Vote fraud? CA orders DMV to remove illegal alien code from license database

It doesn't really matter what the CA DMV does with the database. As CA has no voter ID requirement, voter fraud is quite easy to perform.

It may be easy to vote, but is the vote counted? And why should it not be easy to vote?

And, if voter fraud is as trump alleges, why hasn't the Congress created, designed and/or designated what type of ID is sufficient and necessary for someone to vote, and, to fund the expense to make sure every voter eligible has the proper ID?
the question is, how are the people registering, vetted by the voter registrars office before they approve them on to the voter roll? Do they check to see if the name and address exists? Do they check with their drivers license bureau to see if they have a US Citizen issued drivers license? Do they e-verify? Do they check to see if they are a felon still on probation? A they green card holders making them illegal to vote?
Agreed on the question. The evidence shows it's pretty easy in California, which indicates a lack of security versus a state like Texas where we have Voter ID.

Vote Texas

That said, I doubt many illegals would risk skylining themselves by committing voter fraud. That's a sure way to end up in prison or permanently deported.
there is no State, more lenient than mine in this area and I am perfectly fine with it and am certain there would not ever be enough illegal votes cast to change an election, if any are cast at all.

Maine allows same day registering and voting, allows ex felons to vote, and felons while in prison as well.... FYI-Maine and Vermont were the only 2 States who did not change their laws on who can vote... after the civil War when African American Men were given the right to vote, all other States made it illegal for criminals in prison to vote, because black men were primarily the people in their prisons...yes, they did want to disenfranchise them....prior to that, all men in prison, in all States, were allowed to vote while in prison....And it is not that Maine and Vermont were virtuous in any way, the reason they did not change their law is because all or near all the men in their prisons were White...and they saw no need to change it....

in 97% of the voting precincts, all small town like mine, they know you, they know which house in the pasture on such and such country road... is yours...they may not be a friend and speak to you face to face daily, they are pretty private people in the sense that they don't encroach, everyone respects one another and their space, yet still KNOW who you are, where you live, what kind of work you are in etc and smile and say hi when they see you in the small town grocery store.... I LOVE IT HERE! :lol:
In CA all you need is a piece of mail with your name and address on it, to show that you're in the right voting district, whether or not you registered to vote.

More bullshit.
Prove it.

Here's a link stating it takes less than 2 minutes to register: Register to Vote in California - - The Voter Registration Experts
If you are registering for the first time, you should plan on showing “proof of identification” the first time you vote. Proof of identification includes: (1) A current and valid photo identification or (2) A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that
shows your name and address.

California voter registration rules
To register in California you must:

  • be a citizen of the United States
  • be a resident of California
  • be at least 18 years of age at the time of the next election
  • not be imprisoned or on parole for the conviction of a felony
  • not currently be judged mentally incompetent by a court of law
California voter registration directions
  1. Use our Register to Vote Tool to fill out the National Voter Registration Form.
  2. Sign and date your form. This is very important!
  3. Mail or hand-deliver your completed form to the address we provide.
  4. Make sure you register before the voter registration deadline.
Helpful voting links

Yes, but missing from this misleading post is the policy of provisional ballots in CA.:

See: Provisional Voting | California Secretary of State
Irrelevant since, as proved by the California link I provided, a person can register to vote with a utility bill or bank statement showing their name and address.

And their ballot will be put in a special envelope and vetted.

Q. Is it better to turn away a voter, or allow the voter to vote with a provisional ballot.
(Some states [Red One's] deny the vote, progressives states allow it.)
Vetted how? With a utility bill?
the question is, how are the people registering, vetted by the voter registrars office before they approve them on to the voter roll? Do they check to see if the name and address exists? Do they check with their drivers license bureau to see if they have a US Citizen issued drivers license? Do they e-verify? Do they check to see if they are a felon still on probation? A they green card holders making them illegal to vote?
Agreed on the question. The evidence shows it's pretty easy in California, which indicates a lack of security versus a state like Texas where we have Voter ID.

Vote Texas

That said, I doubt many illegals would risk skylining themselves by committing voter fraud. That's a sure way to end up in prison or permanently deported.
there is no State, more lenient than mine in this area and I am perfectly fine with it and am certain there would not ever be enough illegal votes cast to change an election, if any are cast at all.

Maine allows same day registering and voting, allows ex felons to vote, and felons while in prison as well.... FYI-Maine and Vermont were the only 2 States who did not change their laws on who can vote... after the civil War when African American Men were given the right to vote, all other States made it illegal for criminals in prison to vote, because black men were primarily the people in their prisons...yes, they did want to disenfranchise them....prior to that, all men in prison, in all States, were allowed to vote while in prison....And it is not that Maine and Vermont were virtuous in any way, the reason they did not change their law is because all or near all the men in their prisons were White...and they saw no need to change it....

in 97% of the voting precincts, all small town like mine, they know you, they know which house in the pasture on such and such country road... is yours...they may not be a friend and speak to you face to face daily, they are pretty private people in the sense that they don't encroach, everyone respects one another and their space, yet still KNOW who you are, where you live, what kind of work you are in etc and smile and say hi when they see you in the small town grocery store.... I LOVE IT HERE! :lol:
Good for you.

I, OTOH, think our system of voting should be unimpeachable. Completely trustworthy. I also support the idea of letting felons have full benefits of citizenship including owning firearms and voting. Does Maine let felons own firearms?
the question is, how are the people registering, vetted by the voter registrars office before they approve them on to the voter roll? Do they check to see if the name and address exists? Do they check with their drivers license bureau to see if they have a US Citizen issued drivers license? Do they e-verify? Do they check to see if they are a felon still on probation? A they green card holders making them illegal to vote?
Agreed on the question. The evidence shows it's pretty easy in California, which indicates a lack of security versus a state like Texas where we have Voter ID.

Vote Texas

That said, I doubt many illegals would risk skylining themselves by committing voter fraud. That's a sure way to end up in prison or permanently deported.
there is no State, more lenient than mine in this area and I am perfectly fine with it and am certain there would not ever be enough illegal votes cast to change an election, if any are cast at all.

Maine allows same day registering and voting, allows ex felons to vote, and felons while in prison as well.... FYI-Maine and Vermont were the only 2 States who did not change their laws on who can vote... after the civil War when African American Men were given the right to vote, all other States made it illegal for criminals in prison to vote, because black men were primarily the people in their prisons...yes, they did want to disenfranchise them....prior to that, all men in prison, in all States, were allowed to vote while in prison....And it is not that Maine and Vermont were virtuous in any way, the reason they did not change their law is because all or near all the men in their prisons were White...and they saw no need to change it....

in 97% of the voting precincts, all small town like mine, they know you, they know which house in the pasture on such and such country road... is yours...they may not be a friend and speak to you face to face daily, they are pretty private people in the sense that they don't encroach, everyone respects one another and their space, yet still KNOW who you are, where you live, what kind of work you are in etc and smile and say hi when they see you in the small town grocery store.... I LOVE IT HERE! :lol:
Good for you.

I, OTOH, think our system of voting should be unimpeachable. Completely trustworthy. I also support the idea of letting felons have full benefits of citizenship including owning firearms and voting. Does Maine let felons own firearms?
I don't know the answer for certain but honestly, I would imagine they can, children at 9 or 10 here can legally hunt... with a youth course on safety taken... I have seen in the news that in southern Maine, they are concerned about how crooks from other states are coming here more and more to buy their guns cuz we have a laxer system and gun laws than other states in New England...but so far the legislature has resisted on changing our gun can open carry here, except on school property because I remember a mother who wore her big ass gun on her Holster/hip belt, was called to school to pick up her sick daughter and she entered with her hip gun and security stopped her and had to call the sheriff due to the law....she made the news, it ended up they never charged her, it was simply an accident...her gun was simply a part of her hip, and she didn't even know it was there!!! :D
There is no way to make elections 100% foolproof. But you're making all this noise over an article, which when you get to the meat of it, show they found 31 illegals who voted since 2005 in those parts of Virginia.

You're actually making the case for Liberals who say the problem is not very widespread.
Only if you're dumb as a stump.
The problem should be obvious to a person without and agenda.
Our election laws are filled with loopholes you have to admit. But closing them doesn't benefit your you trivialize them.
I don't need to trivialize them -- you can't prove there's a widespread problem. You just posted a lengthy unconfirmed diatribe from someone who cited an article to back his story up, and the ultimate outcome was 31 illegals who voted in the last 12 years.
In effect, you live in denial because it suits you.


It appears that the more evidence that is presented, the more you deny it.
I haven't denied any evidence you provided. Your problem is you presented almost no evidence to support your claims. You did present evidence that since 2005, 31 illegals voted in parts of Virginia ... and I did not deny that.
I present cause and effect and you say prove it. I suggest ways of proving it and you then say it's fundamentally unconstitutional to do anything to prevent voter fraud. Then you say I have no proof it even exists.
You're argument is an idiot.

Democrats claim it doesn't exist......then claim the election was hacked.
Democrats bring millions of people into this country, legalize them, register them, and encourage them to vote Democrat.
We try to stop it and they take us to court. about all of the Dead people still registered? Noooo....we can't purge the rolls. That would be racist. about all of the people getting driver's licenses in sanctuary cities? Noooo....that's not the same thing as registering them. about sealing the borders? Nooooo...THAT'S RACIST!!!!! about requiring a picture I.D. to vote? Nooooo.....THAT'S RACIST!!!
Despite your demented diatribe, you have failed miserably to show widespread cases of voter fraud. Certainly nowhere near warranting a 10th investigation into voter fraud. All you're doing is making vapid claims, backed with nothing but conjecture.
Plenty of vote fraud schemes have been presented yet ignored by leftist puke. Particularly absentee ballots in CA. Provisional ballot you really think they check 1mil+? Dem poll worke with D ballots? Please.

Double register home absentee then vote at school.....use different address. Leftist commie scum don't want any of it fixed as they have long history of dishonesty across the board. The Veritas video exposed tip of iceberg.




It's federal law that dictates the data base

Real ID Act.

And LEGAL IMMIGRANTS can not legally vote, why would they NOT remove LEGAL immigrants from this data base as well?

It's BS from a mile away...
I dare you to read this.......

January 28, 2017

Articles: Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot
Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot
By William Campenni

A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs. It was a sanctuary city at the time. No problem with the festival itself. The music was lively and the food tasty. And don't the Irish have St. Patrick's Day, and the Italians Columbus Day?

While wandering around the festivities, I noticed a table with three nice ladies in front of a "Register To Vote" sign. Curious about its presence at a festival where the bulk of the crowd was either illegal alien day laborers or legal non-citizens, I went over to inquire. Before I spoke, one of those nice ladies asked me if I was registered to vote. Wanting to see where this would go, I said no, and asked how to sign up. A voter registration form was thrust in my hands. The very first item on these forms, in Virginia and the rest of America, was "I am a citizen of the United States of America," with YES and NO blocks to check.

"Don't I need to show you some proof of citizenship?" I asked. She replied "no." I asked her how she could verify that I wasn’t lying. Sensing she might be on a slippery slope, she called over a supervisor from the Registrar's Office and told the woman of my concern. The official told me they never checked citizenship status because I would be penalized if I lied. Really? So I asked her how she would verify my truthfulness, or those of the dozens of new voters being registered that day. Defensively, she replied that they checked all registrations for accuracy at the Registrar's Office when they were turned in.

I called the Registrar Monday, and asked if they do indeed verify citizenship status. I was told that they didn't unless someone made a specific complaint against an individual applicant.

Forward to our next local election, where the illegal alien presence and an unlawful day labor site were THE issues, I noticed that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in their purple tee shirts, and their local spinoffs were canvassing the town. I followed them for awhile as they went to homes and neighborhoods where the illegal aliens concentrated, and watched them exit each home or apartment with a new handful of voter registrations.

Ten years later, nobody at the Registrar's Office is checking citizenship.

The brutal truth is that illegal aliens vote, and in large numbers. Voter fraud is not exclusive to illegal aliens. There are also legal aliens (green card, H1B visas, tourist visa holders, etc.) who vote illegally. And it's not just Latin Americans. The non-citizen demographic includes South Asian tech workers, Irish overstays, West and Horn of Africa immigrants, and Asian students. Then there are dual-state voters (college kids, snowbirds, transients), reincarnated voters, and un-purged voters long moved from their precincts.

While few cases are prosecuted, it’s not because few crimes are committed. Political pressure from Democrats and the cowardly establishment, open-borders Republicans, precludes rigorous enforcement. The United States Attorney in Virginia refused to prosecute such cases in several Northern Virginia counties. The Democratic Party Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Elections refused to release any information on illegal alien registrations. Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Lindsey Graham deny the existence of voter fraud, but they offer no proof for their position. Then they ridicule President Trump when he asks to investigate the problem.

In fact, numerous studies document the fraud that these politicians and their media votaries consciously ignore or derisively rebut. A well researched report on illegal alien voting in my home state of Virginia revealed more than a thousand illegal alien registrants in just eight counties. It did not include the two most populous, of which one, Fairfax County, is a de facto sanctuary county, and the very county described in the opening paragraphs of this article. Extrapolate those eight Virginia county totals to the whole state, and then to the entire United States, including states like California where no illegal alien controls exist, and you can see that President Trump's claims are not so frivolous.

The effects of turning a blind eye to this felonious voter fraud? Virginia was once a solid red state. Once the illegal alien invasion hit the state in full flood after 2004, (thanks in part to Republican amnesty advocate George Bush's indifference to the tsunami) it became a blue state. The margin of Hillary Clinton's victory over Donald Trump in Virginia was almost entirely her margin in Fairfax County, where illegals have sanctuary and are protected by a solidly Democrat government. In five recent statewide elections, the Republican margin of defeat - Cuccinelli for Governor (vs. McAuliffe), Gillespie for Senate (vs. Warner), Allen for Senate (vs. Webb), and two Attorneys General - was almost certainly the result of illegal voting. Al Franken sits in the Senate almost certainly because of Minnesota vote fraud. Paul Ryan in his gerrymandered Wisconsin protectorate may not know that, but we citizens in Virginia and elsewhere do know it.

Read more here.......Articles: Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Thank You Senior Jerry
From that "report"...

we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015.​

31 non-citizens were found to have voted since 2005.

Sure ... let's spend millions more in a 10th investigation into voter fraud. Maybe we'll find another 31. <smh>
Okay, Einstein.........explain how one goes about catching every single act of voter fraud in an election that uses secret ballots?

Name the 3-5 Million who voted according to trump&co fraudulently. If you or he cannot, then we have nothing more than an opinion. It's not up to us to prove fraud, it is up to trump and his sycophants who make the claim.
I love your position.
You Democrats make sure that we can't prove what you're doing then dare us to prove it.

How is it possible for up to 5 million people to vote illegally, and all that's been caught are 4? And how are Democrats making sure you can't prove your empty claims? The right has been pounding their collective chests now for nearly 4 months about how much power they have and at how defanged the left is. You can't blame Democrats anymore. That's what happens when you're in charge.
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.

I don't think Trump said 3 to 5 million people in California alone, but when you include al the other leftie states with similar lax laws towards illegals and voting, that could very well be the case. Why are the lefties so upset that he's launched an investigation?
I also don't believe he sad that. I quoted the question to OffensivelyOpenMinded.

And the laws are not as lax as you seem to think. In California, for example, the laws prevent illegals from getting registered to vote.
In CA all you need is a piece of mail with your name and address on it, to show that you're in the right voting district, whether or not you registered to vote.
And such a person's vote will not be counted if they are an illegal alien. So what's the problem?
An utility bill with your name and address on it is perfectly fine to identify yourself after you have already one illegally trying to impersonate you is going to have your utility bill nor are they going to make themselves so obvious, with poll workers searching for him on their list, then not finding him, then the poll workers getting him a provisional ballot, telling the thief how to fill it out and sign it properly, ALL FACE TO FACE....sorry, the thief would never ever take that risk! :lol:
According to the link I provided above, you can register online then use your utility bill to prove you are who are say you are.

Ergo, you could be Boris Badenov or Natasha Fatale and legally vote in California as long as 1) you registered online and 2) your apartment electric bill has your name and address.

Registering online doesn't guarantee registration. It's applying for registration. Registrants are verified for eligibility before being approved.
More bullshit.
Prove it.

Here's a link stating it takes less than 2 minutes to register: Register to Vote in California - - The Voter Registration Experts
If you are registering for the first time, you should plan on showing “proof of identification” the first time you vote. Proof of identification includes: (1) A current and valid photo identification or (2) A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that
shows your name and address.

California voter registration rules
To register in California you must:

  • be a citizen of the United States
  • be a resident of California
  • be at least 18 years of age at the time of the next election
  • not be imprisoned or on parole for the conviction of a felony
  • not currently be judged mentally incompetent by a court of law
California voter registration directions
  1. Use our Register to Vote Tool to fill out the National Voter Registration Form.
  2. Sign and date your form. This is very important!
  3. Mail or hand-deliver your completed form to the address we provide.
  4. Make sure you register before the voter registration deadline.
Helpful voting links

Yes, but missing from this misleading post is the policy of provisional ballots in CA.:

See: Provisional Voting | California Secretary of State
Irrelevant since, as proved by the California link I provided, a person can register to vote with a utility bill or bank statement showing their name and address.

And their ballot will be put in a special envelope and vetted.

Q. Is it better to turn away a voter, or allow the voter to vote with a provisional ballot.
(Some states [Red One's] deny the vote, progressives states allow it.)
Vetted how? With a utility bill?
To determine if they're registered.
Plenty of vote fraud schemes have been presented yet ignored by leftist puke. Particularly absentee ballots in CA. Provisional ballot you really think they check 1mil+? Dem poll worke with D ballots? Please.

Double register home absentee then vote at school.....use different address. Leftist commie scum don't want any of it fixed as they have long history of dishonesty across the board. The Veritas video exposed tip of iceberg.
Because voter fraud has been investigated at least 9 times and has never found evidence of widespread fraud as the loony right keeps suggesting.
If illegals are registered and vote it will count. Name and address is all you need in CA. Dems go to parks or worksites and register any and all. Prefered method is absentee as someone "more knowledgable" will help you fill it out lol! Or if you are no longer there.......they will fill it for you. Mailmen have been found to dispose all ballots from certain zip codes. Yes.....the system is broken by leftist scum. Need to tighten it up, how? ID?
If illegals are registered and vote it will count. Name and address is all you need in CA. Dems go to parks or worksites and register any and all. Prefered method is absentee as someone "more knowledgable" will help you fill it out lol! Or if you are no longer there.......they will fill it for you. Mailmen have been found to dispose all ballots from certain zip codes. Yes.....the system is broken by leftist scum. Need to tighten it up, how? ID?
A name and address alone will not get someone registered to vote in California.
An utility bill with your name and address on it is perfectly fine to identify yourself after you have already one illegally trying to impersonate you is going to have your utility bill nor are they going to make themselves so obvious, with poll workers searching for him on their list, then not finding him, then the poll workers getting him a provisional ballot, telling the thief how to fill it out and sign it properly, ALL FACE TO FACE....sorry, the thief would never ever take that risk! :lol:
According to the link I provided above, you can register online then use your utility bill to prove you are who are say you are.

Ergo, you could be Boris Badenov or Natasha Fatale and legally vote in California as long as 1) you registered online and 2) your apartment electric bill has your name and address.


What You Will Need
To register online you will need

    • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
    • The last four digits of your social security number and
    • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview by 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before an election.

and then it says they vet to see if they are eligible to vote

Am I automatically registered to vote when I submit the online application?

No. The online voter registration application is another easy avenue for submitting your information but the information you provide in your online application still must be verified by your county elections official. If you have a California driver license or identification card and submit an online voter registration application, the Department of Motor Vehicles is simply sharing a copy of your signature on file so that it can be transferred to your voter registration record. No matter how you turn in your registration application – online or on paper – when it comes to determining a person's eligibility to vote, preventing duplicate registrations, and adding a person to California's official voter rolls, all the same safeguards are in place. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or when more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
What a fucking retard. I said they'd probably easily find a million illegal votes in CA, but probably not 3 to 5 million. I answered it in a reply to Care4all though.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.

I don't think Trump said 3 to 5 million people in California alone, but when you include al the other leftie states with similar lax laws towards illegals and voting, that could very well be the case. Why are the lefties so upset that he's launched an investigation?
I also don't believe he sad that. I quoted the question to OffensivelyOpenMinded.

And the laws are not as lax as you seem to think. In California, for example, the laws prevent illegals from getting registered to vote.
In CA all you need is a piece of mail with your name and address on it, to show that you're in the right voting district, whether or not you registered to vote.
And such a person's vote will not be counted if they are an illegal alien. So what's the problem?

You got 100000 Jose Gonalez. All at different addresses. Say 50000 get registered, you say they are verified? Funny stuff. Once vote. No one checks all.....maybe none? You think they have method or resources?
An utility bill with your name and address on it is perfectly fine to identify yourself after you have already one illegally trying to impersonate you is going to have your utility bill nor are they going to make themselves so obvious, with poll workers searching for him on their list, then not finding him, then the poll workers getting him a provisional ballot, telling the thief how to fill it out and sign it properly, ALL FACE TO FACE....sorry, the thief would never ever take that risk! :lol:
According to the link I provided above, you can register online then use your utility bill to prove you are who are say you are.

Ergo, you could be Boris Badenov or Natasha Fatale and legally vote in California as long as 1) you registered online and 2) your apartment electric bill has your name and address.


What You Will Need
To register online you will need

    • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
    • The last four digits of your social security number and
    • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview by 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before an election.

and then it says they vet to see if they are eligible to vote

Am I automatically registered to vote when I submit the online application?

No. The online voter registration application is another easy avenue for submitting your information but the information you provide in your online application still must be verified by your county elections official. If you have a California driver license or identification card and submit an online voter registration application, the Department of Motor Vehicles is simply sharing a copy of your signature on file so that it can be transferred to your voter registration record. No matter how you turn in your registration application – online or on paper – when it comes to determining a person's eligibility to vote, preventing duplicate registrations, and adding a person to California's official voter rolls, all the same safeguards are in place. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or when more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

OK maybe all I have heard or read is wrong. If they check out every registration vs. DMV sig vs. Last4 SS# that is one less hole. Maybe less easy for illegals to vote if they need SS# also.

Putz, you answered my question before I even asked it??


Rightard, you answered the questions, "so what is your prediction? 3 to 5 million people in California voted illegally like Trump said?"

^^^ That ^^^ was not my question.

I don't think Trump said 3 to 5 million people in California alone, but when you include al the other leftie states with similar lax laws towards illegals and voting, that could very well be the case. Why are the lefties so upset that he's launched an investigation?
I also don't believe he sad that. I quoted the question to OffensivelyOpenMinded.

And the laws are not as lax as you seem to think. In California, for example, the laws prevent illegals from getting registered to vote.
In CA all you need is a piece of mail with your name and address on it, to show that you're in the right voting district, whether or not you registered to vote.
And such a person's vote will not be counted if they are an illegal alien. So what's the problem?

You got 100000 Jose Gonalez. All at different addresses. Say 50000 get registered, you say they are verified? Funny stuff. Once vote. No one checks all.....maybe none? You think they have method or resources?
And such a person would have to be registered to vote and be voting at the right precinct. How difficult is that to verify?

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