Volunteer Vs. Mandatory Service


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2005
Sydney, Australia
First I would like to preface this by saying it's a subject I know little about and have no first hand experience with. I realize there are a lot of military on this board and I would like to see what they think about it.

We have a volunteer military. By definition that will include a lot of "no-hopers" people who can't find any other kind of work. Don't flame me because I am not trying to insult those who volunteer out of a sense of duty.

However when there is not a draft nor mandatory service society is not equally represented in the military. It's concentrated among the lower echelons of society.

On the other hand in countries (like Italy) there is mandatory service. Society as a whole invests in the form of their boys, not just the lower classes.

Where I'm going with this is: It seems to me that with decision making concentrated among the rich it might be that a country like ours with a volunteer military might be more likely to send those poor boys into combat. Because consciously or not, the rich might think those kids are expendable. Whereas a country with mandatory service will be more conservative about sending their boys because it affects all levels of society on an equal basis.

I guess the next train of thought would be that until we have mandatory service we should not judge the willingness of countries that do to send their boys into conflict. They have a different agenda.
If you have a mandatory service, you have far too many people that don't want to be there, and are going to be a serious threat to those around them. The Military isn't a "skimp by doing the least amount of work you can get away with" organization. It's all, or nothing.
nucular said:
First I would like to preface this by saying it's a subject I know little about and have no first hand experience with. I realize there are a lot of military on this board and I would like to see what they think about it.

We have a volunteer military. By definition that will include a lot of "no-hopers" people who can't find any other kind of work. Don't flame me because I am not trying to insult those who volunteer out of a sense of duty. No, I won't flame you for daring to say such a thing. Assuming of course that you prove that assertion.

However when there is not a draft nor mandatory service society is not equally represented in the military. It's concentrated among the lower echelons of society. Again, do you have a source or are you simply making an assumption?
On the other hand in countries (like Italy) there is mandatory service. Society as a whole invests in the form of their boys, not just the lower classes.

Where I'm going with this is: It seems to me that with decision making concentrated among the rich it might be that a country like ours with a volunteer military might be more likely to send those poor boys into combat. Because consciously or not, the rich might think those kids are expendable. Whereas a country with mandatory service will be more conservative about sending their boys because it affects all levels of society on an equal basis. Until you can prove your thesis statement, responses are a waste of time.

I guess the next train of thought would be that until we have mandatory service we should not judge the willingness of countries that do to send their boys into conflict. They have a different agenda.

There are many compelling reasons to not have a draft. Do a search on the word "draft" and read them. And please, when you can back up the above with facts, post them.
We have a volunteer military. By definition that will include a lot of "no-hopers" people who can't find any other kind of work. Don't flame me because I am not trying to insult those who volunteer out of a sense of duty.
almost goes hand in hand with "why do we always send the poor?"
to this i answer its a volunteer military.
thats why i get a kick out of the tards that say shit to the effect of " why doesnt the president send his daughters over there?"
see the above.

but for the most part, ive met alot of people in the military that have alot of education. far from "no-hopers".
After 21 years in the AF, and now 5 years in the private sector I can tell you this. The stupidest, laziest, most worthless military members that I encountered in my career could run circles (mentally and physically) around a majority of the boneheaded idiots I encounter day-to-day in the civilian population.

Nearly 100% of the men and women in the military have their shit in one sock, are proud of and enjoy what they do, and could give a shit whether you think it's an honorable profession...they already know it is.

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