US/Israel hostility toward Iran threaten world peace.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
The OP seems to have weird, twisted view of history. And then is supported by anti-Semitism. Twilight Zone stuff.

Hey Israel paid shill,your anti semetic bullshit does not work because even many TRUE jewish people in Israel have come out and demonstrated against them so your childish insults when you cant refute the evidence and you just proved what a moron you are sad excuse to the human race referring these jewish people as Anti semetic.time to wipe the shit off your face.:2up:

How Irosie stands with the Zionist since she is a jew. I don't know what is wrong with the others, I guess they like war.

I doubt NK will believe anything the US says, since Trump is reneging on the Iran deal. I am sure the EU is not happy with him either. He sure has the war hawks in his cabinet.

Irosie might get her wish, her wish to take Iran out just like Iraq and almost Syria.
The OP seems to have weird, twisted view of history. And then is supported by anti-Semitism. Twilight Zone stuff.

Hey Israel paid shill,your anti semetic bullshit does not work because even many TRUE jewish people in Israel have come out and demonstrated against them so your childish insults when you cant refute the evidence and you just proved what a moron you are sad excuse to the human race referring these jewish people as Anti semetic.time to wipe the shit off your face.:2up:

And besides if you were really anti-Semitic you'd be anti the Palestinians and Iranians as well.
The OP seems to have weird, twisted view of history. And then is supported by anti-Semitism. Twilight Zone stuff.

Hey Israel paid shill,your anti semetic bullshit does not work because even many TRUE jewish people in Israel have come out and demonstrated against them so your childish insults when you cant refute the evidence and you just proved what a moron you are sad excuse to the human race referring these jewish people as Anti semetic.time to wipe the shit off your face.:2up:

commenting on issues which of which you have no understanding at all----
is beyond silly------it is moronic
The OP seems to have weird, twisted view of history. And then is supported by anti-Semitism. Twilight Zone stuff.

Hey Israel paid shill,your anti semetic bullshit does not work because even many TRUE jewish people in Israel have come out and demonstrated against them so your childish insults when you cant refute the evidence and you just proved what a moron you are sad excuse to the human race referring these jewish people as Anti semetic.time to wipe the shit off your face.:2up:

And besides if you were really anti-Semitic you'd be anti the Palestinians and Iranians as well.

Penelope steps in it again------she seems to IMAGINE that Iranians are SEMITES.
The ignorance is astounding. For the record ----the term "semite" refers to
LINQUISTIC groups. Hebrew is a semitic langage as is Arabic as is Amharic as
is Aramaic. FARSI IS NOT. The term "anti-Semitic" refers specifically to people
like Penelope------friggen' nazis
How Many US Troops Were Killed By Iranian IEDs in Iraq?
Between October 2006 and September 2007, EFPs killed 97 U.S. troops and wounded more than 300 soldiers. EFP attacks peaked in March, April and May 2008, near the end of the American troop surge, when 200 of the bombs were detonated. The deadliest month was April 2008, when EFPs killed 15 U.S. soldiers.

The Pentagon attributes the presence of EFPs in Iraq to the Quds Force, the special forces arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard led by Qasem Soleimani. Various EFP “factories” were found throughout Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Still, the exact degree to which Iran bears culpability for arming Shia militias in Iraq with EFPs and related equipment is a matter of some dispute.

“We weren’t always able to attribute the casualties that we had to Iranian activity, although many times we suspected it was Iranian activity, even though we didn’t necessarily have the forensics to support that,” Gen. Joseph Dunford, the incoming chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at his July 9 confirmation hearing. During the hearing, Dunford said the numbers of American soldiers killed by Iran “has been recently quoted as about 500.”

CENTCOM later clarified that Dunford was referring to total American deaths by EFPs and other Iranian weapons. It is “important to understand that the CENTCOM statistics on EFP detonations are a subset of all the Iranian activities estimated to have killed approximately 500 U.S. troops in Iraq during OIF,” Maj. Genieve David, a CENTCOM spokeswoman, said in an email. Data about the roughly 300 deaths not caused by EFPs, including the kind of weapons used in the attacks, is classified, David said.

A few weeks later, at the July 29 hearing, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the outgoing Joint Chiefs chairman, said “several hundred” American forces were killed by EFPs.

Phil Novack, a spokesman for Cruz, told Defense One that the Senator’s office is working with the Pentagon to get specific numbers. He said Cruz used the 500 number based on Dunford’s testimony.
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.

NO ONE has a monopoly on publication in the USA------anyone who can write---can do it
Many of you posters here have I am afraid to say have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad controlled press who only report what they WANT you to hear and not the facts. This is WHY our corrupt government in the states and why warmonger Israel wants to destroy Iran same as they did with Iraq,afganhistan,Libya and Syria now along with Iran as well you all wont accept as the truth and always deny this fact to yourselfs.:rolleyes:

Iran is a sovereign independent country, free from US imperial control – the key reason for nearly 40 years of hostility by Washington toward the Islamic Republic.

It’s why Republican and undemocratic Dem administrations have sought regime change since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
US/Israeli Hostility Toward Iran Threatens World Peace - Stephen Lendman

Just accept it you have been brainwashed by the CIA/mossad media:rolleyes: I did a LONG time ago.

you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.

NO ONE has a monopoly on publication in the USA------anyone who can write---can do it
Indeed. I can write a book but good luck getting it published and publicized because Jews and their allies control ALL of the major book publishers.
you are sick-----why not move to Iran and lick ayatoilet shit. I have lots of colleagues
who fled that shit hole
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.

NO ONE has a monopoly on publication in the USA------anyone who can write---can do it
Indeed. I can write a book but good luck getting it published and publicized because Jews and their allies control ALL of the major book publishers.

right------da joooos control your illiteracy
More intelligent responses from a zionist moron. You never have anything legitimate to say just whining about anti semites blah blah blah. LA RAM FAN is 100% right and anyone willing to take the red pill and face some uncomfortable truths will see that ALL major media is either OWNED or CONTROLLED by Jews and the VERY few that aren't are done so by Zionist shills.

why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.

NO ONE has a monopoly on publication in the USA------anyone who can write---can do it
Indeed. I can write a book but good luck getting it published and publicized because Jews and their allies control ALL of the major book publishers.

right------da joooos control your illiteracy
Your level of stupidity is ASTOUNDING. I expect the likes of you to defend your people's agenda its no surprise.
why? In the USA anyone can write a book and anyone can create a newpaper------anyone can produce a movie. I understand the issue of limited literacy---BUT TRY
And? Why does that matter? When you have a damn near complete monopoly on something anything that goes AGAINST what you believe and want printed or put out there is VERY hard to get into the mainstream.

NO ONE has a monopoly on publication in the USA------anyone who can write---can do it
Indeed. I can write a book but good luck getting it published and publicized because Jews and their allies control ALL of the major book publishers.

right------da joooos control your illiteracy
Your level of stupidity is ASTOUNDING. I expect the likes of you to defend your people's agenda its no surprise.

what agenda is that? keep you illiterate?

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