US hits 100,000 COVID cases, highest since before vaccine rollout


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

US Hits 100,000 COVID Cases, Highest Since Before Vaccine Rollout​

7 Aug 2921 ~~ By Patrick Reilly
The US had topped 100,000 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday — its highest daily total since before the vaccine rollout, federal data show.
This is the highest rate of infections nationwide since the winter wave, which at its peak saw over 250,000 cases per day in January. Cases leveled out in June at just around 11,000 per day, The Associated Press reported.
It had taken the US nine months from the outbreak to reach 100,000 daily cases in November.
Hospitalizations and deaths are increasing — but still remain far below the pre-vaccine peak in January, when over 120,000 were hospitalized. More than 44,000 Americans were hospitalized with COVID-19, according to the latest data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That represents a 40 percent increase in one week and a 400 percent increase since June, the data show.
Nearly 500 people are dying related to the virus a day, according to weekly averages as of Friday. That’s up from 270 deaths two weeks ago, according to Johns Hopkins University. Deaths peaked at 3,5000 per day in January.

Of course the fact that thousands of potentially infected illegal aliens are being distributed throughout America by order of Joey Xi Bai Dung and carried out by his henchman Baghdad Bob Mayorkas has a lot to do with this increase and not the fact that 50% of Americans are "vaccinated".
It is alarming. Covid was supposed to be done by now.
It's also disturbing that our vaunted ‘Fourth Estate’ aka Quisling Media does not hold this Joey Xi and his incompetent administration responsible for anything they are doing.
Hmm.... We're one year and five months into this pandemic, and Joey Xi still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. In fact he's making it worse despite the "Vaccine".
It's obviously the Bai Dung plan has not worked. Or is it consistent with his plans to destroy America?
The consequence of the willfully ignorant right and reckless, irresponsible, incompetent Republican elected officials, not immigrants.
your premise is a lie,,

republican governors including trump are pushing the vaccine while its the dems bringing hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated into the country and turning them loose,,
The consequence of the willfully ignorant right and reckless, irresponsible, incompetent Republican elected officials, not immigrants.

I never realized all the independents and all the Democrats were fully vaccinated at a rate of 100%, Goebbels. particularly when you consider it's non-white people who have the lowest rates of inoculation. But hey, facts have never stopped you from spreading your lying propaganda before, have they.

your premise is a lie,,

republican governors including trump are pushing the vaccine while its the dems bringing hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated into the country and turning them loose,,
Migrants are not "importing Covid"

‘The reality is that much of our current frenzy over immigration, and the so-called crisis at the southern border, has been driven through a series of cynical right-wing talking points, promulgated by Republican politicians and amplified by a conservative media echo chamber.


Accusing immigrants of bringing disease into the country has a long, sordid and dangerous history. As the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum noted, “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases.”

It also happens to be totally inaccurate. "There's testing happening," Robert Fenton, the acting Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator, told Congress in a recent hearing. “What we're seeing is less than 6 percent positive right now, coming across the border.”

That, as The New York Times reported over the weekend, is “a lower positivity rate than currently in Texas (9 percent).”’

Needless to say, conservatives will continue to propagate this and other lies concerning immigrants.
Migrants are not "importing Covid"

‘The reality is that much of our current frenzy over immigration, and the so-called crisis at the southern border, has been driven through a series of cynical right-wing talking points, promulgated by Republican politicians and amplified by a conservative media echo chamber.


Accusing immigrants of bringing disease into the country has a long, sordid and dangerous history. As the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum noted, “A recurrent theme in Nazi antisemitic propaganda was that Jews spread diseases.”

It also happens to be totally inaccurate. "There's testing happening," Robert Fenton, the acting Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator, told Congress in a recent hearing. “What we're seeing is less than 6 percent positive right now, coming across the border.”

That, as The New York Times reported over the weekend, is “a lower positivity rate than currently in Texas (9 percent).”’

Needless to say, conservatives will continue to propagate this and other lies concerning immigrants.
DUDE!! MSNBC really??

and the NYT??

I laugh in your face for being a useful idiot of massive proportions,,
100,000 cases a day, 500 related deaths. Even liberals should be able to figure out the mortality rate. Is fearmongering this, really going to work?
Where the majority of new cases of COVID-19 are among the unvaccinated it's becoming obvious that as the initial vaccinations ages in our systems that by next spring to summer anyone vaccinated with the first series of vaccinations won't have any protection against the variants whatsoever. The crossover protection against the variants wanes quickly over time.

These new strains are also appearing to be more deadly than the original strain as more people are needing hospitalizations and dying than previously per recorded case.

There are still no effective medications except for the antibody treatments which need to be utilized after initial exposure and when symptoms first appear. That's their only window. All other treatments have insufficient results to ever be considered as being viable...most medical centers have tried them all at least multiple times and seen only fractional percentages of improvement of doing anything beneficial. (Other than steroids)
Antibody treatments are only usable inside their window of treatment and reserved for those with multiple morbidities...their side effects can be fatal if used outside their window.

Fresh vaccinations are currently the only preventative. These will eventually not be effective whatsoever.

So the new Moderna variant booster will be needed to protect against infection or disease.

Considering that they are the only company that has developed one... chances are that the politics might keep it from being utilized soon enough for stopping the spread.
The consequence of the willfully ignorant right and reckless, irresponsible, incompetent Republican elected officials, not immigrants.
You told people not to be responsible. It is someone elses fault you said. Well we are with you on this. Progs wanted reasons to win an election and the sure did it.
That's okay. It's just a mild flu, like the Trumpsters tell us.

So if you refused to get vaccinated and get sick, stay away from the hospital. The hospital is for people who are REALLY sick.

Tylenol and Nyquil. You'll be fine in two or three days.
Or if you got a flu shot this year it eases symptoms much like the COVID vaccine does.
Where the majority of new cases of COVID-19 are among the unvaccinated it's becoming obvious that as the initial vaccinations ages in our systems that by next spring to summer anyone vaccinated with the first series of vaccinations won't have any protection against the variants whatsoever. The crossover protection against the variants wanes quickly over time.

These new strains are also appearing to be more deadly than the original strain as more people are needing hospitalizations and dying than previously per recorded case.

There are still no effective medications except for the antibody treatments which need to be utilized after initial exposure and when symptoms first appear. That's their only window. All other treatments have insufficient results to ever be considered as being viable...most medical centers have tried them all at least multiple times and seen only fractional percentages of improvement of doing anything beneficial. (Other than steroids)
Antibody treatments are only usable inside their window of treatment and reserved for those with multiple morbidities...their side effects can be fatal if used outside their window.

Fresh vaccinations are currently the only preventative. These will eventually not be effective whatsoever.

So the new Moderna variant booster will be needed to protect against infection or disease.

Considering that they are the only company that has developed one... chances are that the politics might keep it from being utilized soon enough for stopping the spread.
Where do you get your propaganda?
22 deaths per 15000 cases.
Look at this W.H.O. chart and find a non-democrat so they’re capable of doing basic algebra…

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