
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#WalkAway Black American Citizens

Hello. I'd like to discuss a growing population of black or American citizens of African descent choosing to leave the Democrat Party...as well as discuss their reason(s) for walking away.

“The Left Has Become So Dehumanizing”

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 414,574 views

PRO BLACK Mental Health, HATERZ.png
#TheLargerIssue #EndIntraRacialDiscrimination #PreventHate

"Look into the Democratic Party...these are the true racist." ~Lee Green

"Black Democrat #WalkAway after Discovering Truth Of Democratic Party" by Lee Green 147,876 views

Hillary Clinton, Dobald Trump, Ben Carson VILIFY.png


Hello. Listening to my fellow citizens sharing their WalkAway stories has not only opened my eyes to anti-social, hateful behaviors practiced by far too many American citizens...in some cases learning people's stories is HEART BREAKING.

Bravely, Ms. Navaeh's shares a truly heart-breaking account of human dysfunction that beginning at a young age, profoundly affected her life and well-being.

Despite all the trauma she witnessed and experienced, Navaeh manages to maintain a smile and positive attitude while demonstrating that HATING is a choice.

PLEASE Like and SHARE Navaeh's #WalkAway YT video.

#walkaway w/Navaeh “The American Alpha” Trinity 49,612 views

Related video: #ProtectingPredators

⚠️ Strong Hateful Language

Chicago woman passionately addresses #CHILDSEXUALABUSE:

Trump asked blacks to give him a chance and as a result we have:

Opportunity Zone
First Step
Lowest ever black unemployment.

I predict a record number of blacks will vote for Trump in 2020
Trump asked blacks to give him a chance and as a result we have:

Opportunity Zone
First Step
Lowest ever black unemployment.

I predict a record number of blacks will vote for Trump in 2020

Hey, Frank. Watching quite a few WalkAway testimonies I believe these folks are changing hearts and minds.

I do not agree with several Republican or conservative policies or views, especially their unrequited love and adoration for an UNPROVED IMMORTAL GOD.

However, the craziness and HATRED consuming the Demo and Lib community is off the charts...and is totally unacceptable.

Sadly, much of the craziness is driven by emotional women who in my opinion are doing great harm to our Nation's children.

Introducing Author & Feminist Camille Paglia Speaking About Mentally Imbalanced, Neurotic, Hateful Women Poisoning American Culture

The Robinson's, an average American couple sharing their long held biblical & conservative beliefs, as well as their knowledge of the historically HATEFUL Democratic party.

#WalkAway Campaign 85,998 views


Donald Trump, Barack Michelle Obama,, mechee x,, Tariq Nasheed PRO BLACK.png _Michelle Obama,,Kanye West.png

#WalkAway Black American Citizens

Hello. I'd like to discuss a growing population of black or American citizens of African descent choosing to leave the Democrat Party...as well as discuss their reason(s) for walking away.

“The Left Has Become So Dehumanizing”

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 414,574 views


Simple. Some blacks are finally waking up to the reality that the dimocrats have provided nothing but lip service failed promises.

To quote our fine president, “Whadaya got to lose?”
Hi. Meet Mike >>>

"The more I'm around Republicans, white ppl & ppl that vote for #DonaldTrump, the more I see the media duped & bamboozled me"

"I Chose to #Walkaway - from the lies, propaganda, and fakeness of the left" 206,630 views

Single American Mom Calls For National Unity While Rejecting #DemocraticParty HATE, HYPOCRISY & DYSFUNCTION!

'#WalkAway - Why I'm no longer a Democrat' by Contessa 10,236 views


"The only people who EVER, EVER made me feel less than American...are the #Democrats" ~Terry

"I #WalkAway to save my country."



According to Rasmussen, one of the only polls to accurately predict the 2016 election:

Black support for @realDonaldTrump is at 34% among likely voters

Another poll has him at 34.5%

This is historic & unprecedented for a Republican president

According to Rasmussen, one of the only polls to accurately predict the 2016 election:

Black support for @realDonaldTrump is at 34% among likely voters

Another poll has him at 34.5%

This is historic & unprecedented for a Republican president

Hello, Jitss617. Spending a fair amount of time reading comments and watching videos published by American citizens of African descent, I am confident liberal Democrats are in for a rude awakening when black American citizens help re-elect Donald Trump.


Please listen to Mrs. Tracy Scott, an American embracing FREEDOM while rejecting Democratic Party HATE & values.

"#Walkaway 48 Year Old Black Woman Wakes Up!" 249,574 views

If you admire her honesty, please consider adding a LIKE, as well as SHARING Mrs. Scott's thoughts and concerns....and don't forget to peruse the Comments section. :)


American OUTRAGE, Larry Elder,Thomas Sowell.jpg

Hi, T4T. I've listened to several Larry Elder chats, interviews and public addresses like this one. Love the story about how he became a radio host with his wife's approval. lol

Chats with Dave Rubin, as well as his friend economist Dr. Thomas Sowell are illuminating, as well as entertaining. At least I'm impressed by Dr. Sowell's sense of humor, as well as concerns for all his neighbors.

Unfortunately, Larry and Dr. Sowell, who in my opinion are role models for ours or any Nation's youngsters, are targeted for HATE and INTIMIDATION by fellow citizens who in my opinion are experiencing some form of emotional or mental illness.

Sadly it is my belief that mental illness is the only reasonable explanation for people choosing to HATE and BULLY successful, accomplished fellow American citizens whose ONLY OFFENSE is living THEIR OWN vision of L, L, (Love) and Happiness.

"Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional ‘Black’ Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement" ~RINGOTVRAW "I SPEAK THE TRUTH."

INTRA-Racial Discrimination, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.jpg

_Democrat Party INSANITY! DEMOCRAT Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.png

Last edited:
Trump asked blacks to give him a chance and as a result we have:

Opportunity Zone
First Step
Lowest ever black unemployment.

I predict a record number of blacks will vote for Trump in 2020

Hey, Frank. Watching quite a few WalkAway testimonies I believe these folks are changing hearts and minds.

I do not agree with several Republican or conservative policies or views, especially their unrequited love and adoration for an UNPROVED IMMORTAL GOD.

However, the craziness and HATRED consuming the Demo and Lib community is off the charts...and is totally unacceptable.

Sadly, much of the craziness is driven by emotional women who in my opinion are doing great harm to our Nation's children.

Introducing Author & Feminist Camille Paglia Speaking About Mentally Imbalanced, Neurotic, Hateful Women Poisoning American Culture


Until Trump, the Republican Establishment had an unspoken agreement with the democrats that we weren't supposed to talk openly about the complete disaster democrat policies are, how they've INTENTIONALLY devastated generations of minorities with fatherless households, crime, and public schools. In his second term, Trump absolutely must address the failure, the intellectual pedophilia of our public schools, or it's all for naught
Trump asked blacks to give him a chance and as a result we have:

Opportunity Zone
First Step
Lowest ever black unemployment.

I predict a record number of blacks will vote for Trump in 2020

Hey, Frank. Watching quite a few WalkAway testimonies I believe these folks are changing hearts and minds.

I do not agree with several Republican or conservative policies or views, especially their unrequited love and adoration for an UNPROVED IMMORTAL GOD.

However, the craziness and HATRED consuming the Demo and Lib community is off the charts...and is totally unacceptable.

Sadly, much of the craziness is driven by emotional women who in my opinion are doing great harm to our Nation's children.

Introducing Author & Feminist Camille Paglia Speaking About Mentally Imbalanced, Neurotic, Hateful Women Poisoning American Culture


Until Trump, the Republican Establishment had an unspoken agreement with the democrats that we weren't supposed to talk openly about the complete disaster democrat policies are, how they've INTENTIONALLY devastated generations of minorities with fatherless households, crime, and public schools. In his second term, Trump absolutely must address the failure, the intellectual pedophilia of our public schools, or it's all for naught

Hi, Frank. Not long ago Pres. Trump said to black and PRO BLACK American citizens "What do you have to lose."

Today, I'd like to ask Donald Trump the same question.

"Mr. President, aside from what we see with our own eyes, several reliable studies indicate black or American children and teens of African descent experience high rates of CHILD ABUSE."

"Sir, American music, as well as presidential history indicates many Pres. and Mrs. Obama's music recording artist friends offer public interviews or compose music vividly describing the traumatic, potentially life scarring child abuse they experienced or witnessed their classmates, friends and neighbors experience."

"Mr. Trump, with that unshakable EVIDENCE in mind, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE" by laser-like focusing on a Public Health Issue that MEDICAL DOCTORS and Early Brain and Child Development (EBCD) SCIENTISTS passionately claim is greatly affecting the emotional well-being and physical health for American and foreign born people of all AGES and backgrounds!"

Frank, what do you think, should Trump stir up some emotions and HATE by posing this reasonable question:

tupac trump SPECIFICALLY_00.png

#WalkAway Black American Citizens

Hello. I'd like to discuss a growing population of black or American citizens of African descent choosing to leave the Democrat Party...as well as discuss their reason(s) for walking away.

“The Left Has Become So Dehumanizing”

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 414,574 views


As far as you darkskinned Blacks... it's obvious that you all did not have to, #walkaway, because the Dems clearly #abandoned you all since 2004-'05 ... and most vehemently since 2012. Even Ann Coulter pointed it out.

Fortunately, Donald Trump has thrown a monkey wrench in the Dems plan, by exclusively uplifting and embracing darkskinned Black citizens.

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