VPP's, making the customer money, making the utility money.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
VPP's, Virtual Power Plants, are a very good deal for all involved. This is a cat that can be skinned in many ways, has many benefits, including a much more robust grid, and saving the utility a good deal of money in power plants they don't have to build;
Power walls will be lucky to power your air conditioning an hour at night and only then if nothing else is on.
A Powerwall 2 has 13 kw/hr, you can use up to 9 of them together. And there are other producers of storage batteries. You are totally full of shit with that statement.
Power walls will be lucky to power your air conditioning an hour at night and only then if nothing else is on.
A Powerwall 2 has 13 kw/hr, you can use up to 9 of them together. And there are other producers of storage batteries. You are totally full of shit with that statement.

A Tesla Powerwall costs $10K and only comes with a Tesla solar system and I am neither full of shit nor paying $100K to Tesla for a battery system that has to be kept at precise temperatures so it won't burn your house down and unless you are Bill gates you don't have enough roof top to charge 9 powerwalls.

Power walls will be lucky to power your air conditioning an hour at night and only then if nothing else is on.
A Powerwall 2 has 13 kw/hr, you can use up to 9 of them together. And there are other producers of storage batteries. You are totally full of shit with that statement.

A Tesla Powerwall costs $10K and only comes with a Tesla solar system and I am neither full of shit nor paying $100K to Tesla for a battery system that has to be kept at precise temperatures so it won't burn your house down and unless you are Bill gates you don't have enough roof top to charge 9 powerwalls.

First, that article is from 2019, in the past 18 months, a much has changed as Tesla has led the way on VPP's. And even in that article, it says that change was on the way then;

"Designing solar-coupled battery backup systems

Regardless of these energy, power and financial limitations, a well-designed solar and backup system can provide power almost indefinitely. Three design elements are critical.

First, the battery’s energy capacity (kilowatt-hours) and inverter output (kilowatts) should be matched to the needs of the home at night when the battery is partially discharged. Second, the number of backup circuits should be strictly limited to prevent powering too many small devices or any large appliances. Third, the size of the solar system should be sufficient to partially recharge the battery even on a cloudy winter day.

Upcoming smart home electric system technologies will address these practical limitations by automatically shedding loads during a blackout. At the 2019 Solar Power International show, companies exhibited smart appliance controls and circuit breakers that could automatically disable large appliances. Smart electric panel technology was also on display that could automatically manage all the circuits in a house.

By the end of 2019, there will be over 10,000 homes and businesses in California equipped with combined solar and battery backup systems. As these systems become less expensive (both through equipment cost reductions and incentives), they will become the most expedient and effective way for people to adjust to the new normal of public safety power shutoffs."
Tesla is now selling systems at considerable less than the systems have cost in the past. And the bigger systems if part of a VPP will have a much quicker payback than six years. Also, while the guarantee is for 20 years, that guarantee is that at 20 years, the panels will still be putting out 80% of their original rating.
On the moving e-bikes, people are liking the tow-panel trailer that is equipped with one 100W solar panel. The second 100W will mount on a frame over the e-trike and driver. With the trike, there can also be a seat for another passenger. Both panels will be recharging a power station while in motion, completely separate from the battery being used to propel the e-trike and trailer. The latter also sports a weather-proof @Plano compartment that measures ~ 12’’x12’’x24.” For extra cargo, two of these can fit side-by-side on the same trailer.

Another trailer will be the micro-studio which “unfolds to size” in a quasi-geodesic form because the frame is (hinged [italics]), backed up by a propane (heating system [italics]), which is a different critter than a free-standing propane heater, because of the carbon monoxide-safe ducting system and solar-rechargeable blower fan. A more complete system will sport 4 100w panels (two on the micro-studio roof) charging two power stations, so that one can be used for normal activities without the lithium-ion compromising, negative aspects of pass-through charging.
Air conditioning at night? Badger’s heating cost for night sleeping, from April 2020 to Ap 2021, was $0.00. Screw the Pimp.

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