they are more dangerous. Humidity from breath condensates in mask and acts as a virus sponge.
Most like you fight this virus like it's imaginary. That is the thought of those that call the virus a hoax.
You sound like some of the Japanese after Fukushima.
If the CDC was legit and the left who tactically used the more testing narrative was serious about the virus then why is there no tests for
Excess alpha defensin protein in the blood which causes the clotting that causes all those severe issues with the virus that end up in death?
If you had such a test then everyone with conditions like diabetes and Excess alpha defensin protein and the elderly can be isolated or careful while the non affected could be working and living almost normal but still cautious lives.

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