US = Country run by the Woke

Trump had platform ? Ha ha. It's the party thatā€™s suppose to have a platform.
Trump the white racist illiterate liar is supported by white racist illiterate liars.

Irrelevant. The fact remains that he was not elected for his race and gender.
Trump and his supporters are election, climate change, woman's rights deniers. You arenā€™t for anything. You have no money. Where is your fking idiotic wall ? Trump stole money from the military to get the little fence he did build. Stealing is all repugnants can do anymore.
Irrelevant. This is not a contest to see who fucked up more, this is about nominating and electing candidates based on woke criteria rather than practical issues that affect all voters. Issues like skyrocketing crime, inflation, overtaxation, fiscal responsibility, etc..
Irrelevant. The fact remains that he was not elected for his race and gender.

Irrelevant. This is not a contest to see who fucked up more, this is about nominating and electing candidates based on woke criteria rather than practical issues that affect all voters. Issues like skyrocketing crime, inflation, overtaxation, fiscal responsibility, etc..
You read like Tucker wrote your post. Get some original ideasā€¦.
Youā€™re a Humper arenā€™t you.

Whatā€™s a ā€œHumperā€?
Geesus, a NAZI party member couldnā€˜t support Hitler and claim heā€™s not a racist.

I havenā€™t claimed anyone is not racist.
Women in general care more that a man respects them in the voting booth then holding the door open for them. Youā€™re delusional.

None of this answers my question: What gave you the idea Iā€™m a racist woman hater?
Irrelevant. The fact remains that he was not elected for his race and gender.

Irrelevant. This is not a contest to see who fucked up more, this is about nominating and electing candidates based on woke criteria rather than practical issues that affect all voters. Issues like skyrocketing crime, inflation, overtaxation, fiscal responsibility, etc..
There is a party that uses science to make decisions, and one that makes up shit. I know science is hard. But itā€™s no reason to just make up shit. Youā€™re post is made up sht.
Another uninformed statement. Do a little research on what and when EOs can be executed. They can all be challenged and deemed unlawful by the courts.
Was his challenged and deemed unlawful? Linkā€¦.

Youā€™re such a foreigner
Was his challenged and deemed unlawful? Linkā€¦.

Youā€™re such a foreigner
Youā€™re hilarious. He withdrew some and the friendly appointed gop judges had to help him rewrite them.
Geesus, that was easy. At least a god would know how to do it the first time.
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Was his challenged and deemed unlawful? Linkā€¦.

Youā€™re such a foreigner
What a incompetent comment comparing a president to a god. I guess youā€™re trying to say Trump is made up sht like all youā€™re gods are. Or maybe itā€™s you who have to be a foreigner; you know nothing about our constitution.
There is a party that uses science to make decisions, and one that makes up shit. I know science is hard. But itā€™s no reason to just make up shit. Youā€™re post is made up sht.
None of this addresses what I said.

Youā€™re not very good at this debate thing. Instead of countering arguments and comments, you just keep up a running diatribe against Trump and the Republican party.

You act like a spoiled child.

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