USA soccer team turns away from WW2 vet


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

What a complete and utter disgrace .
This old man is a real war hero and these “ women “ are a bunch of vacuous buffoons
Those idiots don't realize that that 98 year old vet of WWII and others who served and died in that war, are the very reason that we aren't living under the rule of REAL Nazis who would have not only rounded up all the Jews in the U.S. and murdered them, but also all the others they deemed inferior, such as blacks, gays, lesbians, trans, physically and mentally impaired and probably Hispanics for good measure. They were true evil. This nation had done some bad things in its history, but the same can be said if you point to most any other nation, but it's THE PAST and no one is being held back that truly works at trying their best to achieve their goals.
The whole U.S. Women's Soccer Team needs to be given one way tickets to the nation(s) they consider better than ours.
The problem is whether or not the Republicans, or any other political party will actually have elections in the future that have integrity. I suspect that a "new strain" of COVID will just happen to sweep in at election time and the left will ensure that opposing parties won't actually be allowed to stand next to the vote counters to verify the election's accuracy (safe distance and all, of course).
I believe that it was Stalin's secretary that said, "It's not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes." In the last election, the left took the quote to heart and applied it here.

What a complete and utter disgrace .
This old man is a real war hero

How do you know? ... Got it. Not really an hero - but also not a criminal. He served as a medic in the 114th General Hospital Unit in England.

and these “ women “ are a bunch of vacuous buffoons

I don't think they left because Pete DuPré played harmonica. I guess they left on other reasons, which you do not like to notice.
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A bunch of losers who can’t even play a real sport and who should be deported

This shows just who they really are. And all they do is play third-rate soccer at that.

Your men are are not very famous football players. Your football team of the ladies is an international very respected football team. One of the best. And they wan against Mexico 4:0 and Mexico is a much more greater football nation than the USA. An excellent result for them.

Keeps the question for me: What were some ladies of your team protesting against when the national anthem was played? What was the reason for this protest?
Even when I've had a problem with the treatment I've experienced in my country, I've never felt a desire to disrespect the flag. When I hear 'O Canada', I still think of so many who died in defense of what they believed was liberty. I used to get emotional hearing my anthem, that's generally gone now, but, I do feel that former heightened sense of belief in my country.

One particular reason I become most livid thinking about anyone today who are is in authority, who abuses their power. They aren't even fit to breath the same air as those who fought in WW2, yet, they spit on the principles that they died to defend.

What a complete and utter disgrace .
This old man is a real war hero and these “ women “ are a bunch of vacuous buffoons

That was probably the great grandfather of one of the Jr High School boys that beat these shitheads in a Soccer game.
The women's soccer team is now officially a cancer on the US Olympic team. 'Rainbow head' started this bullshit in the last Olympics and now it has metastasized throughout the team. We can do without a disrespectful, unpatriotic team even if it means we lose points in the overall scoring. Let them stay home.

Soccer is a Communist sport anyhow.
A bunch of losers who can’t even play a real sport and who should be deported

This shows just who they really are. And all they do is play third-rate soccer at that.

Your men are are not very famous football players. Your football team of the ladies is an international very respected football team. One of the best. And they wan against Mexico 4:0 and Mexico is a much more greater football nation than the USA. An excellent result for them.

Keeps the question for me: What were some ladies of your team protesting against when the national anthem was played? What was the reason for this protest?
It’s a game, nothing more. It is just entertainment, just like singers, actors, and the like. Without soccer players the world goes on and it isn’t a great loss. Without men risking theirs lives and men fighting and dying defending the world from the likes of Hitler, we would be worse off.

Can’t seem to care about a game no one will remember. I couldn’t tell you who won any World Cup, SuperBowl, NBA Championship, World Series or other sporting event in a random year, other than a few, however most people could tell us who won WWII as it was a major historical event.

What a complete and utter disgrace .
This old man is a real war hero

How do you know? ... Got it. Not really an hero - but also not a criminal. He served as a medic in the 114th General Hospital Unit in England.

and these “ women “ are a bunch of vacuous buffoons

I don't think they left because Pete DuPré played harmonica. I guess they left on other reasons, which you do not like to notice.

There were a lot of support troops during WW2- not everyone was on the beach at Iwo Jima or marching with Patton's 3rd Army. Shit still needed shoveled in Louisiana and medics were still needed in hospitals in the rear areas. In the Army, the men didn't choose where they wanted to go, the generals did. If someone wanted to work on the trans-Alaska highway that the US Army was being built, the Racists in Washington made sure they were black- honkies not allowed, example given.
Okay 1st watched the video and a see a few players turn to the side facing away from the anthem performance and when finished turn and applaud.
My 1st thought is how do I know they didn't turn to face the flag, since I don't see a flag, so I start reading comments to Grenell's FB post and notice someone posted a close up pic of the players that was flagged as sensitive content, it was just a pic no comment. I thought that was odd, so I kept reading, and get to comment from Putz showing an unflagged pic proposing the players were facing the flag and Gernell is wrong.
So I click to read responses to Putz comment and and it's starts off with people agreeing with him and then it flags the following replies as offensive. The following replies went on to dispute Putz claim showing additional pics and explaining how they know where the players where facing based on the lines on the field and the players turned away from not only the flag but the vet's performance.

So not only is this an example of US soccer players disrespecting the country, it's also an example of the lengths FB goes to in order to spin the truth by flagging it as offensive content.
Okay 1st watched the video and a see a few players turn to the side facing away from the anthem performance and when finished turn and applaud.
My 1st thought is how do I know they didn't turn to face the flag, since I don't see a flag, so I start reading comments to Grenell's FB post and notice someone posted a close up pic of the players that was flagged as sensitive content, it was just a pic no comment. I thought that was odd, so I kept reading, and get to comment from Putz showing an unflagged pic proposing the players were facing the flag and Gernell is wrong.
So I click to read responses to Putz comment and and it's starts off with people agreeing with him and then it flags the following replies as offensive. The following replies went on to dispute Putz claim showing additional pics and explaining how they now where the players where facing based on the lines on the field and the players turned away from not only the flag but the vet's performance.

So not only is this an example of US soccer players disrespecting the country, it's also an example of the lengths FB goes to in order to spin the truth by flagging it as offensive content.

To be fair the soccer dykes are offensive
Cable TV reform!!!!! Then those who want to watch this can pay for it.

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