Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol

It’s simple. In his other hand was a357 Magnum. And his idiot son was trying to stop an unarmed jogger from getting past his truck while brandishing a shotgun.

bringing firearms when attempting to detain someone you did not see commit a crime is aggravated assault, a felony.

Because Arbery ended up dead for whatever reason as the victim of their aggravated assault, the McMichaels are charged with murder while committing a felony.,

its an open and shut case because the vvideo shows the attempts to detain.
i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol

It’s simple. In his other hand was a357 Magnum. And his idiot son was trying to stop an unarmed jogger from getting past his truck while brandishing a shotgun.

bringing firearms when attempting to detain someone you did not see commit a crime is aggravated assault, a felony.

Because Arbery ended up dead for whatever reason as the victim of their aggravated assault, the McMichaels are charged with murder while committing a felony.,

its an open and shut case because the vvideo shows the attempts to detain.
Why wouldn’t you have your gun? He’s running toward you. And there is a hammer in the picture. We don’t know when he threw it or if McMichaels saw him
Throw it, besides they had a right to stop him
They witnessed him running from a dwelling they told him to stay away from... with a tool. Or a weapon.. all
They did was follow him at no time did they attempt to stop him. Just follow. Stop saying you have evidence, you don’t.
I know what they doing they are trying to get these guys to flip. The arrest of Bryan is clear they don’t have a case against these guys, they want Bryan to say this was premeditated.. but Bryan already admitted he didn’t know the McMichaels.. this case is a farse
72#1425 reply to 72#1423
He’s running toward you
No. Not true. Gregory McMichael told police he saw a man running past his house and so he grabbed his .357 Magnum and told his idiot son to grab his shotgun so they could stop him.

Then Dirty Harry and Festus pursued an unarmed jogger for basically the crime of jogging while black. And then the third white neighbor shows up and uses his car as a weapon to corner the jogger and force him to reverse his direction. Then we see the culmination and completion of the aggravated assault and violent death of a man who was jogging while black on the video.

it’s clear cut guilty for the gunman, maybe less so for the one who used his car as a weapon, but this case is solid.

Another case that was obvious due to what was caught on video was when the young Nazi James Fields Rammed his car into a crowd at Charlottesville. I called “murder and hate crime” based on study of the video and that is what the Nazi got.

Were you defending the Nazi back then by denying visual reality like you are doing today for the killers in the Arbery shooting?

Just curious.
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shotgun so they stop him.
They never said stop him lol LIAR
Then Dirty Harry and Festus pursued an unarmed jogger for basically the crime of jogging while black. And then the third white neighbor shows up and uses his car as a weapon to corner the jogger and force him to reverse his direction. Then we see the culmination and completion of the aggravated assault and violent death of a man who was jogging while black on the video.
cool story
it’s clear cut guilty for the gunman, maybe less so for the one who used his car as a weapon, but this case is solid. Another case that was obvious due to what was caught on video was when the young Nazi James Fields Rammed his car into a crowd at Charlottesville. I called murder and hate crime based on study if the video and that is what the Nazi got.

where you defending the Nazi back then by denying visual reality like you are doing today for the killers in the Arbery shooting?

Just curious.
cool story, you have an Imagination
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE

I'm not a lawyer, but it certainly sounds like a pretty good case for Reasonable Doubt and the subsequent exoneration of the McMichael's family. The libs have to be prepared for acquittal and a finding of Total and Complete innocence. Will the Libs schedule a riot if the verdict comes down against them?
I wouldn't think so if the case is tried with a proper lay out of the evidence, otherwise in which happens in most cases that are tried across this nation. Yes we as a nation can get it wrong sometimes, but I think that's the exception and not the majority rule most of the time.

A lot of people are getting their hopes up that this is going to be a quick trial and a quick hanging of the McMichaels.

I just don't see that happening and their leaders need to realize this.
It could be said of both sides who either support a quick release or a quick hanging.

It's a wait and see for all, but the exchanges have been definitely an eye opener for all. Let the chips fall where they may, but hopefully justice will prevail in regards to where the strongest evidence does lead, and ultimately it will end in justice being won in it's purest form available in our midst.
It's not possible for the McMichaels to have known his intentions and no, only the police can lawfully stop someone utilizing force. Or a bounty hunter.
Of course it is, your son warned him days before to stay off the property, then you see him again running away with something in his hand? How many more times is Arbery going to taunt neighbors with his brazen actions? All actions have consequences.. The boys called him while on the phone with the cops and Arbery attacked a man with a shot gun. Why is that ok? Do you want this neighborhood to continue to be terrorized?
Let all things be done decent and in order.

All things here are way out of order.

That's why we have law and supposed order in this country.

All we are getting is hearsay when talk about he said she said, so at this point the law kicks in to get to the bottom of this mess. Speculation is all over the place, but that doesn't wash in a case that is as volital as this one is .
Well just take the video,, it’s shows all we need an attack on a man with a gun
Well let's see if the investigation states that as fact, otherwise to state what led up to the death of Arbery be it this or that.
To me you can charge them with being stupid but Travis had a right to protect him self.
Not sure how it will go. Without all the evidence to review, it's pure speculation outside of the court proceedings.

we see the video
Not enough. Just one part of it.
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE

I'm not a lawyer, but it certainly sounds like a pretty good case for Reasonable Doubt and the subsequent exoneration of the McMichael's family. The libs have to be prepared for acquittal and a finding of Total and Complete innocence. Will the Libs schedule a riot if the verdict comes down against them?
I wouldn't think so if the case is tried with a proper lay out of the evidence, otherwise in which happens in most cases that are tried across this nation. Yes we as a nation can get it wrong sometimes, but I think that's the exception and not the majority rule most of the time.

A lot of people are getting their hopes up that this is going to be a quick trial and a quick hanging of the McMichaels.

I just don't see that happening and their leaders need to realize this.
It could be said of both sides who either support a quick release or a quick hanging.

It's a wait and see for all, but the exchanges have been definitely an eye opener for all. Let the chips fall where they may, but hopefully justice will prevail in regards to where the strongest evidence does lead, and ultimately it will end in justice being won in it's purest form available in our midst.

Conservatives really haven't rioted after trials where police have been actually convicted of murder. There were no protests when Officer Eppolito and Caracappa went to prison. If the evidence were to indicate guilt or even if it didn't and the jury still convicted in this McMichaels case, Conservatives aren't going to riot if the past is predictive of the future.
It's not possible for the McMichaels to have known his intentions and no, only the police can lawfully stop someone utilizing force. Or a bounty hunter.
Of course it is, your son warned him days before to stay off the property, then you see him again running away with something in his hand? How many more times is Arbery going to taunt neighbors with his brazen actions? All actions have consequences.. The boys called him while on the phone with the cops and Arbery attacked a man with a shot gun. Why is that ok? Do you want this neighborhood to continue to be terrorized?
Let all things be done decent and in order.

All things here are way out of order.

That's why we have law and supposed order in this country.

All we are getting is hearsay when talk about he said she said, so at this point the law kicks in to get to the bottom of this mess. Speculation is all over the place, but that doesn't wash in a case that is as volital as this one is .
Well just take the video,, it’s shows all we need an attack on a man with a gun
Well let's see if the investigation states that as fact, otherwise to state what led up to the death of Arbery be it this or that.
To me you can charge them with being stupid but Travis had a right to protect him self.
Not sure how it will go. Without all the evidence to review, it's pure speculation outside of the court proceedings.

we see the video
Not enough. Just one part of it.
It’s enough for me. NOT GUILTY
Caught doing what & by whom?
He was caught leaving the dwelling by Travis

Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.
They were in the yard when they saw him running,, the neighborhood was in high alert, even the police told English to contact McMichaels if there’s another break in
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?
idk it’s in the police report
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?
Bryan actually pans over to the hammer on the ground.. The please report is four paragraphs long for a murder I’ve gotten into fistfights on the street that were five pages long this police report wasn’t very well written.
Do you happen to have a hyperlink to the police report, if not I can search for it.
View attachment 340160Are you black?
Thank you for posting this but do you have access to the entire report, or the detective's report?

Two things of note with this Narrative is first of all Gregory McMichael is listed as a "witness" when in actuality he was a participant in the incident. The second thing I noted is that the Narrative appears to be nothing more than a recitation of what Gregory McMichael claims to have happened. Where's the statement of the actual shooter, Travis? In other words I'd like to see the statements they gave the detectives, including where they admitted that they were attempting an citizen's arrest.

And does no one else find it notable that a man who is former law enforcement and had his law enforcement rights to arrest revoked, then attempts to execute a citizen's arrest? I mean the way I see it is if as a law enforcement officer he had his ability to arrest people revoked, why would he then believe that as a private citizen he could attempt an arrest of this nature?
This is the police report there is no other report.. as of now.. it’s a joke.. it was ruled justifiable homicide twice.. which it is.. i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol The narrative given to us by the left-wing media is that this was two men lynching a black guy which is absolutely not true.. if you view the video that way you’ll respond to it that way.. but if you watch you’ll see Arbery attacks Travis. Game over
Attacks Travis for what ? This will be the huge elephant in the room that will be explored intensely and thoroughly in the trial..... How did these three end up attempting to detain or stop the foward travel of a man running in the street, even if it is assumed that the man was leaving a property that he may or may not have burglarized ?? The question will be, did they have the legal right to do what they did ??? If not, then everything from that point forward will be the focus of the trial for these three, and if Arbery did burglarize the property, then he has paid the ultimate price for that already, so the focus will be on legalities and illegalities of the acts committed by all in the situation.
Caught doing what & by whom?
He was caught leaving the dwelling by Travis

Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.
They were in the yard when they saw him running,, the neighborhood was in high alert, even the police told English to contact McMichaels if there’s another break in
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?
idk it’s in the police report
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?
Bryan actually pans over to the hammer on the ground.. The please report is four paragraphs long for a murder I’ve gotten into fistfights on the street that were five pages long this police report wasn’t very well written.
Do you happen to have a hyperlink to the police report, if not I can search for it.
View attachment 340160Are you black?
Thank you for posting this but do you have access to the entire report, or the detective's report?

Two things of note with this Narrative is first of all Gregory McMichael is listed as a "witness" when in actuality he was a participant in the incident. The second thing I noted is that the Narrative appears to be nothing more than a recitation of what Gregory McMichael claims to have happened. Where's the statement of the actual shooter, Travis? In other words I'd like to see the statements they gave the detectives, including where they admitted that they were attempting an citizen's arrest.

And does no one else find it notable that a man who is former law enforcement and had his law enforcement rights to arrest revoked, then attempts to execute a citizen's arrest? I mean the way I see it is if as a law enforcement officer he had his ability to arrest people revoked, why would he then believe that as a private citizen he could attempt an arrest of this nature?
This is the police report there is no other report.. as of now.. it’s a joke.. it was ruled justifiable homicide twice.. which it is.. i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol The narrative given to us by the left-wing media is that this was two men lynching a black guy which is absolutely not true.. if you view the video that way you’ll respond to it that way.. but if you watch you’ll see Arbery attacks Travis. Game over
Attacks Travis for what ? This will be the huge elephant in the room that will be explored intensely and thoroughly in the trial..... How did these three end up attempting to detain or stop the foward travel of a man running in the street, even if it is assumed that the man was leaving a property that he may or may not have burglarized ?? The question will be, did they have the legal right to do what they did ??? If not, then everything from that point forward will be the focus of the trial for these three, and if Arbery did burglarize the property, then he has paid the ultimate price for that already, so the focus will be on legalities and illegalities of the acts committed by all in the situation.
I’m for American justice you rob my neighbors house over and over and over again you’re told not to go in over and over again you continue to do it you grab your dick in front of my house, you’re going to be confronted, he provoked Michael’s to follow him,, And then he attacked Travis Travis was happening to protect himself with a gun and he blew a hole in his chest
Not enough. Just one part of it.

that is the most important part of the incident.

The video and audio we see fits the exact legal description of aggravated assault and the two white men were committing a felony in that video from the minute of first contact with the victim with firearms displayed.

The prosecution only need to convince a jury that Arbery had reason to believe three White men with guns caused him to fear that his life was in n danger. The guns need not be fired to convict on aggravated assault charges.

in this case the gun was fired three times resulting in the death during the commission of a felony. That is murder based upon the aggravated assault which is obvious. Murder in this case is not based on intent or what happened to cause the first shot.

it’s based on the fact that Arbery was killed during an aggravated assault by two white men with deadly weapons.

Arbery’ criminal record and his visit to an unfenced jobsite have absolutely nothing to do with the felony that started when two white men with guns took after a jogger and tried to detain him.

thats the crime and the video confirms exactly what was going on when a man was killed for jogging while black.
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Caught doing what & by whom?
He was caught leaving the dwelling by Travis

Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.
They were in the yard when they saw him running,, the neighborhood was in high alert, even the police told English to contact McMichaels if there’s another break in
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?
idk it’s in the police report
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?
Bryan actually pans over to the hammer on the ground.. The please report is four paragraphs long for a murder I’ve gotten into fistfights on the street that were five pages long this police report wasn’t very well written.
Do you happen to have a hyperlink to the police report, if not I can search for it.
View attachment 340160Are you black?
Thank you for posting this but do you have access to the entire report, or the detective's report?

Two things of note with this Narrative is first of all Gregory McMichael is listed as a "witness" when in actuality he was a participant in the incident. The second thing I noted is that the Narrative appears to be nothing more than a recitation of what Gregory McMichael claims to have happened. Where's the statement of the actual shooter, Travis? In other words I'd like to see the statements they gave the detectives, including where they admitted that they were attempting an citizen's arrest.

And does no one else find it notable that a man who is former law enforcement and had his law enforcement rights to arrest revoked, then attempts to execute a citizen's arrest? I mean the way I see it is if as a law enforcement officer he had his ability to arrest people revoked, why would he then believe that as a private citizen he could attempt an arrest of this nature?
This is the police report there is no other report.. as of now.. it’s a joke.. it was ruled justifiable homicide twice.. which it is.. i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol The narrative given to us by the left-wing media is that this was two men lynching a black guy which is absolutely not true.. if you view the video that way you’ll respond to it that way.. but if you watch you’ll see Arbery attacks Travis. Game over
Attacks Travis for what ? This will be the huge elephant in the room that will be explored intensely and thoroughly in the trial..... How did these three end up attempting to detain or stop the foward travel of a man running in the street, even if it is assumed that the man was leaving a property that he may or may not have burglarized ?? The question will be, did they have the legal right to do what they did ??? If not, then everything from that point forward will be the focus of the trial for these three, and if Arbery did burglarize the property, then he has paid the ultimate price for that already, so the focus will be on legalities and illegalities of the acts committed by all in the situation.
I’m for American justice you rob my neighbors house over and over and over again you’re told not to go in over and over again you continue to do it you grab your dick in front of my house, you’re going to be confronted, he provoked Michael’s to follow him,, And then he attacked Travis Travis was happening to protect himself with a gun and he blew a hole in his chest

your version of what happened is based on absolutely nothing but idiocy.
Caught doing what & by whom?
He was caught leaving the dwelling by Travis

Both of them? If so why didn't they have the homeowner preserve the video tape, have the homeowner file a police report and then they could have obtained the report/incident/CAD number and provided it to dispatch on the day they claimed to have seen him again and that should have been the extent of their "involvment" in their neighbor's situation.
They were in the yard when they saw him running,, the neighborhood was in high alert, even the police told English to contact McMichaels if there’s another break in
Where is the video of him putting his hands down his pants?
idk it’s in the police report
The picture of what might be a hammer, from what source was it obtained? Is it a single frame from a video, was is it a snapshot? Was it evident at the scene of the crime when the police arrived, was it pointed out by the McMichaels and logged into evidence?
Bryan actually pans over to the hammer on the ground.. The please report is four paragraphs long for a murder I’ve gotten into fistfights on the street that were five pages long this police report wasn’t very well written.
Do you happen to have a hyperlink to the police report, if not I can search for it.
View attachment 340160Are you black?
Thank you for posting this but do you have access to the entire report, or the detective's report?

Two things of note with this Narrative is first of all Gregory McMichael is listed as a "witness" when in actuality he was a participant in the incident. The second thing I noted is that the Narrative appears to be nothing more than a recitation of what Gregory McMichael claims to have happened. Where's the statement of the actual shooter, Travis? In other words I'd like to see the statements they gave the detectives, including where they admitted that they were attempting an citizen's arrest.

And does no one else find it notable that a man who is former law enforcement and had his law enforcement rights to arrest revoked, then attempts to execute a citizen's arrest? I mean the way I see it is if as a law enforcement officer he had his ability to arrest people revoked, why would he then believe that as a private citizen he could attempt an arrest of this nature?
This is the police report there is no other report.. as of now.. it’s a joke.. it was ruled justifiable homicide twice.. which it is.. i’m not sure how somebody can be charged with murder when they’re on the phone with the fucking cops lol The narrative given to us by the left-wing media is that this was two men lynching a black guy which is absolutely not true.. if you view the video that way you’ll respond to it that way.. but if you watch you’ll see Arbery attacks Travis. Game over
Attacks Travis for what ? This will be the huge elephant in the room that will be explored intensely and thoroughly in the trial..... How did these three end up attempting to detain or stop the foward travel of a man running in the street, even if it is assumed that the man was leaving a property that he may or may not have burglarized ?? The question will be, did they have the legal right to do what they did ??? If not, then everything from that point forward will be the focus of the trial for these three, and if Arbery did burglarize the property, then he has paid the ultimate price for that already, so the focus will be on legalities and illegalities of the acts committed by all in the situation.
I’m for American justice you rob my neighbors house over and over and over again you’re told not to go in over and over again you continue to do it you grab your dick in front of my house, you’re going to be confronted, he provoked Michael’s to follow him,, And then he attacked Travis Travis was happening to protect himself with a gun and he blew a hole in his chest

your version of what happened is based on absolutely nothing but idiocy.
It’s true the act of continually going into that house was a provocative act,, Arbery was told not to go ! Our neighbors supposed to sit there and be terrorized? They followed him until the cops came, he got shot
So a couple of drunken rednecks see a black guy go running past their house and their solution is to get their guns, get in the pickup, and go confront him.

And what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?
So a couple of drunken rednecks see a black guy go running past their house and their solution is to get their guns, get in the pickup, and go confront him.

And what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?
Where did that happen? Do democrats always have a fake narrative when it comes to race? Lol
So a couple of drunken rednecks see a black guy go running past their house and their solution is to get their guns, get in the pickup, and go confront him.

And what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?

I didn't hear about these guys being drunk at all. Where did you hear that?
So a couple of drunken rednecks see a black guy go running past their house and their solution is to get their guns, get in the pickup, and go confront him.

And what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?

I didn't hear about these guys being drunk at all. Where did you hear that?
Lol he’s a democrat they set the narrative ha
Everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence, even suspects that you have already prejudged ...[snipped]
Except for black people huh?
Who said that?
This is your post right? Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house
"They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and "the robber" was shot.

Where's the presumption of innocence in your statement? Robbery generally involves the taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. When did force or threat of force happen prior to Abery being chased down by the three defendants?
Because he was caught days before by Travis, because he was caught again by McMichaels, he was see putting his hands down his pants the night before like he had a gun, there is a still picture of a hammer on the ground that could be evidence it was stolen and IF THAT IS INDEED A HAMMER! And McMichaels seen him run from property with it, then that is Firsthand knowledge of a breaking of a dwelling with the intention to steal which is a felony in Georgia and you could be stopped with force
Forced to stop after a crime has been committed while on the property if one owns it yes (i.e. get on the ground, hands behind your head, now lay there don't move until the cops get here). Once in the street running, I believe it's out of the owners jurisdiction, and becomes law enforcements matter, otherwise upon the owner reporting the man running away from the scene of the crime to law enforcement.... Yes surveillance from a safe distance is ok, but no closing in on the assailant with guns drawn while out in the street.
View attachment 340149They had every right to stop him if he stole something.. WITH FORCE

I'm not a lawyer, but it certainly sounds like a pretty good case for Reasonable Doubt and the subsequent exoneration of the McMichael's family. The libs have to be prepared for acquittal and a finding of Total and Complete innocence. Will the Libs schedule a riot if the verdict comes down against them?
I wouldn't think so if the case is tried with a proper lay out of the evidence, otherwise in which happens in most cases that are tried across this nation. Yes we as a nation can get it wrong sometimes, but I think that's the exception and not the majority rule most of the time.

A lot of people are getting their hopes up that this is going to be a quick trial and a quick hanging of the McMichaels.

I just don't see that happening and their leaders need to realize this.
It could be said of both sides who either support a quick release or a quick hanging.

It's a wait and see for all, but the exchanges have been definitely an eye opener for all. Let the chips fall where they may, but hopefully justice will prevail in regards to where the strongest evidence does lead, and ultimately it will end in justice being won in it's purest form available in our midst.

Conservatives really haven't rioted after trials where police have been actually convicted of murder. There were no protests when Officer Eppolito and Caracappa went to prison. If the evidence were to indicate guilt or even if it didn't and the jury still convicted in this McMichaels case, Conservatives aren't going to riot if the past is predictive of the future.
Conservatives and some Democrats of all races believe in the justice system no matter how flawed it can be sometimes, and they (those that agree in this way), don't have agitators in their name stirring up bullcrap nor do they believe in agitators stirring up bullcrap in their name such as with (mob rule through chaos and anarchy),based on quick assumptions and lies in an attempt to overthrow that justice system in which they believe..

Hard to believe that their are still people that are in (like mindedness), and are Christian's for whom are still being persecuted, and people who are still being attacked based upon their skin color, their ideologies, their belief systems etc, and yet they still believe in the justice system with all it's flaws because they know the human aspect involved in it all, but they still do believe in it for all involved, "thank God".

They aren't fooled by the games and tricks that are played by those attempting to highjack the system to bring about results that aren't anywhere near what justice should look like in the end of it all.

The Conservatives and some Democrats don't think that every case is somehow subject to special considerations always being based upon (the color part of it), and not instead being based strictly on the facts in the case..

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