Gold Member
Popular ProBlack Rapper & Ex-Con Willie D Calls For Defunding Police
"Wild Body Cam Video, Nutcase Threatens To Shoot Cop White Suspect Flees Scene" by Willie D
Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.
Please watch both Willie D videos included in this writing and determine for yourself if Willie D and his significant fan base have any interest AT ALL for improving race relations in the USA?
Unfortunately, not all police officers possess the maturity, people skills, temperament, stamina or NERVE required for serving traumatized communities populated by significant numbers of depressed, emotionally/mentally troubled, suic!dal homicidal minded citizens:
"Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other:"
Back in the day, Tupac shared his definition for THUGLIFE, as well as his belief that it impacts EVERYONE of all ages and backgrounds >>>
"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everyone" ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim
Apparently the HATE young Tupac (born 1971) experienced or witnessed, inspired him to not only create his often misinterpreted THUGLIFE Child Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment and Maltreatment AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA...
...Tupac chose to tattoo THUGLIFE in bold letters across his ONCE neglected, hungry *"hurting"* belly.
Indicating to me he was pretty serious about PREVENTING HATE.
According to SCIENTIFIC Medical research, seems Tupac was 100% correct!
Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistentcy or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:
Cali Surgeon General and pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:
Dr. Harris offers real SOLUTIONS for preventing Violence & HATE:
Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by BlackVoiceNews
"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur
Witness apparent emotionally troubled Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim and popular American recording artist Willie D. harassing, denigrating and threatening violence towards citizens whose ONLY OFFENSE is choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness:
"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"
Strong NSFW Language
Willie D - COON (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A. Smith +
In your opinion, is Willie D promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent?
If a caring, responsible fellow American or foreign-born citizen has developed a plan for PREVENTING American children and teens from SUFFERING, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potential life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with Struggles, Pain, Hardships, Depression, Uncertainty, Sorrow, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Sadness, Intra-Racial Discrimination, Community Violence and FEAR...
...I look forward to learning their SOLUTION for ending POVERTY, largely created by our Nation's unhealthy, potential life scarring Culture of Generational Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture Of Racism.
ProBlack/BLM Modus Operandi:
Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic and White Supremacy
ProBlack/BLM community pathology:
ProBlack Community Pathology Explained In 60 Seconds by Mr. David Carroll

"Wild Body Cam Video, Nutcase Threatens To Shoot Cop White Suspect Flees Scene" by Willie D
Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.
Please watch both Willie D videos included in this writing and determine for yourself if Willie D and his significant fan base have any interest AT ALL for improving race relations in the USA?
Unfortunately, not all police officers possess the maturity, people skills, temperament, stamina or NERVE required for serving traumatized communities populated by significant numbers of depressed, emotionally/mentally troubled, suic!dal homicidal minded citizens:
"Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other:"
Back in the day, Tupac shared his definition for THUGLIFE, as well as his belief that it impacts EVERYONE of all ages and backgrounds >>>
"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everyone" ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim
Apparently the HATE young Tupac (born 1971) experienced or witnessed, inspired him to not only create his often misinterpreted THUGLIFE Child Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment and Maltreatment AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA...
...Tupac chose to tattoo THUGLIFE in bold letters across his ONCE neglected, hungry *"hurting"* belly.
Indicating to me he was pretty serious about PREVENTING HATE.
According to SCIENTIFIC Medical research, seems Tupac was 100% correct!
Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistentcy or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:
Cali Surgeon General and pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:
Dr. Harris offers real SOLUTIONS for preventing Violence & HATE:
Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by BlackVoiceNews
"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur
Witness apparent emotionally troubled Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim and popular American recording artist Willie D. harassing, denigrating and threatening violence towards citizens whose ONLY OFFENSE is choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness:
"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

Willie D - COON (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A. Smith +

Willie D - Wikipedia
In your opinion, is Willie D promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent?
If a caring, responsible fellow American or foreign-born citizen has developed a plan for PREVENTING American children and teens from SUFFERING, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potential life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with Struggles, Pain, Hardships, Depression, Uncertainty, Sorrow, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Sadness, Intra-Racial Discrimination, Community Violence and FEAR...
...I look forward to learning their SOLUTION for ending POVERTY, largely created by our Nation's unhealthy, potential life scarring Culture of Generational Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture Of Racism.
ProBlack/BLM Modus Operandi:
Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic and White Supremacy
ProBlack/BLM community pathology:
ProBlack Community Pathology Explained In 60 Seconds by Mr. David Carroll
