Video: Pre-K, Elementary Students Forced to Celebrate ‘Pride Month’


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Gee, I wonder why this was done in secret with no say so whatsoever from the parents?

It's almost as if the insidious communist forces trying to destroy this country by brainwashing our youth know damn well their agenda would not stand up to any public scrutiny whatsoever.

Elementary school children as young as pre-K and ranging up to just fourth grade were forced to take part in a “Pride Month” celebration assembly at Charlottesville, Virginia’s Johnson Elementary School to mark the start of June, and parents had no ability to opt their kids out of it.​

Video footage of the assembly, which blatantly constitutes a public school-sanctioned grooming session, was secretly recorded and handed over to Charlottesville, Virginia’s Schilling Show, a local talk radio news program that operates a news website and has been routinely exposing the public school grooming and other left-wing madness that’s plaguing Charlottesville and the wider Central Virginia community.

Doesn't matter how much the MSM attempts to cover up and obfuscate what is really happening - the more and more these loathsome incidents are exposed the more and more "Normies" will wake up and fight back against this sick cult.
Gay Groomers want to entice children to become homosexuals, and they don't want any interference from their parents.
The Neo Marxist demand access to children so that they can brainwash them.
This is why they are so opposed to Parents Rights, because parents want to protect their children from harm.
Left Wingers are dangerous fanatics.
flush twice and giggle the handle vigorously
I was never one to think this, to state this, but anybody teaching homosexuality to children, teaching children that homosexuality exists has to be a pedophile, even if they have not raped a child.

Honestly, when you teach groups of children about something, such as homosexuality, that they have no idea about, and are certainly not able to learn naturally, and against their wishes as well as keeping it secret from their parents. Then it does not matter if you have actually had sex with a child because you have thus opened the door to those ideas in a child. One can not argue outside of a direct rape, pedophiles first groom the children. The groomer is participating in pedophilia.
I'm still trying to figure out what's prideful about two dudes or two wannabe dudes doing the thing


Or how come it's only prideful when homos do something?

And 2 chicks or 2 dudes go at it what exactly makes that something to be proud of? I don't run around with a Tshirt proclaiming I lick vagina or have a parade saying I like to bang women.

If we had never let gays get married we wouldn't have little kids at school being told to be proud of fags now.
Or how come it's only prideful when homos do something?

And 2 chicks or 2 dudes go at it what exactly makes that something to be proud of? I don't run around with a Tshirt proclaiming I lick vagina or have a parade saying I like to bang women.


What the clueless Lefties don't get is that we would equally object if a heterosexual stripper were to conduct a "story hour" with elementary school children, just as much as we object to the drag queens.

Of course, the Leftists in charge actually do get this, and it's all one massive gaslighting bonfire o' cultural marxism.

They d
Gee, I wonder why this was done in secret with no say so whatsoever from the parents?

It's almost as if the insidious communist forces trying to destroy this country by brainwashing our youth know damn well their agenda would not stand up to any public scrutiny whatsoever.

Doesn't matter how much the MSM attempts to cover up and obfuscate what is really happening - the more and more these loathsome incidents are exposed the more and more "Normies" will wake up and fight back against this sick cult.

Yep, thats grooming

The principal of that school should be fired
Or how come it's only prideful when homos do something?

And 2 chicks or 2 dudes go at it what exactly makes that something to be proud of? I don't run around with a Tshirt proclaiming I lick vagina or have a parade saying I like to bang women.

If we had never let gays get married we wouldn't have little kids at school being told to be proud of fags now.
You may have an idea there, a t-shirt like that may attract all types of (real) women.

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