Vaccines Work So Well That 97% Vaccinated Brown University Bans All Gatherings

Ask Any socialist anywhere. People in foreign speaking countries know, they have had socialist and communist parties at the same time and know the difference. Democracy. These countries all are socialist and have Fair capitalism with a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly tax the rich. This is pathetic. Poor America and the UK for that matter. Crazy conservatives! And everyone else in English speaking countries don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Absolutely pathetic brainwash for 100 years.

You are a LIAR.
What freedoms liberties and rights do the lockdown loon buckets want taken away today so that their feelings of their incorrect right to perfect health be assured by our forced participation ?
Lenin and marx were wrong about everything. Socialism ended communism because democracy ends communism and Nazism and trumpism. Change the channel. But thanks for the propaganda, brainwashed functional moron.
Dude ....

Go take your meds and find your Safe Space.
That could be a contributing factor.
But third worlders flooded many other countries too. Did it effect their life expectancies?
America already has a sub-standard life expectancy before the third worlders.

Leave the 'duh' out of it or you will be ignored too! I've about reached 'zero tolerance' with this forum for a while.

No, they haven't. The US has more illegal aliens than Canada has people. Period.

You are amazingly ignorant.

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