WAKE up GOPers, do a reality check! No more negativism!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Look my friends, the party is basically over, and all you have to do is VOTE!

The reality is---------------->we aren't going to steal any of their votes, and they aren't going to steal any of ours. There is about 2 or 3% of the population on the fence, not much more than that.

But, here is the thing------------------>anyone on the fence will either vote Trump, or not vote for either, once the Barr/Durham report drops. They are going to join our ranks of the "pi**ed off," or walk away from the whole shooting match in disgust!

Ladies and gentlemen, you keep hearing the Left crowing about how this one is beating Trump by 2 points, this one by 3, and they crow, and crow, and crow more.

Most of those polls are NATIONAL!

Now being intelligent conservatives, let me ask you something----------------> who is going to win CA? Who is going to win NY? And how much are they going to win them by! Ummmmm, how about 3 to 6 million votes! So, lets take the middle and say 4 million votes. What % of 130 million votes is 4 million, lol!

Catching my drift here! You are going to have MASSIVE blow outs in those charming and delightful blue states, (except maybe Illinois, that appears in play depending upon who the Democratic nominee is) which means NOTHING! They get no more electoral votes if they win in CA by 1, or 10,000,000! Why do you think they want the electoral college to go the way of the do-do bird.

And then---------------------> if the Left on here was accurate as far as their arrogance, why would Matthews, Carville, and a load of MSM Leftists be screaming so loud about how the Democratic field, SUX!

Look all, the Left on here is blowing smoke up your proverbial a**es, plain and simple. Doesn't mean stay home and don't vote cause we got this; but it does mean they are on the run and trying to hide from you that they are! Even the newest polls show that Americans trust the GOP MORE than the Democrats. These Leftists are quaking in their boots, and the Barr/Durham report hasn't even been released to gobsmack them yet.

Sooooooooo, don't let them get you down! They can't dazzle you with brilliance, so they try and baffle you with bullsh**t! We got this as long as we vote! Have CONFIDENCE, up ballot, down ballot, we are going to clobber these Socialists, especially if they are ignorant enough to put up Bernie or Warren.

Now, go have an adult beverage, and start laughing at these Leftists who are trying to lie to you to make you miserable, since I know, and they know, as of now, they have NOTHING else they can do, except cry in their Socialist cornflakes!
Look my friends, the party is basically over, and all you have to do is VOTE!

The reality is---------------->we aren't going to steal any of their votes, and they aren't going to steal any of ours. There is about 2 or 3% of the population on the fence, not much more than that.

But, here is the thing------------------>anyone on the fence will either vote Trump, or not vote for either, once the Barr/Durham report drops. They are going to join our ranks of the "pi**ed off," or walk away from the whole shooting match in disgust!

Ladies and gentlemen, you keep hearing the Left crowing about how this one is beating Trump by 2 points, this one by 3, and they crow, and crow, and crow more.

Most of those polls are NATIONAL!

Now being intelligent conservatives, let me ask you something----------------> who is going to win CA? Who is going to win NY? And how much are they going to win them by! Ummmmm, how about 3 to 6 million votes! So, lets take the middle and say 4 million votes. What % of 130 million votes is 4 million, lol!

Catching my drift here! You are going to have MASSIVE blow outs in those charming and delightful blue states, (except maybe Illinois, that appears in play depending upon who the Democratic nominee is) which means NOTHING! They get no more electoral votes if they win in CA by 1, or 10,000,000! Why do you think they want the electoral college to go the way of the do-do bird.

And then---------------------> if the Left on here was accurate as far as their arrogance, why would Matthews, Carville, and a load of MSM Leftists be screaming so loud about how the Democratic field, SUX!

Look all, the Left on here is blowing smoke up your proverbial a**es, plain and simple. Doesn't mean stay home and don't vote cause we got this; but it does mean they are on the run and trying to hide from you that they are! Even the newest polls show that Americans trust the GOP MORE than the Democrats. These Leftists are quaking in their boots, and the Barr/Durham report hasn't even been released to gobsmack them yet.

Sooooooooo, don't let them get you down! They can't dazzle you with brilliance, so they try and baffle you with bullsh**t! We got this as long as we vote! Have CONFIDENCE, up ballot, down ballot, we are going to clobber these Socialists, especially if they are ignorant enough to put up Bernie or Warren.

Now, go have an adult beverage, and start laughing at these Leftists who are trying to lie to you to make you miserable, since I know, and they know, as of now, they have NOTHING else they can do, except cry in their Socialist cornflakes!

Well said! I agree. Let's all stay loyal to Trump and to each other, no nit-picking, no pointless undermining criticisms, and turn out and vote!
Yes! Just make sure you get their early on November 4th because lines might be long and you don't want to miss out on this historic election!
Yes! Just make sure you get their early on November 4th because lines might be long and you don't want to miss out on this historic election!

Yes Lew-Lew, the lines are going to be loooooooooong, and we don't care! You all stand in line in CA and New York, maybe Mass to, to get your electoral votes. I hope it is raining like hell, and you still only get the same amount of votes, win by 3, 4, 5, 10 million in your blue states!

We, on the other hand, will sashay to our voting place, have a little Sushi on the way, maybe a fried chicken, some okra, have a little cheese cake for desert if the mood strikes us, and get another 300 and something electoral votes, keep the senate, and probably flip the House.

When the dust clears, the only thing your going to have left is-------------------------->a bunch of broken down Socialists, crying in their gruel-)
It's not negativity to fight back. Nobody likes a wimp. Americans want a fighter, not a pacifist. It's also not negativity if you tell the truth about your opponent. The defining moment in 2016 was when Trump said: "Because you'd be in jail" during the debate with Hillary. If he had been nice (like Romney in 2012) we would all be hearing the cackling of Hillary Clinton on our TV sets night after night instead of enjoying the meltdowns and wringing of hands from the left. We wouldn't know about the FISA abuses and the illegal surveillance by the FBI either.
The rules are set by the aggressor and the aggressor is always the one on the left. Conservatives need to beat them at their own game and go after them the same way they go after us. Nothing wrong with that and trump is proving it every day. His negativism is what is causing Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, all of the deep state to lose their cool and show us who they really are. That's why they're losing and I hope we see more of it.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
It's not negativity to fight back. Nobody likes a wimp. Americans want a fighter, not a pacifist. It's also not negativity if you tell the truth about your opponent. The defining moment in 2016 was when Trump said: "Because you'd be in jail" during the debate with Hillary. If he had been nice (like Romney in 2012) we would all be hearing the cackling of Hillary Clinton on our TV sets night after night instead of enjoying the meltdowns and wringing of hands from the left. We wouldn't know about the FISA abuses and the illegal surveillance by the FBI either.
The rules are set by the aggressor and the aggressor is always the one on the left. Conservatives need to beat them at their own game and go after them the same way they go after us. Nothing wrong with that and trump is proving it every day. His negativism is what is causing Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, all of the deep state to lose their cool and show us who they really are. That's why they're losing and I hope we see more of it.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Dude, the negativism I am referring to, is not about beating down the Left. Rather, it is about wringing our hands when Leftists tell us we are losing.

We aren't losing, we are kicking their a**es in every poll that shows the mood of the country. This can be attributed to Trump not being like other GOP Presidents and leaders, and smacking the hell out of them.

You and I are on the same page. I am just tired of threads that talk about we might be losing the down ballot, etc. I have a feeling that the Conservatives have less of a clue than the Leftists have...………….that we have these SOCIALISTS exactly where we want them!
The democrat party couldn't organize a trip to the bathroom and everyone knows it. If it wasn't for the unrelenting support of the mainstream media the democrat party would have disappeared a long time ago.
The democrat party couldn't organize a trip to the bathroom and everyone knows it. If it wasn't for the unrelenting support of the mainstream media the democrat party would have disappeared a long time ago.

There would be major complications in choosing which bathroom to go.
Look my friends, the party is basically over, and all you have to do is VOTE!

The reality is---------------->we aren't going to steal any of their votes, and they aren't going to steal any of ours. There is about 2 or 3% of the population on the fence, not much more than that.

But, here is the thing------------------>anyone on the fence will either vote Trump, or not vote for either, once the Barr/Durham report drops. They are going to join our ranks of the "pi**ed off," or walk away from the whole shooting match in disgust!

Ladies and gentlemen, you keep hearing the Left crowing about how this one is beating Trump by 2 points, this one by 3, and they crow, and crow, and crow more.

Most of those polls are NATIONAL!

Now being intelligent conservatives, let me ask you something----------------> who is going to win CA? Who is going to win NY? And how much are they going to win them by! Ummmmm, how about 3 to 6 million votes! So, lets take the middle and say 4 million votes. What % of 130 million votes is 4 million, lol!

Catching my drift here! You are going to have MASSIVE blow outs in those charming and delightful blue states, (except maybe Illinois, that appears in play depending upon who the Democratic nominee is) which means NOTHING! They get no more electoral votes if they win in CA by 1, or 10,000,000! Why do you think they want the electoral college to go the way of the do-do bird.

And then---------------------> if the Left on here was accurate as far as their arrogance, why would Matthews, Carville, and a load of MSM Leftists be screaming so loud about how the Democratic field, SUX!

Look all, the Left on here is blowing smoke up your proverbial a**es, plain and simple. Doesn't mean stay home and don't vote cause we got this; but it does mean they are on the run and trying to hide from you that they are! Even the newest polls show that Americans trust the GOP MORE than the Democrats. These Leftists are quaking in their boots, and the Barr/Durham report hasn't even been released to gobsmack them yet.

Sooooooooo, don't let them get you down! They can't dazzle you with brilliance, so they try and baffle you with bullsh**t! We got this as long as we vote! Have CONFIDENCE, up ballot, down ballot, we are going to clobber these Socialists, especially if they are ignorant enough to put up Bernie or Warren.

Now, go have an adult beverage, and start laughing at these Leftists who are trying to lie to you to make you miserable, since I know, and they know, as of now, they have NOTHING else they can do, except cry in their Socialist cornflakes!

I agree and your negativism directed at the lefty loons was fun as well..
The democrat party couldn't organize a trip to the bathroom and everyone knows it. If it wasn't for the unrelenting support of the mainstream media the democrat party would have disappeared a long time ago.

There would be major complications in choosing which bathroom to go.

Lol, very good point, and where Mayor Pete would go, would be a huge question-)
It's not negativity to fight back. Nobody likes a wimp. Americans want a fighter, not a pacifist. It's also not negativity if you tell the truth about your opponent. The defining moment in 2016 was when Trump said: "Because you'd be in jail" during the debate with Hillary. If he had been nice (like Romney in 2012) we would all be hearing the cackling of Hillary Clinton on our TV sets night after night instead of enjoying the meltdowns and wringing of hands from the left. We wouldn't know about the FISA abuses and the illegal surveillance by the FBI either.
The rules are set by the aggressor and the aggressor is always the one on the left. Conservatives need to beat them at their own game and go after them the same way they go after us. Nothing wrong with that and trump is proving it every day. His negativism is what is causing Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, all of the deep state to lose their cool and show us who they really are. That's why they're losing and I hope we see more of it.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Dude, the negativism I am referring to, is not about beating down the Left. Rather, it is about wringing our hands when Leftists tell us we are losing.

We aren't losing, we are kicking their a**es in every poll that shows the mood of the country. This can be attributed to Trump not being like other GOP Presidents and leaders, and smacking the hell out of them.

You and I are on the same page. I am just tired of threads that talk about we might be losing the down ballot, etc. I have a feeling that the Conservatives have less of a clue than the Leftists have...………….that we have these SOCIALISTS exactly where we want them!
Then I totally agree. Thanks for clarifying.
Yes! Just make sure you get their early on November 4th because lines might be long and you don't want to miss out on this historic election!

Yes Lew-Lew, the lines are going to be loooooooooong, and we don't care! You all stand in line in CA and New York, maybe Mass to, to get your electoral votes. I hope it is raining like hell, and you still only get the same amount of votes, win by 3, 4, 5, 10 million in your blue states!

We, on the other hand, will sashay to our voting place, have a little Sushi on the way, maybe a fried chicken, some okra, have a little cheese cake for desert if the mood strikes us, and get another 300 and something electoral votes, keep the senate, and probably flip the House.

When the dust clears, the only thing your going to have left is-------------------------->a bunch of broken down Socialists, crying in their gruel-)

I'm glad you are so confident! Just make sure to hold that energy until November 4th!

I live one town over from Corbin, Kentucky... so I pretty much am surrounded by the food you mentioned except sushi. Raw fish isn't a big Appalachian meal.
Yes! Just make sure you get their early on November 4th because lines might be long and you don't want to miss out on this historic election!

Yes Lew-Lew, the lines are going to be loooooooooong, and we don't care! You all stand in line in CA and New York, maybe Mass to, to get your electoral votes. I hope it is raining like hell, and you still only get the same amount of votes, win by 3, 4, 5, 10 million in your blue states!

We, on the other hand, will sashay to our voting place, have a little Sushi on the way, maybe a fried chicken, some okra, have a little cheese cake for desert if the mood strikes us, and get another 300 and something electoral votes, keep the senate, and probably flip the House.

When the dust clears, the only thing your going to have left is-------------------------->a bunch of broken down Socialists, crying in their gruel-)

I'm glad you are so confident! Just make sure to hold that energy until November 4th!

I live one town over from Corbin, Kentucky... so I pretty much am surrounded by the food you mentioned except sushi. Raw fish isn't a big Appalachian meal.

Unless you are blind in one eye and can't see out the other, at this point in time, if we weren't confident, we would be damn fools!

Like your food though, good stuff. They tell me there is a Lorretta Lynn Café somewhere along Interstate 24 that is fantastic. I need stop there, if I can find it, on my way home from Florida.
Yes! Just make sure you get their early on November 4th because lines might be long and you don't want to miss out on this historic election!

Yes Lew-Lew, the lines are going to be loooooooooong, and we don't care! You all stand in line in CA and New York, maybe Mass to, to get your electoral votes. I hope it is raining like hell, and you still only get the same amount of votes, win by 3, 4, 5, 10 million in your blue states!

We, on the other hand, will sashay to our voting place, have a little Sushi on the way, maybe a fried chicken, some okra, have a little cheese cake for desert if the mood strikes us, and get another 300 and something electoral votes, keep the senate, and probably flip the House.

When the dust clears, the only thing your going to have left is-------------------------->a bunch of broken down Socialists, crying in their gruel-)

I'm glad you are so confident! Just make sure to hold that energy until November 4th!

I live one town over from Corbin, Kentucky... so I pretty much am surrounded by the food you mentioned except sushi. Raw fish isn't a big Appalachian meal.

Unless you are blind in one eye and can't see out the other, at this point in time, if we weren't confident, we would be damn fools!

Like your food though, good stuff. They tell me there is a Lorretta Lynn Café somewhere along Interstate 24 that is fantastic. I need stop there, if I can find it, on my way home from Florida.

They are doing a remodel on the original Sanders' Cafe in Corbin. I'm not sure if they will close it or not while they do it. The hardwood floor was in bad shape and the bathrooms were horrible. They had their actual kitchen area, bedroom, and office still like it was way back in the day.

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