US backed Coup d'etat in Ukraine Successful ! a Collection of Racist Fantasies | Chroniclinghate's Blog a Collection of Racist Fantasies

There is a strong chance you are familiar with, perhaps someone used it as a source on facebook; convinced that they had learned the truth long since suppressed by the MSM/Illuminati/Reptilians. The name is amusing; GR’s staff would like to think of themselves as a worldwide team, with a network of informers, lashing out at globalism/capitalism/yankee imperialism/*insert cliche here* in reality its mostly like a group of arts majors publishing any fiction, no matter how racist, that advances their anti-Western hate speech.

Rwanda Genocide Denial

“That expert truck’s a coming, moving them experts up and down.”

-Mr. Show

GR is described as “as a think tank on crucial economic and geopolitical issues” that supports “humanitarian projects”, when GR’s about page was written there probably wasn’t a dry eye left in the basement; these people are really moved at the thought of their own self perceived nobility. In reality GR supports some of the worst hatred currently festering on this planet, they openly promote Rwanda genocide denial. So-called experts include Peter Erlinder who believes that “the tragedy that engulfed Rwanda in 1994 may not properly be called a ‘genocide’ at all.” GR also features at least one article written by Christopher Black, who has defended genocidaires in court and denies the Rwanda and Bosnian genocides as well as the existence of AIDS.

The Geopolitics behind the Rwandan Genocide: Paul Kagame accused of War Crimes | Global Research
But CNNFoxMSNBCABCCBSCNBCBloomberg are paragons of objective virtue and are never mouthpieces for the American state.

Well we do need something to counter the Saudi propaganda that comes from FOX.

I don't like what's going on in Mexico, and there are many thousands of Americans living there. I think we'd better invade and annex parts of Mexico right away to insure their safety.

Putin's puppets accept everything he does.:mad:

Who is accepting it ? Seriously. Have you seen anyone cheering that Putin is invading the Ukraine ?
No, stupid short sighted people shouldn't worry about anything.

And stupid sheeple are easily talked into dumbly approving whatever nonsense the state feeds them.

Which state is that dummy? Begs the question: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think Russian controlled state media has any credibility?
Well, little bleating sheep, Russian media, American media, either are nothing more than propaganda outlets for their respective state puppeteers.
Are neo-Nazis from western Ukraine committing atrocities in the east?
What source would be considered "credible?"

"A BBC report on the Azov Battalion makes clear the type of fascist trash the Ukrainian regime and its backers in Washington and the European Union are unleashing on the population of eastern Ukraine.

"It interviewed Mikael Skillt, a white supremacist and former Swedish Army sniper now fighting with the Azov Battalion. Skillt said the unit includes national socialists' who wear swastikas, but there is 'even one liberal, though I don’t know how he got there.'

"The Azov Battalion, which is financed by billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and has recruiters traveling internationally, is led by Andriy Biletsky, the head of the Social National Assembly (SNA).

"The SNA’s online mission statement specifies that its goals are to 'punish severely' interracial sexual relations and 'to prepare Ukraine for further expansion and to struggle for the liberation of the entire White Race from the domination of the internationalist speculative capital.'”

Fascist atrocities mount as US-backed regime assaults eastern Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

World Socialist Website? Fucking hilarious.
"Contacted by the BBC, the Kiev regime defended the Azov Battalion. Gerashchenko said, “'The Social National Assembly is not a neo-Nazi organization.'

"He claimed the only non-Ukrainians in the Azov Battalion were 'journalists from Sweden, Spain and Italy who have come to report on the heroic achievements of the fighters in their struggle against terrorism.'

"The fascist atrocities in Ukraine are an indictment of Washington and the European powers, which publicly encouraged pro-EU demonstrations in Kiev led by far-right forces in order to topple pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

"Having built up the Right Sector and other fascist militias to crush Yanukovych’s riot police and install a pro-Western regime in the February 22 putsch, the Western governments and media are now concealing the fascists’ crimes."

Fascist atrocities mount as US-backed regime assaults eastern Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

Spot any errors in the content of this account?
And stupid sheeple are easily talked into dumbly approving whatever nonsense the state feeds them.

Which state is that dummy? Begs the question: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think Russian controlled state media has any credibility?
Well, little bleating sheep, Russian media, American media, either are nothing more than propaganda outlets for their respective state puppeteers.

So all the bickering, arguments, and insults are a result of .........chance? Sure thing:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Which state is that dummy? Begs the question: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think Russian controlled state media has any credibility?
Well, little bleating sheep, Russian media, American media, either are nothing more than propaganda outlets for their respective state puppeteers.

So all the bickering, arguments, and insults are a result of .........chance? Sure thing:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

naaaa--- the result of politics.
And stupid sheeple are easily talked into dumbly approving whatever nonsense the state feeds them.

Which state is that dummy? Begs the question: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think Russian controlled state media has any credibility?
Well, little bleating sheep, Russian media, American media, either are nothing more than propaganda outlets for their respective state puppeteers.

Which state is that dummy? Begs the question: Just exactly how stupid would you have to be to think Russian controlled state media has any credibility?
Well, little bleating sheep, Russian media, American media, either are nothing more than propaganda outlets for their respective state puppeteers.


The 'man behind the yellow door' comes to mind.
Well we do need something to counter the Saudi propaganda that comes from FOX.

I don't like what's going on in Mexico, and there are many thousands of Americans living there. I think we'd better invade and annex parts of Mexico right away to insure their safety.

Putin's puppets accept everything he does.:mad:

Who is accepting it ? Seriously. Have you seen anyone cheering that Putin is invading the Ukraine ?

It is a sad story repeated over and over.

When one exposes the State for it's nefarious actions, the statists automatically condemn those who criticize, by claiming they are traitors or in some way aligned with the opposing State.
According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


We will see in November. I think the Republicans sent all those hispanic/latin american kids up to the border too. They also got Hamas to start bombing Israel. Perfect timing.
It's 100% true that the west coup'd Ukraine. Washington has it fingers in everything.
right....Washington wants to go to war with Russia... the Russians are so dumb they couldn't do that themselves..

It's called a proxy state you blithering moron.

The US does not want a hot war in the Ukraine. What it wants is a strategic partner in the area so it can further contain Russia and maintain D.C.'s hegemonic world. There is nearly 20 years of post cold war foreign policy lore written on this subject by the people that influence presidents to make this actual policy.
It's 100% true that the west coup'd Ukraine. Washington has it fingers in everything.
right....Washington wants to go to war with Russia... the Russians are so dumb they couldn't do that themselves..

It's called a proxy state you blithering moron.

The US does not want a hot war in the Ukraine. What it wants is a strategic partner in the area so it can further contain Russia and maintain D.C.'s hegemonic world. There is nearly 20 years of post cold war foreign policy lore written on this subject by the people that influence presidents to make this actual policy.
yes it would be if that's what was happening but it's not...
you alarmist, reactionary bed wetter!
Is Russia being shelled by the government in Kiev?

"'The shootdown of [Malaysian Airlines MH17] was something we couldn't foresee,' Stephen Cohen said Tuesday on the John Batchelor Show. 'Historians will look back and say that these nearly 300 souls that died on that plane disaster were the first nonresidential victims of the new cold war.'

"The conflict, Cohen said, has worsened as a result of the Kiev government's bombing and mortaring of two large pro-Russian cities in eastern Ukraine—where scores of civilians, including many women and children, have died.

"Why is Kiev doing this?

"And why is the White House going along with it?

"Cohen provided a plausible (and highly concerning answer): 'To bate Russia, Putin, into intervening militarily so that NATO will intervene militarily.

"And that means, somewhere, someone in a position of influence wants a Russian war with NATO and that means a Russian-American war.'"

Professor Cohen claims Obama recently made a public statement no legitimate statesman would ever make when he said Putin can not do anything about our influence in Ukraine because we have better weapons.

Stephen Cohen: Is a Russian-American War on the Horizon? | The Nation

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