Virgin Births


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Posting about the Chinese baby born pregnant, who in fact just absorbed her twin siblings bodies into her's, I wonder if this phenomenae could be responsible for mythical virgin births seen in numerous religions but most typically Christianity. They say what happened to the China newborn happens 1 in 500,000 births. That's not really that rare globally and historically speaking. Maybe no such baby ever actually grew and was born, but if ancient peoples knew this sometimes happens and it was common-enough knowledge, perhaps they used it as a 'accepted truth' that sometimes gods impregnate females and they have virgin or divine-fathered births or something along those lines? While the virgin birth baby died, a simple swap and deception could get used making a normal-born baby out to be the virgin birthed one.

In addition to Christianity, Buddha, and some of the Egpytian and Greek gods were supposedly born from virginal births. I think once we developed farming and raising livestocks, a lot of what's possible if rare became known, and explanations for infrequen births became divine-caused. And still others used these realities to create holy figures born from the gods.
Parthenogenesis is a scientific, factual reality which can ONLY result in a female offspring.

A pesky detail that religions can't be bothered with.
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Parthenogenesis is a scientific, factual reality which can ONLY result in a female offspring.

A pesky detail that religions can't be bothered with.

Know parthenogenesis occurs in simpler animals like reptiles and fishes, never heard of it in mammals though.
Posting about the Chinese baby born pregnant, who in fact just absorbed her twin siblings bodies into her's, I wonder if this phenomenae could be responsible for mythical virgin births seen in numerous religions but most typically Christianity. They say what happened to the China newborn happens 1 in 500,000 births. That's not really that rare globally and historically speaking. Maybe no such baby ever actually grew and was born, but if ancient peoples knew this sometimes happens and it was common-enough knowledge, perhaps they used it as a 'accepted truth' that sometimes gods impregnate females and they have virgin or divine-fathered births or something along those lines? While the virgin birth baby died, a simple swap and deception could get used making a normal-born baby out to be the virgin birthed one.

In addition to Christianity, Buddha, and some of the Egpytian and Greek gods were supposedly born from virginal births. I think once we developed farming and raising livestocks, a lot of what's possible if rare became known, and explanations for infrequen births became divine-caused. And still others used these realities to create holy figures born from the gods.

A more likely explanation is that Mary and Joseph did not want to be ostracized or killed by their community.

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