Voter Suppression & Fraud In This Country, The United States of America


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Is predominantly, if not solely perpetrated by Republicans.

Use this thread to post clear examples of the voter fraud and/or voter suppression and let's tally who does what.

I'll start w/this clear example of voter suppression by the Republicans in Texas...

Texas' election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

I've already posted numerous times previously, about the massive voter fraud and suppression in North Carolina.

Any USMB rightwingers upset about this?
LoLing @ the "New York Post"


Is predominantly, if not solely perpetrated by Republicans.

Use this thread to post clear examples of the voter fraud and/or voter suppression and let's tally who does what.

I'll start w/this clear example of voter suppression by the Republicans in Texas...

Texas' election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

I've already posted numerous times previously, about the massive voter fraud and suppression in North Carolina.

Any USMB rightwingers upset about this?

Is predominantly, if not solely perpetrated by Republicans.

Use this thread to post clear examples of the voter fraud and/or voter suppression and let's tally who does what.

I'll start w/this clear example of voter suppression by the Republicans in Texas...

Texas' election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

I've already posted numerous times previously, about the massive voter fraud and suppression in North Carolina.

Any USMB rightwingers upset about this?

Damn those Republicans for trying to keep the voting database clean.
There is no voter suppression unless you want to talk about DemNazis allowing Illegals to vote and refusing to pass voter ID laws so Russians Cannot vote in our elections.

Thread Fail.

Republicans promote voter fraud suppression.

and then, when there is an ACTUAL RECOUNT DONE, we always find THE DEMOCRATS cheating and discriminating... as they did in FLA 2000....

Media Recount: Bush Won the 2000 Election

Let The Sunshine In | National Review

"Earlier this year I published an article in the Journal of Legal Studies analyzing the USA Todaydata, and it shows that African-American Republicans who voted were 54 to 66 times more likely than the average African American to cast a non-voted ballot"

Translation - Gore was right that had the tossed or spoiled ballots been "proportional to voter registration," Gore would have won.

The actual DATA from the USA Today recount showed the spoiled ballots were not "proportional," Rather, there was a VERY CLEAR CASE that DEMOCRAT CANVAS BOARDS deliberately tossed BLACK REPUBLICAN BALLOTS...

That's the TRUTH of the DATA....

Now for some whiny BS from leftists who HATE THAT TRUTH....
Is predominantly, if not solely perpetrated by Republicans.

Use this thread to post clear examples of the voter fraud and/or voter suppression and let's tally who does what.

I'll start w/this clear example of voter suppression by the Republicans in Texas...

Texas' election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

I've already posted numerous times previously, about the massive voter fraud and suppression in North Carolina.

Any USMB rightwingers upset about this?

The republicans are not suppressing any votes.......if cleaning the rolls from the dead and people who aren't allowed to vote is voter suppression, you need to go back to school and learn about truth, facts and reality. The real problem is the democrat party using violence and illegal voters during elections......that is the real problem.
Is predominantly, if not solely perpetrated by Republicans.

Use this thread to post clear examples of the voter fraud and/or voter suppression and let's tally who does what.

I'll start w/this clear example of voter suppression by the Republicans in Texas...

Texas' election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

I've already posted numerous times previously, about the massive voter fraud and suppression in North Carolina.

Any USMB rightwingers upset about this?

It would take a lot more honesty than right wingers on here could ever muster up to admit that the GOP.......having an increasingly shrinking base of older, white, poorly educated males........MUST now keep black and brown people from voting.

Remember in 2012???

Pennsylvania state House Republican leader Mike Turzai said this weekend that the state’s new voter ID law will “allow” Mitt Romney to win the state in November, according to a report.

Pa. pol: Voter ID helps GOP win state

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