Voters Don't Trust Political News


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Gee, that's shocking.

Imagine, after being lied to for three years about the Russia Delusion, that Americans don't trust the News anymore.

What's next? Are we to believe the Earth is round now??

Rasmussen: Majority of Likely Voters Don't Trust Political News, Also Say the Media Is Primarily Engaged in Political Operations to Block Trump's/the GOP's Agenda
Ace of Spades HQ

Welcome to the party, pals!

One of the most wonderful trends in the past five years is hearing not-very-political normies just say things like, "The media, can't trust a thing they say."

They've earned their complete contempt.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 32% of Likely U.S. Voters trust the political news they are getting. Most (54%) do not. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
51% say that the media is primarily interested in blocking Trump's agenda, while only 36% say the media is primarily interested in straight news reporting.

4% of lunatics, some of whom troll this site, say that the media is trying to help pass Trump's agenda.


See this tweet for an embedded screen cap of the poll findings.

Here's that screencap, as a direct link.
Gee, that's shocking.

Imagine, after being lied to for three years about the Russia Delusion, that Americans don't trust the News anymore.

What's next? Are we to believe the Earth is round now??

Rasmussen: Majority of Likely Voters Don't Trust Political News, Also Say the Media Is Primarily Engaged in Political Operations to Block Trump's/the GOP's Agenda
Ace of Spades HQ

Welcome to the party, pals!

One of the most wonderful trends in the past five years is hearing not-very-political normies just say things like, "The media, can't trust a thing they say."

They've earned their complete contempt.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 32% of Likely U.S. Voters trust the political news they are getting. Most (54%) do not. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
51% say that the media is primarily interested in blocking Trump's agenda, while only 36% say the media is primarily interested in straight news reporting.

4% of lunatics, some of whom troll this site, say that the media is trying to help pass Trump's agenda.


See this tweet for an embedded screen cap of the poll findings.

Here's that screencap, as a direct link.
The problem is that a lot of those people who hate the media either don't vote, vote Libertarian or even vote for local Democrats and no one else, and nearly all the people who trust the media vote Democrat while the "not sure" people are either just idiot Democrats or Democrats trying to be smartasses.
One of the most wonderful trends in the past five years is hearing not-very-political normies just say things like, "The media, can't trust a thing they say."
And yet you believe every word Trump says. Go figure.
Also, who comprises this 54% of non-believers? We are told on this board that Fox is the most watched network. Could THAT be why so few believe the news?
One of the most wonderful trends in the past five years is hearing not-very-political normies just say things like, "The media, can't trust a thing they say."
And yet you believe every word Trump says. Go figure.
Also, who comprises this 54% of non-believers? We are told on this board that Fox is the most watched network. Could THAT be why so few believe the news?

And yet you let your asshole do your talking and your vagina do your thinking.

Where do you get the idea that I believe everything Trump says? From CNN? From the New Yawk Slimes?

You believe shit like that because you're frankly stupid.

I don't like Trump. I don't like politicians in general.

But I despise, detest, abhore and hate with all my heart and soul the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

You and people like you are just sock puppets for the media.

You think the media makes you matter, that they speak for you.....??

They HATE you, you stupid fuck. They look down their noses at you. You're pond scum to them.

They look down on EVERYBODY that isn't a 'A-Lister' or that isn't part of what they consider the 'Elites' -- The Royals.

You're just a part of the donor class to them. They use you up and spit you out like the disposable human you are.

To the DISGUSTING FILTH, you're just another Useful Idiot.

Emphasis being on 'idiot'

Get a life before it's too late
One of the most wonderful trends in the past five years is hearing not-very-political normies just say things like, "The media, can't trust a thing they say."
And yet you believe every word Trump says. Go figure.
Also, who comprises this 54% of non-believers? We are told on this board that Fox is the most watched network. Could THAT be why so few believe the news?

And yet you let your asshole do your talking and your vagina do your thinking.

Where do you get the idea that I believe everything Trump says? From CNN? From the New Yawk Slimes?

You believe shit like that because you're frankly stupid.

I don't like Trump. I don't like politicians in general.

But I despise, detest, abhore and hate with all my heart and soul the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

You and people like you are just sock puppets for the media.

You think the media makes you matter, that they speak for you.....??

They HATE you, you stupid fuck. They look down their noses at you. You're pond scum to them.

They look down on EVERYBODY that isn't a 'A-Lister' or that isn't part of what they consider the 'Elites' -- The Royals.

You're just a part of the donor class to them. They use you up and spit you out like the disposable human you are.

To the DISGUSTING FILTH, you're just another Useful Idiot.

Emphasis being on 'idiot'

Get a life before it's too late
Oh! If only I could be wise and discerning like you. sigh

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