Vote on Jobs Bill today


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
The president just gave a speech saying Congress was going to vote on the Jobs Bill next week. As soon as the speech was over, it was announced it would be today! Whoa! The votes came through pretty quickly!
What jobs bill?

You haven't heard?

Obama has decided to create Jobs. In memory of Steve. It's gonna be awesome! The occupation of Wall St is now a formal job. Each occupier will be paid $20 per hour, with a guaranteed pension, to be paid by evil rich people. Cool, huh?
If Reid is introducing the bill today, that is only the first reading. All that will happen today is that it will be sent to committee for mark up. After committee, it will be subject to two more votes before it would be sent to the house.

And the house has the option, depending on how they feel, of either ignoring it totally, like the senate has with all the legislation the house has passed, or amending the hell out of it and voting it down, or amending the hell out of it and passing it in such a form that the senate or Obama will never agree to it.
All supporters of the Jobs Steve (we've renamed it from Bill to Steve in memory of the late, great innovator (and supporter of child labor and overseas jobs) Steve Jobs - you all get a free i-phone! LMAO
[ame=]McConnell To Obama, Dems: Let's Vote On Jobs Plan - YouTube[/ame]
What jobs bill?

You haven't heard?

Obama has decided to create Jobs. In memory of Steve. It's gonna be awesome! The occupation of Wall St is now a formal job. Each occupier will be paid $20 per hour, with a guaranteed pension, to be paid by evil rich people. Cool, huh?

We're just that much closer to Utopia..

Exciting, huh?

I was just wondering.... has this Jobs Steve been posted on the internet - cuz didn't Obama promise he would post all bills BEFORE they get signed?

And interestingly enough..

Reid countered McConnell's proposal by offering to take a procedural vote on whether simply to take up the bill on the floor and debate it. Because it's typical for senators of each party to vote together on a procedural motion like that, Reid could be confident he would get all 53 Democratic senators to vote yes, even if some opposed the underlying bill.

Recognizing such a vote would muddy his effort to prove the Democrats are fractured, McConnell objected to Reid's motion and the debate concluded.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Air Force One en route from Dallas to St. Louis told reporters: "What we saw in the Senate today was a political stunt..."

Referring to McConnell's move, Carney said, "I would simply point out that this is coming from a senator who stated his number-one priority as the Republican leader in the Senate, not the economy, not jobs, but is to defeat President Obama."

Carney said the American people "recoil" from this sort of "gamesmanship."
The Democrats dont have the votes in the senate, period. And the GOP will not vote yay on it, it will go nowhere and Obama will use it as a ploy to say "Well, at least I tried" and all the while blame it's failure on the GOP and not his own party. And dumbasses who support him will buy into every bit of it.
If Reid is introducing the bill today, that is only the first reading. All that will happen today is that it will be sent to committee for mark up. After committee, it will be subject to two more votes before it would be sent to the house.

And the house has the option, depending on how they feel, of either ignoring it totally, like the senate has with all the legislation the house has passed, or amending the hell out of it and voting it down, or amending the hell out of it and passing it in such a form that the senate or Obama will never agree to it.

It had better be posted online for everyone to read 72 hours prior to a vote like Boehner promised in 2010, if not, then Boehners ass and the rest of them will be looking for work here real soon.

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