USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been able to get out walking around the Ville 3 days of the last 4. Love this weather, shame it's cooling this week with rain... But the good thing was the kids in the ville had a bear hunt today... Lots of people had placed teddy bears in their windows.... I had Sir "Coff-a-lot" From my bypass days...


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Hows this for irony? We have been waiting almost 5 years for housing and about 4 of those years have been in northern cali...thru homelessness, renting rooms, fire. And we still wait. BUT....things are moving rapidly now. The apts at home (beach) sent out referal letters to previous landlords and they would not that unless we are next on the apt is coming up within the next month and they want us approved and ready to give notice where we are now.

However....the question does one move from one end of the state to another corner of the same state when there is a pandemic going on and martial law is probably soon to be enacted? And..uhaul is shut down. How do two old people pack up and move in these cirmcumstances? Get a permit from the governor to move? Just up and go and hope the national guard doesn't land on us? Haul the furniture and stuff ourselves into the truck because nobody is available or willing to breath our air?

So...I find it a tad ironic. Or maybe its a sign from God. Who knows. San Luis Obispo county has 33 cases of coronavirus (up 6 more since 9am this morning)...yubba/sutter county has 3. Maybe we aren't supposed to go home after all?

Dang, Gracie, that sucks BIGELY!
Well, I made it back after a bit of a hiatus. What a mess! I read the last few pages and am glad all appear to be doing well. For those more social, sorry that you can no longer be so, or go to church for solace and comfort. At least here in the CS we have each other and social distance is the order of the day for those in on-line communities.
Work has been hectic, our flight schedule has increased at least 50%. Passenger traffic is depressed but they are flying a lot of cargo that would have been shipped on boats. With the shipping fleet stilled, they still have warehouses of stuff to move and most of the airlines have started pressing passenger planes into cargo service. So, for now, my job is assured. I did not say safe because most of our customers fly out of China and other Eastern countries. The first CV-19 case in AK was a foreign pilot! Of course, with production shut down, my job my become extinct when the Chinese have no more stuff to send over here.
My partner has been downgraded to "roommate" now. The situation has deteriorated significantly but at least he hasn't punched me again and I have managed not to drag him out into the snowy forest...
No hip surgery for me, so the pain will continue. I was pretty depressed, hence my absence from many things, including the CS. Oh, what the hell, I've put up with it this long...
Spring has not yet sprung here. After a massive snowfall a couple of weeks ago, it warmed up enough to sluff a slab of snow and ice 8'x16' and 4' deep off my porch roof. I managed to dig out a trail but it may be weeks before it melts away and I'll be left with a massive pool of mud and water. My resident moose is still with us. It's been a hard winter for moose, after the fire and a late, heavy snowfall. She's taken to hanging with the goats and sleeps in one of my sheds.
The new format is a pain right now, but we've gone through how many changes together? We'll make it through this one, too. My internet has been acting up the past two days, too. No doubt, all the additional traffic on line has caught the providers with their panties around their ankles. I hope to be back on more often, though.
Hi all, I haven't visited the lounge in awhile. I thought I'd share a nice visit we just had with my Brother and Sister In Law from Wisconsin. They rolled up in their new 30 foot RV a couple weeks ago. It was a harrowing trip up my driveway, the rig missed bottoming out by an inch! His wife is my wife's younger sister by a year. They are like peas in a pod, I wish they could spend more time together. They were out in the desert almost every day. I miss my bro-in-law and our 5 o-clock cocktail hours. We sit in the RV talking about fishing and our grown up "kids" watching the sun set on the Tucson Mountains.

The four of us had some great hikes and went exploring one day on the mountain bikes touring "The Loop" a paved bikeway that encircles Tucson. They pushed off a couple days ago (bummer!) and have been camping somewhere in Eastern Arizona. Of course they are concerned about the trip back. They were going to take their time, but with states closing their parks they will pretty much hightail it back. We are planning to fly out to Wisconsin in the Fall and stay with them assuming all this virus stuff has settled down.

Another one we need our WINNER button back for.
Hey guys who know how to code these things. The link in my signature doesn't work anymore since the USMB changeover. Can you recode it to fix it for me and post it in response to this or PM it to me? Thanks.
Weather broke and in a hurry. There had been a bit, leaves on honeysuckle, Bradford Pears were blooming. Now the Bradfords are leaves, Eastern Redbud popping (one of my fave), Magnolias, my weeping cherry, little leaves on elms.... Came on fast but last few days been 70 or better. Had to get the zero turn ready and mowed 2 acres yesterday.

Eastern Redbud... One of my favorites and thank God and Greyhound their everywhere...
Thanks Shawnee_b ...
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That's the one! Beautiful stuff. My dogwoods are next. All wild and plentiful. It's said eastern redbud record is 15 feet or so. I have some will double that! Not as bushy though, grow tall then blossom.

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