US hits 100,000 COVID cases, highest since before vaccine rollout

What’s the big deal? It’s just the flu

Former Newsmax host and right-wing Florida radio commentator Dick Farrel — who mocked vaccines, the “scamdemic” and “lying freak” Dr. Anthony Fauci — has died of COVID-19. A very different Farrel, 65, told friends to get vaccinated, as he struggled with the virus. He died Wednesday, WPTV reported.

“COVID took one of my best friends! RIP Dick Farrel. He is the reason I took the shot,” Farrel’s close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote on Facebook. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, ‘I wish I had gotten it!’”

Farrel — a right-wing shock-talk pioneer born Farrel Austin Levitt in Queens — was a fervent Donald Trump supporter who railed about COVID-19. In early July, he called the vaccine “Bull Shid” in a Facebook post. Later he wrote: “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied 2u all along about masks?” He claimed Democrats were plotting to make it seem like the pandemic was ongoing as part of a power grab. He called COVID-19 a “scamdemic.”

Hair told NBC affiliate WPTV: “I was one of one the people like him who didn’t trust the vaccine. I trusted my immune system. I just became more afraid of getting COVID-19 than I was of any possible side effects of the vaccine. I’m glad I got vaccinated.”

Ex-Newsmax Host Who Attacked 'Lying Freak' Dr. Fauci Over 'Scamdemic' Has Died Of COVID | HuffPost

Covid is a thing still? I got an 8-track of Van Halen if any one cares.
Where do you get your propaganda?
22 deaths per 15000 cases.
Look at this W.H.O. chart and find a non-democrat so they’re capable of doing basic algebra…
Totally uninterested in having a political discussion on this...I understand that you consider this a political issue. I don't. I only look at the science and not pseudo science magazines.

My wife is currently employed in the research field. Lies have been propagated on both sides of the political sides. I really just don't care. I'm following the science...not preliminary jaded reports but the completed real science that has been peer reviewed by real peers.
Here’s the same chart for your propagandized mini-brain…
Conclusions: The results show that regions must remain vigilant when Covid-19 cases rapidly increase without similar increases in deaths since there exists a significant lag between the two. Additionally, a younger demographic of cases may lead to an increased lag, further pushing regions into a false sense of security that should be avoided.

Totally uninterested in having a political discussion on this...I understand that you consider this a political issue. I don't. I only look at the science and not pseudo science magazines.

My wife is currently employed in the research field. Lies have been propagated on both sides of the political sides. I really just don't care. I'm following the science...not preliminary jaded reports but the completed real science that has been peer reviewed by real peers.
What is political and unscientific about empirical data?
Conclusions: The results show that regions must remain vigilant when Covid-19 cases rapidly increase without similar increases in deaths since there exists a significant lag between the two. Additionally, a younger demographic of cases may lead to an increased lag, further pushing regions into a false sense of security that should be avoided.

The chart I provided is a significant time period so any lapse would be reflected.
The chart I provided is a significant time period so any lapse would be reflected.
youre cherry picking one country.

The animation shows that deaths often occur 2-8 weeks after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms.

What is political and unscientific about empirical data?
You aren't using empirical data.

Last spring/summer we had no treatments...not even antibody treatments or vaccines which are currently being utilized. But even though we have these things and know more than we did last year we are experiencing a huge number of hospitalizations and extended outpatient care.
ICU care is still being taxed at it's limits currently.

Those factors are absent from your assessment.

So... you can have a political discussion with anyone else but me. I firmly believe that those who have denigrated the vaccines are responsible for placebo effect deaths and reactions as well as people hesitating from getting vaccines that could have saved them from being maimed and their lives.

Of course this happened as well during the last influenza global pandemic. Human behavior is of course at it's worst during the worst possible times. You aren't all that special...just ordinary and common.

I just don't wish to engage with you or anyone else that has the same agenda as you.
youre cherry picking one country.

The animation shows that deaths often occur 2-8 weeks after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms.

I strategically picked Israel because they’re proto. They applied the vaccine before most others. What happens there will happen here.
You aren't using empirical data.

Last spring/summer we had no treatments...not even antibody treatments or vaccines which are currently being utilized. But even though we have these things and know more than we did last year we are experiencing a huge number of hospitalizations and extended outpatient care.
ICU care is still being taxed at it's limits currently.

Those factors are absent from your assessment.

So... you can have a political discussion with anyone else but me. I firmly believe that those who have denigrated the vaccines are responsible for placebo effect deaths and reactions as well as people hesitating from getting vaccines that could have saved them from being maimed and their lives.

Of course this happened as well during the last influenza global pandemic. Human behavior is of course at it's worst during the worst possible times. You aren't all that special...just ordinary and common.

I just don't wish to engage with you or anyone else that has the same agenda as you.
You don’t want to engage empirical? That says more about you.
Look at the patterns from the beginning.
Deaths proportionately outpaced cases at first, they matched up in the interim and cases have now significantly proportionately outpaced deaths. Pretty clear.
You don’t want to engage empirical? That says more about you.
Look at the patterns from the beginning.
Deaths proportionately outpaced cases at first, they matched up in the interim and cases have now significantly proportionately outpaced deaths. Pretty clear.
If you were I might....but since you act like it doesn't exist... NOPE
Covid deaths for the entire USA
Sorry, but the sky ISN'T falling

is anyone at all surprised xiden, harris and the dems totally screwed up this recovery?! i’m not

US Hits 100,000 COVID Cases, Highest Since Before Vaccine Rollout​

7 Aug 2921 ~~ By Patrick Reilly
The US had topped 100,000 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday — its highest daily total since before the vaccine rollout, federal data show.
This is the highest rate of infections nationwide since the winter wave, which at its peak saw over 250,000 cases per day in January. Cases leveled out in June at just around 11,000 per day, The Associated Press reported.
It had taken the US nine months from the outbreak to reach 100,000 daily cases in November.
Hospitalizations and deaths are increasing — but still remain far below the pre-vaccine peak in January, when over 120,000 were hospitalized. More than 44,000 Americans were hospitalized with COVID-19, according to the latest data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That represents a 40 percent increase in one week and a 400 percent increase since June, the data show.
Nearly 500 people are dying related to the virus a day, according to weekly averages as of Friday. That’s up from 270 deaths two weeks ago, according to Johns Hopkins University. Deaths peaked at 3,5000 per day in January.

Of course the fact that thousands of potentially infected illegal aliens are being distributed throughout America by order of Joey Xi Bai Dung and carried out by his henchman Baghdad Bob Mayorkas has a lot to do with this increase and not the fact that 50% of Americans are "vaccinated".
It is alarming. Covid was supposed to be done by now.
It's also disturbing that our vaunted ‘Fourth Estate’ aka Quisling Media does not hold this Joey Xi and his incompetent administration responsible for anything they are doing.
Hmm.... We're one year and five months into this pandemic, and Joey Xi still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. In fact he's making it worse despite the "Vaccine".
It's obviously the Bai Dung plan has not worked. Or is it consistent with his plans to destroy America?
the media and CDC of course are going to leave out the majority of those deaths were people that were completely healthy that died shortly after taking the vaccine. :auiqs.jpg:
That's okay. It's just a mild flu, like the Trumpsters tell us.

So if you refused to get vaccinated and get sick, stay away from the hospital. The hospital is for people who are REALLY sick.

Tylenol and Nyquil. You'll be fine in two or three days.

The VAST majority of people who get Covid have exactly this experience.

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