USA's biggest secret- Dems were filibuster proof for only FIVE months


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Pubs couldn't filibuster ONLY from 7/8/2009 ( Al Franken seated) till 1/2010 (Scott Brown seated). Amazing Pubs get away with saying two years ALL the time. Granted ALL pubs are either liars or brainwashed, but what is wrong with Dems and the media?
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

It IS correct however that due to hold-ups with their Minn Clown being seated and then the special MASS election that there were only about 5 months where they could tell Repubs to STFU and do whatever they wanted to...

But as I said that doesn't excuse the absolute arrogance they displayed when that happened. Like not even consulting with the opposition, ramming crap thru and having FULL ACCESS to all the COMMITTEES and the power to set the agenda for the whole 2 years they had control..

?????? Right back to you Franco.. I know you don't understand much that isn't scripted for you by your leftist sources..
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

And the Republican controlled Congress that got us into this mess was good? Okay!
Oh that excuses all the damage done.. And the arrogance of passing bills that no one read and no one wanted.

I strongly doubt there was a single bill passed that no one read.

I also strongly doubt this is America's biggest secret.

Damn, I'm being pedantic today.
Pubs couldn't filibuster ONLY from 7/8/2009 ( Al Franken seated) till 1/2010 (Scott Brown seated). Amazing Pubs get away with saying two years ALL the time. Granted ALL pubs are either liars or brainwashed, but what is wrong with Dems and the media?

Wow--- Really? This is what you're going with to excuse Obama's failure.

You know what, Bush-43 didn't have a Filibuster proof senate, and for about half his term, he had a Democratic Senate. Clinton had Republican Senates for 6 out of his 8 years. Bush-41 never had a friendly Senate. Reagan had a majority in the Senate only 6 out of his 8 years, and never "filibuster proof".

All these guys were able to get things done without being able to steamroller the other side. BUt Obama's problem has been he hasn't been able to get his own guys to go along with his schemes most of the time.

There were a whole lot of options that Democrats could have tried to avoid the dreaded filibuster. They never bothered, because they didn't want to see a lot of Obama's stupidity go forward, either.

Let's list some, shall we.

Nuclear Option- Get rid of Filibusters altogether. They're unconstitutional, anyway.

Make them real filibusters. Instead of just having a vote, make the other side actually keep someone on the floor at all times, flapping his gums on C-Span.

Do things through the budget process- requiring a simple majority.

And here's the real idea. Actually try to get a few Republicans on your side by not villifying them.
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

And the Republican controlled Congress that got us into this mess was good? Okay!

A Rep congress helped Clinton get his so called Surplus before Bush was in office.. Remember it was a full REP congress and senate back then . Humph
Dems passed the Failed Stimulus, ObamaCare and FinReg

"We own the economy" -- DNC July, 2011
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

And the Republican controlled Congress that got us into this mess was good? Okay!

A Rep congress helped Clinton get his so called Surplus before Bush was in office.. Remember it was a full REP congress and senate back then . Humph

And then along came Bush.
And during that five months, the Democrats still had the Ben Nelson's and the Blanch Lincolns to deal with.

A quarterback, no matter how good, is only as good as the people that protect him from getting hit. Progressives need to elect a better front line if we ever want to get things like a Public Option passed.
Pubs couldn't filibuster ONLY from 7/8/2009 ( Al Franken seated) till 1/2010 (Scott Brown seated). Amazing Pubs get away with saying two years ALL the time. Granted ALL pubs are either liars or brainwashed, but what is wrong with Dems and the media?

Attention stupid!!!

So What.... Your side used bribery to pass the health bill moron................
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

And the Republican controlled Congress that got us into this mess was good? Okay!

A Rep congress helped Clinton get his so called Surplus before Bush was in office.. Remember it was a full REP congress and senate back then . Humph

That's false. PAYGO was still in effect in the 90's. The Republican Congress showed their true colors once they got a GOP president elected; they let PAYGO expire.
And the Republican controlled Congress that got us into this mess was good? Okay!

A Rep congress helped Clinton get his so called Surplus before Bush was in office.. Remember it was a full REP congress and senate back then . Humph

That's false. PAYGO was still in effect in the 90's. The Republican Congress showed their true colors once they got a GOP president elected; they let PAYGO expire.

The Nancy came in 2007 and stated quite clearly the end of deficit spending was upon us.

Go ahead what the fuck is your excuse now.
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

It IS correct however that due to hold-ups with their Minn Clown being seated and then the special MASS election that there were only about 5 months where they could tell Repubs to STFU and do whatever they wanted to...

But as I said that doesn't excuse the absolute arrogance they displayed when that happened. Like not even consulting with the opposition, ramming crap thru and having FULL ACCESS to all the COMMITTEES and the power to set the agenda for the whole 2 years they had control..

?????? Right back to you Franco.. I know you don't understand much that isn't scripted for you by your leftist sources..

And that's completely true of the Bush administration and completely untrue of the Obama administration. The Bush administration had the house, senate and white house for six full years. They authored one of the worst financial calamities in history and the war crime that was Iraq. Bush called himself "The Decider" as if his decision was the only valid decision in the government.

The Obama administration made sure to include Republican ideas in every piece of legislation that went down the pike. Obamacare is essentially Romneycare. The difference being Romneycare had Dukakis tax hikes funding it. It was the plan that was the counter to Hillarycare and backed by the Heritage foundation. President Obama used Republican numbers to craft the Stimulus package. Even with all that input, they didn't vote for it, began fighting it right away..and declared both bills a failure before they were even implemented.
Pubs couldn't filibuster ONLY from 7/8/2009 ( Al Franken seated) till 1/2010 (Scott Brown seated). Amazing Pubs get away with saying two years ALL the time. Granted ALL pubs are either liars or brainwashed, but what is wrong with Dems and the media?

Attention stupid!!!

So What.... Your side used bribery to pass the health bill moron................

The health care industry used bribery to get a health care bill that benefitted them the most.

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