"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America"

Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
I have zero sympathy for any blacks
Many do zero for society except engage in criminal acts
Really? Tell that to the MILLIONS of black firefighters, cops, bus drivers, doctors, nurses, military personnel, etc. etc.
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
I have zero sympathy for any blacks
Many do zero for society except engage in criminal acts
Really? Tell that to the MILLIONS of black firefighters, cops, bus drivers, doctors, nurses, military personnel, etc. etc.
We need more of that kind !!
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
I have zero sympathy for any blacks
Many do zero for society except engage in criminal acts
Really? Tell that to the MILLIONS of black firefighters, cops, bus drivers, doctors, nurses, military personnel, etc. etc.
We need more of that kind !!
A huge part of the problem is not racism (contrary to what the race hustling Left think), but lack of a solid work ethic brought to us by the Government Indoctrination Centers, aka. Public School SystemTM This kind of entitlement mentality is not just prevalent in the black community, but across the board. I've seen way too many entitled whites as well.
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal 7everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
I've spent loads of time with more blacks than I can count - at all hours of the day and often, all night long, too. I've seen things about blacks that would literally make your skin crawl.

Many whites have a superficial,at best, knowledge about blacks. They often have no clue, and are in for a rude awakening if they don' t wise up.
And this is evidence of the delusion white supremacists live in.
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal 7everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
I've spent loads of time with more blacks than I can count - at all hours of the day and often, all night long, too. I've seen things about blacks that would literally make your skin crawl.

Many whites have a superficial,at best, knowledge about blacks. They often have no clue, and are in for a rude awakening if they don' t wise up.
No you haven't. You're just a racist piece of shit who is allowed to talk this bullshit by the moderators of this forum. You don't know anybody black.
All of that pro Black stuff came out of the 60's Marxist indoctrinators who taught that getting married then having kids, getting good grades, speaking proper English etc., is acting "White" and anything White is bad. Just another Cultural Marxist trick which is taking positive socially binding norms and turning them into pathologies.

I am not sure where this turbo racist stuff came from but I can probably find out.
This actually real racism. But this stuff gets tossed around by some blacks. Nick Cannon alluded to some it.

A co-founder of the Toronto chapter of the Black Lives Matter organization wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post that "white people are a genetic defect of blackness."

"Whiteness is not humxness," Yusra Khogali wrote in 2016. "In fact, white skin is sub-humxn."

She added that white people "are recessive genetic defects. this is factual."

"White ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves," she continued. "Black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to."

Khogali stated that white people have a "higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors which suppresses melanin production." She also added that "melanin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing."

Khogali also tweeted in 2016, "Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today."
You're a white supremacist. Shut the fuck up.
Insinuating that Black Movements, Islam Brotherhood, etc. are at fault for anti-American indoctrination then using Christianity to see the way clear of it is rather silly. To say that "racism is a product of slavery, not the other way around" is fine but racism and Apartheid were nurtured by Christianity and motivated by Biblical followers. The main difference between Islamist fundamentalists and the Ku Klux Klan is in the hats they wear.
I have zero sympathy for any blacks
Many do zero for society except engage in criminal acts
Really? Tell that to the MILLIONS of black firefighters, cops, bus drivers, doctors, nurses, military personnel, etc. etc.
We need more of that kind !!
A huge part of the problem is not racism (contrary to what the race hustling Left think), but lack of a solid work ethic brought to us by the Government Indoctrination Centers, aka. Public School SystemTM This kind of entitlement mentality is not just prevalent in the black community, but across the board. I've seen way too many entitled whites as well.
The descendants of people to lazy to work free hearight land, given everything they have by legislation are talking about work ethic? LOL!
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
Our government has rewarded white criminality for 245 years. We had one as president until January 20th and most of you want the criminal back in office.
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

View attachment 438147View attachment 438151

☮♥ EndHate2021

I could not listen to the videos because my computer audio is out.

But many people (including me) have long known (I am 83) who the worst enemy is of the folks under discussion: Themselves.

The words and actions of some of their "leaders" only antagonize the "Silent Majority."

Some of the more thoughtful members of that group, however, realize how lucky they are to be in the United States, especially now in 2021. Nowhere else are so many opportunities available to them.

You are the reason why this nation is so fucked up. You were born during Jim Crow, given everything you got to start with because your white. You were damn near 30 before the Civil Rights Act was passed and you're so oblivious as to what your white ass was given, you now sit behind a computer suffering from dementia talking stupid. Fuck the silent majority, their words piss us off and we will keep fighting until your racism is gone or when the lord returns to end it.

This is our worst enemy ypu dumb ass ancient cracker:

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2021
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
And this is evidence of the delusion white supremacists live in.
i believe blacks live in totalk delussion abot whites and how they live. they make up their own narrative and wont listen to the truth.
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

View attachment 438147View attachment 438151

☮♥ EndHate2021

I could not listen to the videos because my computer audio is out.

But many people (including me) have long known (I am 83) who the worst enemy is of the folks under discussion: Themselves.

The words and actions of some of their "leaders" only antagonize the "Silent Majority."

Some of the more thoughtful members of that group, however, realize how lucky they are to be in the United States, especially now in 2021. Nowhere else are so many opportunities available to them.

You are the reason why this nation is so fucked up. You were born during Jim Crow, given everything you got to start with because your white. You were damn near 30 before the Civil Rights Act was passed and you're so oblivious as to what your white ass was given, you now sit behind a computer suffering from dementia talking stupid. Fuck the silent majority, their words piss us off and we will keep fighting until your racism is gone or when the lord returns to end it.

This is our worst enemy ypu dumb ass ancient cracker:

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2021

who is being racist now .
Our government rewards blacks for being criminals and totally worthless fuckheads.

Every time they riot, burn buildings, ruin businesses, and steal everything they can carry, our fucked up government rewards the apes with more and more free stuff and more money.

The police should be allowed to get tough and do their fucking job, whatever it takes. Anything, at all.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
No that's not the case.





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Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

View attachment 438147View attachment 438151

☮♥ EndHate2021

I could not listen to the videos because my computer audio is out.

But many people (including me) have long known (I am 83) who the worst enemy is of the folks under discussion: Themselves.

The words and actions of some of their "leaders" only antagonize the "Silent Majority."

Some of the more thoughtful members of that group, however, realize how lucky they are to be in the United States, especially now in 2021. Nowhere else are so many opportunities available to them.

You are the reason why this nation is so fucked up. You were born during Jim Crow, given everything you got to start with because your white. You were damn near 30 before the Civil Rights Act was passed and you're so oblivious as to what your white ass was given, you now sit behind a computer suffering from dementia talking stupid. Fuck the silent majority, their words piss us off and we will keep fighting until your racism is gone or when the lord returns to end it.

This is our worst enemy you dumb ass ancient cracker:

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2021

who is being racist now .

You and that old white peice of trash that I replied to. I gave him back what he put out. Don't ignore the mountains of racist shit you and the others who think like you here post then try making me a racist when I get tired of reading your bullshit.
I would rather a black person steals my possessions than have those depraved white people running loose who serial-kill and kidnap children. What percent of blacks do that? Two? Five?
I've spent loads of time with more blacks than I can count - at all hours of the day and often, all night long, too. I've seen things about blacks that would literally make your skin crawl.

Many whites have a superficial,at best, knowledge about blacks. They often have no clue, and are in for a rude awakening if they don' t wise up.
Is it that your response to my post? "The blacks are coming! The blacks are coming!"

picking nose.gif
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
  • Love
Reactions: IM2
Greetings. Keeping it REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" by It's Kyou, aka Kyle.

For citizens unfamiliar with the ProBlack community Kyle speaks about, please take one minute to hear social commentator David Carroll explain the core values embraced by ProBlack/BLM practicing citizens:

ProBlack/BLM Community Pathology:

David Carroll is referring to America's large, divisive, emotionally troubled, FEMALE dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that is constantly beefing 24/7 about Racial Discrimination and Oppression impeding AA citizens from experiencing equality and achieving success...

...while at the same time harassing, bullying, threatening, intimidating and denigrating as C°°ns, Sêll-Outs or Tr@!tors, our independent thinking, successful American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for Life Liberty (Love) and Happiness!

Do you believe America's ProBlack/BLM community is promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE for American citizens of African descent when they are acting HOSTILE toward peaceful, freedom loving Americans whose *ONLY OFFENSE* is living their life in a way that makes them happy?

During a chat with Michael Malice, independent minded, peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus, reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:

Apparent emotionally troubled ProBlack Rapper Willie D., THRU NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, a victim of potential life scarring Childhood Trauma (ACEs), composed the music and lyrics to this lovely video...

"C°°n - Willie D (Official Video) Dissing Charles Barkley, Stacey Dash, Stephen A Smith"

⚠ Strong NSFW Language

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews

I look forward to reading thoughtful, intelligent replies, as well as possible SOLUTIONS for preventing divisive, family, people, community and Nation harming Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE.

View attachment 438147View attachment 438151

☮♥ EndHate2021

I could not listen to the videos because my computer audio is out.

But many people (including me) have long known (I am 83) who the worst enemy is of the folks under discussion: Themselves.

The words and actions of some of their "leaders" only antagonize the "Silent Majority."

Some of the more thoughtful members of that group, however, realize how lucky they are to be in the United States, especially now in 2021. Nowhere else are so many opportunities available to them.

You are the reason why this nation is so fucked up. You were born during Jim Crow, given everything you got to start with because your white. You were damn near 30 before the Civil Rights Act was passed and you're so oblivious as to what your white ass was given, you now sit behind a computer suffering from dementia talking stupid. Fuck the silent majority, their words piss us off and we will keep fighting until your racism is gone or when the lord returns to end it.

This is our worst enemy you dumb ass ancient cracker:

“Times have changed and the worst enemy that the Negro has today is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and claims to be calling out liberals. Following these white conservatives will continue perpetuating problems that Negros have. The Negro cannot be taken, tricked or deceived by the white conservatives, and must continue to get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in 21st Century America, the history of the white conservative has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal is the one with the problem. Our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.” -- Malcolm X, 2021

who is being racist now .

You and that old white peice of trash that I replied to. I gave him back what he put out. Don't ignore the mountains of racist shit you and the others who think like you here post then try making me a racist when I get tired of reading your bullshit.

Greetings to USMB members.

Looking at the litany of comments posted in this thread by Intra-Racial Discrimination and Hate practicing ProBlack Supremacist IM2 who repeatedly referred to me as a "boot licking lawn jockey" when ignorantly he believed I was an AA citizen...

...I have no doubts who his primary influence is...

Why Are Black Women So Argumentative?

Also, I'm 99.99999% certain he was raised in a household where children are conditioned to HATE.

"I Used To Hate White People - My #WalkAway Story" ~It's Kyou 914,133 views

I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" ~It's Kyou
Blacks Are Taught to Hate America

Certainly, members are free to interact with whomever they choose, though I strongly suggest not wasting time replying to this apparent emotionally troubled member who obviously was raised and conditioned to HATE.

However, I also recognize IM2 is one of a large number of apparent HATEful, emotionally troubled citizens populating this board.

Haters who in my opinion make some of the most disgusting, reprehensible, comments about fellow citizens who happened to be born with dark complexions.

Obviously HATERS have no intention of seeking solutions to Health and Social problems affecting all American, as well as legally residing foreign-born citizens.



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