US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

Ah, Bullshit. I knew this was going to be the conservative mantra on here, and it only took us three posts to get there.

Tacit disapproval of the actions of our own douchbag countryman for intentionally inciting violence and death in Afghanistan does not equate to tacit support of violence and death.

In other words, pointing out that Jones is a total fucktard doesn't mean we approve of the actions of religious extremists.

If there was any justice in the world, Jones would be given an M-4, as much water, food and bullets as he can carry and a one way ticket to Afghanistan to wage his Holy War.

However, since Jones is a fucking coward, that will never happen. Instead, other men and women will bear the brunt of the fall out for his cavalier attitude.

So fuck him, and fuck anyone that glosses over what he did.

If you want to point out that Jones is a fucktard I will not only support your right to do so, I will state publicly that I agree with you.

The problem here is that people are not stopping there, they are laying the blame, responsibility, and accountability for the riots and murders in Afghanistan at his feet. If calling the people who say things like that makes me a right wing conservative neocon fuckwad, then I am happy to be one. Funny hting is that a few years ago it would have made me a long haired hippie freak communist pinko liberal asswipe.

Times change.
Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?


Not all Muslims are bad people.

How on earth do you associate Tim McVeigh with the Tea party? Talk about poisoning the well.

When the heck was the last Abortion clinic bombed? Maybe you guys should update yourself and realize that whatevers happened in the past, things may be different today.

I was lost the other day and I pulled into the Planned Parenthood parking lot to make a phone call. There were picketers. They didn't say a word, they just stood there with their signs on the sidewalk. A girl left, they didn't even say anything to her, they just keep quiet and kept holding their signs.

I don't think abortion clinic bombings are as frequent as some seem to think. And I don't think the anti-abortion people are as violent and some seem to think. One thing to think about, should you not have an abortion because it might cause someone to bomb an abortion clinic? Why should we let bullies decide what we do? Or is it only the radical Islamic bullies we should bow down to?
These animals in the middle east just want excuses to kill westerners. That really is all there is to it. They just want excuses to commit atrocity. You lefty fascists are falling right into their trap. I know because admiral akbar told me.
Christian Americans who criticize the obvious religious fanaticism of the Afghani Moslems should recall the far more volatile and widespread example of their spiritual forebears who, when agitated by Catholic popes, formed massive armies and launched a religious Crusade against Islam that lasted for generations.

Whether or not contemporary American Christians choose to believe that many present day Moslems are sufficiently devoted to their faith to be driven to kill and/or die in its defense the fact remains they quite obviously are -- as the 9/11 attack has plainly shown. Yet an opportunistic yokel evangelist, Terry Jones, thought it was a good idea to offensively provoke the fanatical segment of Islam by desecrating their holy book. There was no reasonable or sensible justification for doing what he did.

I believe that sonofabitch should be wrapped up and delivered to the most fanatical Muslim Imam in Afghanistan to be dealt with.

Where exactly did that war start???? Thought so. ;) :lol:
What the fuck difference does my opinion of Bush make to their desire to kill me? They wanted to do that before he was president, and still want to do it now that the fake hope and change is president.

Your fucking problem is that your brain is so tiny you think that the world started in 2000. It has been around a lot longer than that, and Muslims have been bent on world domination for 1400 years. We could nuke Israel and they would still want to kill us.

Like I told you the first fucking time I responded to you, go back to school and study history in the real world, not in a fantasy world where time travel exist to prove that the reason Islam invaded Europe was because we invaded Iraq.
Muslims are "bent on world domination for 1400 years?" So what? A lot of good it's done them. Most of them can't afford a second pair of sneakers. So run that nonsense by someone else. The only reason the Muslims want to kill you is you're a Jew. If that's what is bothering you either convert to Buddhism or go to Israel and join the IDF. Don't try to bullshit me.

So how many of those 12 UN workers were Jews?
If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Hey, dumbass, that's a false dilemma and you know it. By presenting that you can only be one of two extremes is outrageous and beyond stupid. I don't expect anything else from you other than stupid comments but I digress.

Saying it's either you have to "full accept" something or "Go on a murder rampage" and that there is no in between such as saying "I do not approve", is really fucked up and honestly, you need professional help.

Intolerance of others beliefs is still intollerance. Regardless of the response
Murder is never right under any circumstance, and peace be with the victims and their families, and hopefully they get justice.
However, once again, dont be stupid enough to believe, because you are uneducated and misinformed, that the actions of a few in a group constitute the beliefs of the group as a whole. It's sad that this happened, but it's also sad that there is an engine of propaganda on the right designed to seize any opportunity to portray Arabs as violent and unstable. Americans are xenophobic and afraid of everything. There is just nothing positive in far right rhetoric. It is always doom and conspiracy, with no real basis in reality, just like the rhetoric of a handful of men in Germany in the 1930's who had their countrymen honestly convinced there was some international Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy to destroy them.
Sounds oddly familiar, doesnt it? You see it on Fox News every night.

And it was the xenophobic, afraid of everything Americans who entered the war and stopped the Germans. If we are so xenophobic, why do we let in more immigrants legally than all the other countries combined every year?
If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Clearly you have no clue what freedom of speech means.

The whole point of having freedom of speech is in having the right to offend, not freedom from offense. Free speech protects Koran burning and piss Jesus equally. (though not the right to public funding of either) There would be no point to having free speech laws were there no "offensive speech".

I'm afraid you do not understand the concept of free speech....

All the first amendment means is that you cannot be prosecuted for what you does not mean that your speech has no consequences. The Rev Jones understood the consequences of what he was about to do and did it anyway. His hateful actions led to the deaths of innocent people
Even though he cannot be prosecuted, he bears a responsibility
the minister KNEW the Muslims would use his burning of the Koran as an excuse to kill Americans, yet for some reason he did it anyway....if it were my husband that was killed....i would not only want to punish the barbaric muslims that committed the murder, but I would also be very upset with this so called Christian minister, as well.

I don't think he is sin free in all of this....he KNEW what the results of his actions would be....he may have only been the guy who drove the car for the criminals, but he is still an accessory to murder imho....especially since he was warned, and begged by fellow Christian ministers to NOT do this Koran book burning.

Bad analogy. He might be the guy who talked about how the rich bankers own everything, giving the robbers an excuse, but he was nowhere near the robbery or the getaway.
Neither does being a racist and believing that the actions of a few hundred speak on the behalf of millions. Yes, blacks have a higher homicide rate than whites...according to your logic, blacks are murderous, hateful people.

Some of them are, do you deny that? <yeah, I know this makes me racist> You ever hear some of Malcolm X's speeches about killing whitey?
The real problem is that in a country we are occupying how is it that a relatively small mob can break into our embassy? Who was guarding it? If this is one of those out sourcing deals then I am outraged.
there is nothing more important than our Words, and words have consequences according to the, on a personal sense, I think what this so called Christian Minister did and said went against EVERYTHING that Christ has taught....

Other Christian ministers begged him not to do what he planned, burning another religion's sacred book en mass.

Because it goes against every single teaching of Christ and makes other Christians look bad, just like Fred Phelps.

So, for this reason, for religious reasons, I think this Minister should NOT have had a jolly ole bonfire in the name of Christ, as he did. It was not him as an individual doing such, but him as a Minister and follower of Christ that did this.....and that's unacceptable to me.

And I am not trying to have the gvt squash his freedom of speech, but none the less I was and am against what he did....and will forever be against what he did.
You read my mind, I was just thinking about how the Muslims were right in killing 12 people. Not!

But everyone knows that the Muslims take the Koran very seriously. Everyone predicted that this would be the response. Jones lit a fuse then acts like he didnt know (or knows and doesnt care) that the fuse he lit set off a bomb.

Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


He didn't kill anyone. You guys are unbelievable. This story is about the unbelievable intolerance of Some Muslims, and all you assholes can do is focus on a guy who burnt a book, and tell us it is all his fault.
Also, if you think Terry Jones should be thrown in jail, then you are by definition a fascist. Not hyperbole.
I don't think Jones should be thrown in jail. I think he should be transported to Afghanistan and dropped off in Taliban country thus affording him the opportunity to explain face to face the motivation for his action, thereby eliminating any need for retaliation on innocent infidels.

What Jones did at a safe distance from those he offended was opportunistic, cowardly sensationalism which has cost the lives of innocent people. He does not deserve protection.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

Ah, Bullshit. I knew this was going to be the conservative mantra on here, and it only took us three posts to get there.

Tacit disapproval of the actions of our own douchbag countryman for intentionally inciting violence and death in Afghanistan does not equate to tacit support of violence and death.

In other words, pointing out that Jones is a total fucktard doesn't mean we approve of the actions of religious extremists.

If there was any justice in the world, Jones would be given an M-4, as much water, food and bullets as he can carry and a one way ticket to Afghanistan to wage his Holy War.

However, since Jones is a fucking coward, that will never happen. Instead, other men and women will bear the brunt of the fall out for his cavalier attitude.

So fuck him, and fuck anyone that glosses over what he did.

But most of all fuck EVERYONE that believes we should curb free speech here at home in a failed attempt to appease barbaric savages in other countries. :thup:

Would you please show me where anyone said anything about curbing his free speech?

I, for one, believe that he contributed to these events, but I have never stated that I believe his rights should be curbed and I don't believe anyone in this thread that has taken a similar stance has stated that we should curb his rights.

Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?


Not all Muslims are bad people.

How on earth do you associate Tim McVeigh with the Tea party? Talk about poisoning the well.

When the heck was the last Abortion clinic bombed? Maybe you guys should update yourself and realize that whatevers happened in the past, things may be different today.

I was lost the other day and I pulled into the Planned Parenthood parking lot to make a phone call. There were picketers. They didn't say a word, they just stood there with their signs on the sidewalk. A girl left, they didn't even say anything to her, they just keep quiet and kept holding their signs.

I don't think abortion clinic bombings are as frequent as some seem to think. And I don't think the anti-abortion people are as violent and some seem to think. One thing to think about, should you not have an abortion because it might cause someone to bomb an abortion clinic? Why should we let bullies decide what we do? Or is it only the radical Islamic bullies we should bow down to?

Excellent point, but I still say he bears some responsibility.

If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Hey, dumbass, that's a false dilemma and you know it. By presenting that you can only be one of two extremes is outrageous and beyond stupid. I don't expect anything else from you other than stupid comments but I digress.

Saying it's either you have to "full accept" something or "Go on a murder rampage" and that there is no in between such as saying "I do not approve", is really fucked up and honestly, you need professional help.

Intolerance of others beliefs is still intollerance. Regardless of the response

Refers you to the smoking thread and your stance there. ;)

Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


He didn't kill anyone. You guys are unbelievable. This story is about the unbelievable intolerance of Some Muslims, and all you assholes can do is focus on a guy who burnt a book, and tell us it is all his fault.

Since you and I have always had a decent relationship, I am going to forget that you called me an asshole.

Hey, dumbass, that's a false dilemma and you know it. By presenting that you can only be one of two extremes is outrageous and beyond stupid. I don't expect anything else from you other than stupid comments but I digress.

Saying it's either you have to "full accept" something or "Go on a murder rampage" and that there is no in between such as saying "I do not approve", is really fucked up and honestly, you need professional help.

Intolerance of others beliefs is still intollerance. Regardless of the response

Refers you to the smoking thread and your stance there. ;)


Smoking is now free speech?

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