US Supreme Court: Texas Abortion Clinics Can Re-Open

how many times does the far left want to show how much they truly hate women by not letting them have clinics that meet hospital standards?

If women want to drive 300 miles for expensive hospital standards, they can. If instead they prefer the same local, safe and affordable clinic standards that their community has enjoyed for decades, they're still available.

And women are still flocking to the safe, affordable clinics. How do you explain this wild departure between what you SAY women want and what they actually want?

You can't. ANd that's why you and your ilk so consistently fail at wooing the majority of women to vote republican. And why democrats, who help provide the safe affordable services that these women actually want so consistently draw the lion's share of support from women.

As women know who really represent their interests.

I've got to respect your efforts to give reasonable explanations to totally unreasonable right wing claims, but you have to know they won't believe anything if they don't hear it on fox. I futilely try to explain things to them myself occasionally as well, but mostly I just come here to laugh at them or poke them with a stick when the mood hits. Eventually, sanity will win out, but it's gonna be a little crazy till then.
I've got to respect your efforts to give reasonable explanations to totally unreasonable right wing claims, but you have to know they won't believe anything if they don't hear it on fox. I futilely try to explain things to them myself occasionally as well, but mostly I just come here to laugh at them or poke them with a stick when the mood hits. Eventually, sanity will win out, but it's gonna be a little crazy till then.

I try and give people the benefit of the doubt until they give me reason not to. When Kosh started calling Gallup and Fox News 'far left' and ignoring them because of it......he gave me a reason not to.
Abortions clinics should be permitted to be opened.

But taxpayers should NOT be required to pay for abortions.


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