Vermont Wants Kids to Rat Out Parents for Thanksgiving Gatherings

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Vermont Wants Kids to Rat Out Parents for Thanksgiving Gatherings
If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday in the traditional manner — feasting with friends and family — be mindful of your children speaking with teachers. They are the eyes and ears of the state in a place like Vermont:
[Governor Phil] Scott … has implemented new guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the state, including a temporary ban on multi-household gatherings and an order to close bars and social clubs. Scott took it a step further Tuesday.
For a Republican to keep getting elected governor in a state so liberal that it sends Bernie Sanders to the Senate requires presiding over a whole lot of RINO moonbattery. Phil Scott demonstrates.
[T]he Agency of Education is directing schools to ask students and parents if they were part of multi-family Thanksgiving gatherings as part of the daily health check. If the answer is yes, they’ll need to transition to remote learning for 14 days or seven days with a negative test, the same rules for inter-state travel.
I wonder if we have already reached the point where law enforcement would be informed when kids can be persuaded to rat out their parents. Multihousehold gatherings have been banned, after all. Lawbreakers must be punished — unless of course they are rioting in the name of Black Lives Matter.
Vermont schoolchildren who squeal might be awarded the Order of Pavlik Morozov:
Pavlik became a powerful icon in the new pantheon of Communist saints, a child-martyr worshiped for his feat of heroism: informing on his father.
Just as American schoolchildren learn the parable of George Washington and the cherry tree, Soviet students for decades were taught the morality tale of Pavlik Morozov. For them, the story drove home the lesson that loyalty to the state should supersede loyalty to one’s family.

The cult of Pavlik Morozov fed a culture of informants, the lifeblood of a police state. Pavlik became a favorite of the Soviet propaganda machine, which described him as chairman of the village’s troop of Communist Young Pioneers and officially dubbed him “Pioneer-Hero #1.” Poems, books and even an opera were written about him
Others are reminded of Nazi Germany:

Video of Vermont Lady at link above

Its all for your own safety comrades
Vermont Wants Kids to Rat Out Parents for Thanksgiving Gatherings
If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday in the traditional manner — feasting with friends and family — be mindful of your children speaking with teachers. They are the eyes and ears of the state in a place like Vermont:
[Governor Phil] Scott … has implemented new guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the state, including a temporary ban on multi-household gatherings and an order to close bars and social clubs. Scott took it a step further Tuesday.
For a Republican to keep getting elected governor in a state so liberal that it sends Bernie Sanders to the Senate requires presiding over a whole lot of RINO moonbattery. Phil Scott demonstrates.
[T]he Agency of Education is directing schools to ask students and parents if they were part of multi-family Thanksgiving gatherings as part of the daily health check. If the answer is yes, they’ll need to transition to remote learning for 14 days or seven days with a negative test, the same rules for inter-state travel.
I wonder if we have already reached the point where law enforcement would be informed when kids can be persuaded to rat out their parents. Multihousehold gatherings have been banned, after all. Lawbreakers must be punished — unless of course they are rioting in the name of Black Lives Matter.
Vermont schoolchildren who squeal might be awarded the Order of Pavlik Morozov:
Pavlik became a powerful icon in the new pantheon of Communist saints, a child-martyr worshiped for his feat of heroism: informing on his father.
Just as American schoolchildren learn the parable of George Washington and the cherry tree, Soviet students for decades were taught the morality tale of Pavlik Morozov. For them, the story drove home the lesson that loyalty to the state should supersede loyalty to one’s family.
The cult of Pavlik Morozov fed a culture of informants, the lifeblood of a police state. Pavlik became a favorite of the Soviet propaganda machine, which described him as chairman of the village’s troop of Communist Young Pioneers and officially dubbed him “Pioneer-Hero #1.” Poems, books and even an opera were written about him.
Others are reminded of Nazi Germany:

Video of Vermont Lady at link above

Its all for your own safety comrades

Vermont Wants Kids to Rat Out Parents for Thanksgiving Gatherings
If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday in the traditional manner — feasting with friends and family — be mindful of your children speaking with teachers. They are the eyes and ears of the state in a place like Vermont:
[Governor Phil] Scott … has implemented new guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the state, including a temporary ban on multi-household gatherings and an order to close bars and social clubs. Scott took it a step further Tuesday.
For a Republican to keep getting elected governor in a state so liberal that it sends Bernie Sanders to the Senate requires presiding over a whole lot of RINO moonbattery. Phil Scott demonstrates.
[T]he Agency of Education is directing schools to ask students and parents if they were part of multi-family Thanksgiving gatherings as part of the daily health check. If the answer is yes, they’ll need to transition to remote learning for 14 days or seven days with a negative test, the same rules for inter-state travel.
I wonder if we have already reached the point where law enforcement would be informed when kids can be persuaded to rat out their parents. Multihousehold gatherings have been banned, after all. Lawbreakers must be punished — unless of course they are rioting in the name of Black Lives Matter.
Vermont schoolchildren who squeal might be awarded the Order of Pavlik Morozov:
Pavlik became a powerful icon in the new pantheon of Communist saints, a child-martyr worshiped for his feat of heroism: informing on his father.
Just as American schoolchildren learn the parable of George Washington and the cherry tree, Soviet students for decades were taught the morality tale of Pavlik Morozov. For them, the story drove home the lesson that loyalty to the state should supersede loyalty to one’s family.
The cult of Pavlik Morozov fed a culture of informants, the lifeblood of a police state. Pavlik became a favorite of the Soviet propaganda machine, which described him as chairman of the village’s troop of Communist Young Pioneers and officially dubbed him “Pioneer-Hero #1.” Poems, books and even an opera were written about him.
Others are reminded of Nazi Germany:

Video of Vermont Lady at link above

Its all for your own safety comrades
Seig Heil....

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