US military strength falls to lowest level in history under Biden

Best example of Democrat unpreparedness and failure to make our country strong. FDR was president from January 1932. and was failing to deal with the Depression created Democrats
We were in a Depression and FDR had to deal with isolationist Republicans

By the late 30’s, FDR was building up our military industrial complex in spite of Republican outrage

So Doc, when are you going to explain how the US today has the weakest military in history?
We were in a Depression and FDR had to deal with isolationist Republicans

By the late 30’s, FDR was building up our military industrial complex in spite of Republican outrage

So Doc, when are you going to explain how the US today has the weakest military in history?
The Federal Reserve caused the Depression. Ben Bernanke former Fed Head admitted that several years ago. They greased the wheels of the Roaring Twenties and then tightened to strict with a nervous stock market and a nation with no social cushion. We were still a rising nation and could produce a war machine. Today we are a declining nation, and we are painfully slow in producing a war machine. Our social welfare state actually cushions a bad economic time up to a point.
S Korea is an important ally in neutralizing the threat of N Korea and providing bases for any air attacks on China
I am trying to tell you that south korea has been stalemated by the north

They will not help in regional defense against china
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Since this method of evaluation was used.

Of course we are stonger than in 1776.

Read the article.

When we talk about highest unemployment ever, it means since we started that statistic.

I think an F-18 can be a musket.

Dont be obtuse.

Read the article….collect your data, and lets try again,
We're not communicating, I was asking about your own write up and ur talking about the article. So we're both agreed that the article was well written and your statement "we have the worst military we have ever had", by itself, was nonsense.

All cleared up.
I trying to tell you that south korea has been stalemated by the north

They will not help in regional defense against china

We need them to maintain the stalemate with the north.
They can still provide bases we can deploy from

Who is China going to invade?
Bullshit. We're growing and our war machine has an itchy finger.
We are treading water and it takes more and more government payouts to keep people from drowning. A percentage are doing well. We see it in public settings. But many are in more distress and growing.
We need Naval and Air Support to support Taiwan.

S Korea can provide air bases and ports to support our Navy
They wont do it

That is just my opinion because there are no official statements by the south korean government

Think this through, we are on the brink of WW3, and we have the worst military we have ever had.

Isn’t that odd?

Seems to me we have bad faith people in government intentionally weakening the US.

The commies on the left have been saying for years they hate America because we are too strong.

They told us what they were going to do. Well, they did it.
Not only weak, but they seem to be doing their damndest to make it a 'woke' organization more interested in promoting leftist theology than prepared and able to defend the USA against all enemies.

Also military recruitment is way down, almost 50% of its goals, this year. Of course the leftist MSM will never acknowledge that it's the 'sensitized' and 'woke' aspects of the military that are turning off young men and women who don't support or condone that. And too many who do support/condone that can't meet the physical requirements. They're even looking to lowering the physical requirements to get more recruits which cannot but help but reduce the strength and readiness for combat.

And anybody who doesn't think the Chinese and Russians and others who don't have our best interests at heart aren't taking notice of all this and snickering, I still have that nice assortment of bridges to sell.

If we don't get this really clueless bunch out of the White House soon, I don't know what will become of America as we know it.

Think this through, we are on the brink of WW3, and we have the worst military we have ever had.

Isn’t that odd?

Seems to me we have bad faith people in government intentionally weakening the US.

The commies on the left have been saying for years they hate America because we are too strong.

They told us what they were going to do. Well, they did it.
Recruitment is way down. Nobody wants to join Potatohead's woke military. Who wants to to be in a military that spends all the time training on diversity and CRT instead of training to fight the enemy? Where queers, transvestite, affirmative action Negroes and unqualified women get all the promotions?

All these Patriotic White boys from the South and Midwest that Potatohead and the Libtards hate so much are not joining up like they use to do and the military is suffering.
Also military recruitment is way down, almost 50% of its goals, this year. Of course the leftist MSM will never acknowledge that it's the 'sensitized' and 'woke' aspects of the military that are turning off young men and women who don't support or condone that. And too many who do support/condone that can't meet the physical

3.5 percent unemployment and higher civilian wages don’t have anything to do with it?

Of course not, it must be woke

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