US Civil War; Biden and Leftist Democrats Reject a Trump Win


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is the most likely scenario, IMO, for Civil War as I think Republicans and conservatives would obey the laws and follow the Democrats if they won.

The Left under Biden would not, as Biden and his co-conspirators would rather fight a lsoing war than spend the rest of their lives in prison.

This video is a good basis for the discussion.


1) Urban police forces will back a Trump administration and be loyal to the Constitution. If the cities revolt, they will be quickly put down. They might require a tactical siege until civil order is restored, but the state governments will cave in all but the New England Area, New York, New Jersey and California.
2) Conservative civilian forces will be able to prevent the seizure of Federal bases and forts and prohibit sophisticated weaponry from falling into rebel hands.
3) China, Mexican drug lords, and Venezuela will pipe logistical support through Mexico, but the Mexican government will strive to shut it down ASAP.
4) The leftwing black urban centers in the South will quickly fall under siege to military forces supplemented by civilian militia. New York and Philadelphia fall to siege.
5) The resolution will be a California rump state under the control of China, and a New England tightly aligned with Canada and the UK. But tired of war, the warring factions agree to allow these two states to secede.
This is the most likely scenario, IMO, for Civil War as I think Republicans and conservatives would obey the laws and follow the Democrats if they won.

The Left under Biden would not, as Biden and his co-conspirators would rather fight a lsoing war than spend the rest of their lives in prison.

This video is a good basis for the discussion.

View attachment 404951
1) Urban police forces will back a Trump administration and be loyal to the Constitution. If the cities revolt, they will be quickly put down. They might require a tactical siege until civil order is restored, but the state governments will cave in all but the New England Area, New York, New Jersey and California.
2) Conservative civilian forces will be able to prevent the seizure of Federal bases and forts and prohibit sophisticated weaponry from falling into rebel hands.
3) China, Mexican drug lords, and Venezuela will pipe logistical support through Mexico, but the Mexican government will strive to shut it down ASAP.
4) The leftwing black urban centers in the South will quickly fall under siege to military forces supplemented by civilian militia. New York and Philadelphia fall to siege.
5) The resolution will be a California rump state under the control of China, and a New England tightly aligned with Canada and the UK. But tired of war, the warring factions agree to allow these two states to secede.

Good post.
I'm still not convinced the conservative Right would do much of anything.
They have a history of not wanting to get involved.

I think BrokeLoser makes a DAMN good point here......
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
This is the most likely scenario, IMO, for Civil War as I think Republicans and conservatives would obey the laws and follow the Democrats if they won.

The Left under Biden would not, as Biden and his co-conspirators would rather fight a lsoing war than spend the rest of their lives in prison.

This video is a good basis for the discussion.

View attachment 404951
1) Urban police forces will back a Trump administration and be loyal to the Constitution. If the cities revolt, they will be quickly put down. They might require a tactical siege until civil order is restored, but the state governments will cave in all but the New England Area, New York, New Jersey and California.
2) Conservative civilian forces will be able to prevent the seizure of Federal bases and forts and prohibit sophisticated weaponry from falling into rebel hands.
3) China, Mexican drug lords, and Venezuela will pipe logistical support through Mexico, but the Mexican government will strive to shut it down ASAP.
4) The leftwing black urban centers in the South will quickly fall under siege to military forces supplemented by civilian militia. New York and Philadelphia fall to siege.
5) The resolution will be a California rump state under the control of China, and a New England tightly aligned with Canada and the UK. But tired of war, the warring factions agree to allow these two states to secede.

Good post.
I'm still not convinced the conservative Right would do much of anything.
They have a history of not wanting to get involved.

I think BrokeLoser makes a DAMN good point here......
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Tim Pool gives his take on this, agreeing that Trump followers are unlikely to revolt if Trump loses.

This is the most likely scenario, IMO, for Civil War as I think Republicans and conservatives would obey the laws and follow the Democrats if they won.

The Left under Biden would not, as Biden and his co-conspirators would rather fight a lsoing war than spend the rest of their lives in prison.

This video is a good basis for the discussion.

View attachment 404951
1) Urban police forces will back a Trump administration and be loyal to the Constitution. If the cities revolt, they will be quickly put down. They might require a tactical siege until civil order is restored, but the state governments will cave in all but the New England Area, New York, New Jersey and California.
2) Conservative civilian forces will be able to prevent the seizure of Federal bases and forts and prohibit sophisticated weaponry from falling into rebel hands.
3) China, Mexican drug lords, and Venezuela will pipe logistical support through Mexico, but the Mexican government will strive to shut it down ASAP.
4) The leftwing black urban centers in the South will quickly fall under siege to military forces supplemented by civilian militia. New York and Philadelphia fall to siege.
5) The resolution will be a California rump state under the control of China, and a New England tightly aligned with Canada and the UK. But tired of war, the warring factions agree to allow these two states to secede.

Good post.
I'm still not convinced the conservative Right would do much of anything.
They have a history of not wanting to get involved.

I think BrokeLoser makes a DAMN good point here......
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Tim Pool gives his take on this, agreeing that Trump followers are unlikely to revolt if Trump loses.

I agree.
For all the talk of what they will do with their guns......95% will comply and turn them in....and keep quiet.

There will be that small group who will rise up, but they will be vastly outnumbered and receive zero support from the other 95% of timid conservatives.
For all the talk of what they will do with their guns......95% will comply and turn them in....and keep quiet.
There will be that small group who will rise up, but they will be vastly outnumbered and receive zero support from the other 95% of timid conservatives.
No, 90% of gun owners will not turn in all their guns. They will turn in zip guns and inoperable guns in buy-back campaigns.

They will stay quiet until some leadership forms that leads a revolt, if that becomes necessary, which I seriously doubt.
For all the talk of what they will do with their guns......95% will comply and turn them in....and keep quiet.
There will be that small group who will rise up, but they will be vastly outnumbered and receive zero support from the other 95% of timid conservatives.
No, 90% of gun owners will not turn in all their guns. They will turn in zip guns and inoperable guns in buy-back campaigns.

They will stay quiet until some leadership forms that leads a revolt, if that becomes necessary, which I seriously doubt.

Let me remind you of a brilliant post made by Brokeloser......
READ IT....and think about what he said before you reply please.
Evidence supports my assertion by a country mile.....not yours

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
For all the talk of what they will do with their guns......95% will comply and turn them in....and keep quiet.
There will be that small group who will rise up, but they will be vastly outnumbered and receive zero support from the other 95% of timid conservatives.
No, 90% of gun owners will not turn in all their guns. They will turn in zip guns and inoperable guns in buy-back campaigns.

They will stay quiet until some leadership forms that leads a revolt, if that becomes necessary, which I seriously doubt.

Outside of a few isolated areas...there is no plan for the Right to deal with the Left.
When Congress passes a LAW that says possession of a firearm is a FELONY....MOST WILL COMPLY for fear of losing everything.

Human nature
For all the talk of what they will do with their guns......95% will comply and turn them in....and keep quiet.
There will be that small group who will rise up, but they will be vastly outnumbered and receive zero support from the other 95% of timid conservatives.
No, 90% of gun owners will not turn in all their guns. They will turn in zip guns and inoperable guns in buy-back campaigns.

They will stay quiet until some leadership forms that leads a revolt, if that becomes necessary, which I seriously doubt.

Let me remind you of a brilliant post made by Brokeloser......
READ IT....and think about what he said before you reply please.
Evidence supports my assertion by a country mile.....not yours

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The Virginia Militia demonstrated the proper leadership against Gun Grabbing Democrat fascists by demonstrations and other legal action like deputizing civilians so they could keep their guns as part of law enforcement.

Hot heads like Brokeloser are only going to get people needlessly killed or imprisoned.

Frankly, I suspect he is an ATFE agitator.
Hot heads like Brokeloser are only going to get people needlessly killed or imprisoned.

Frankly, I suspect he is an ATFE agitator.
“Hot heads”?....WTF
Spoken like a true traditional conservative. Self manipulation is powerful.
“Let’s remain the nutless wonders we’ve been for decades, staying out of the trenches, sitting on our hands and pretending we’re still in command has been working so well, we planned it this way, we like the Left owning our asses and deciding the direction of our nation.”
I agree that most people in the world (including me, of course) are sheep.

So Americans will quietly submit as the United States becomes an authoritarian nation under the Democrats.

In fact, by this time next year, maybe even FOX NEWS will be singing the praises of the Biden-Harris administration.

As people do in all countries, the vast majority will do their best to keep their heads down and enjoy their personal lives to the fullest.

As the Democrats trash the Constitution, one will barely hear a peep.
I agree that most people in the world (including me, of course) are sheep.

So Americans will quietly submit as the United States becomes an authoritarian nation under the Democrats.

In fact, by this time next year, maybe even FOX NEWS will be singing the praises of the Biden-Harris administration.

As people do in all countries, the vast majority will do their best to keep their heads down and enjoy their personal lives to the fullest.

As the Democrats trash the Constitution, one will barely hear a peep.

And you don't weep when the party of the Rump uses the Constitution as toilet paper?

One thing, the Feds can't take our guns, period. That right is strictly held by the States and Communities. I even question the legality of the 1934 Federal Fire Arms act. I don't question the need, only the legality. And the only gun that "Might" fall under that would be the AR and the AK. I don't see the others falling into that category. And they can't "Ban" the AR. They can regulate it like the have the original Thompson Model 1921 back in 1934 even before there was a law against full auto being owned. But they used the 1934 Federal Firearms Act to regulate even the full autos.
So, no, Biden won't be coming for your guns. Well, maybe yours but I get to keep mine.
I agree that most people in the world (including me, of course) are sheep.

So Americans will quietly submit as the United States becomes an authoritarian nation under the Democrats.

In fact, by this time next year, maybe even FOX NEWS will be singing the praises of the Biden-Harris administration.

As people do in all countries, the vast majority will do their best to keep their heads down and enjoy their personal lives to the fullest.

As the Democrats trash the Constitution, one will barely hear a peep.
So how many people have to die before you are convinced that we are not sheep, dude?

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