US backed Coup d'etat in Ukraine Successful !

According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


Here we go again. Liberal answer to just about every foreign policy situation in the world:"Mean, bad ol' USA is REALLY behind the mess in the Ukraine." I'm laying the bullshit card on this one.

You'll regret it. and I'm NOT a fucking liberal. It was Obama and Hillary who worked this coup.

The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the Media Won?t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
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According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


Here we go again. Liberal answer to just about every foreign policy situation in the world:"Mean, bad ol' USA is REALLY behind the mess in the Ukraine." I'm laying the bullshit card on this one.
one should be indifferent to shit stirring and screwing up shit like it is a game?
According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


Here we go again. Liberal answer to just about every foreign policy situation in the world:"Mean, bad ol' USA is REALLY behind the mess in the Ukraine." I'm laying the bullshit card on this one.

Agreed. BS.
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Here we go again. Liberal answer to just about every foreign policy situation in the world:"Mean, bad ol' USA is REALLY behind the mess in the Ukraine." I'm laying the bullshit card on this one.

You'll regret it. and I'm NOT a fucking liberal. It was Obama and Hillary who worked this coup.

The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the Media Won?t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

US Imperialism and the Ukraine Coup » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Ron Paul outlines the situation very well. We Americans need to realize we have a government out of control and is extremely dangerous. It would seem that Obama has the blood of those who died in the plane crash....all over him....but he and the West will gladly blame Putin.

As Ron Paul stated, why would the insurgents take down a civilian aircraft. They have nothing to gain and much to lose by doing so. On the other hand, the West has much to gain by prosecuting a false flag event to take down Putin and Russia.

Much has been reported on the US government's involvement in overthrowing the Ukraine government...and anyone who has studied our government's many covert interventions these past many decades, knows it has happened many times before.
Here we go again. Liberal answer to just about every foreign policy situation in the world:"Mean, bad ol' USA is REALLY behind the mess in the Ukraine." I'm laying the bullshit card on this one.

You'll regret it. and I'm NOT a fucking liberal. It was Obama and Hillary who worked this coup.

The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the Media Won?t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

US Imperialism and the Ukraine Coup » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Ron Paul outlines the situation very well. We Americans need to realize we have a government out of control and is extremely dangerous. It would seem that Obama has the blood of those who died in the plane crash....all over him....but he and the West will gladly blame Putin.

As Ron Paul stated, why would the insurgents take down a civilian aircraft. They have nothing to gain and much to lose by doing so. On the other hand, the West has much to gain by prosecuting a false flag event to take down Putin and Russia.

Much has been reported on the US government's involvement in overthrowing the Ukraine government...and anyone who has studied our government's many covert interventions these past many decades, knows it has happened many times before.

Liberals appear to love US imperialism now that they are the ones doing it.

Ron Paul outlines the situation very well. We Americans need to realize we have a government out of control and is extremely dangerous. It would seem that Obama has the blood of those who died in the plane crash....all over him....but he and the West will gladly blame Putin.

As Ron Paul stated, why would the insurgents take down a civilian aircraft. They have nothing to gain and much to lose by doing so. On the other hand, the West has much to gain by prosecuting a false flag event to take down Putin and Russia.

Much has been reported on the US government's involvement in overthrowing the Ukraine government...and anyone who has studied our government's many covert interventions these past many decades, knows it has happened many times before.

Liberals appear to love US imperialism now that they are the ones doing it.

Yes. They are the most appalling hypocrites.

But the stinking Neocons are in this shit too...big time. At least for their part, they are consistent imperialists, unlike the libs.
Ron Paul outlines the situation very well. We Americans need to realize we have a government out of control and is extremely dangerous. It would seem that Obama has the blood of those who died in the plane crash....all over him....but he and the West will gladly blame Putin.

As Ron Paul stated, why would the insurgents take down a civilian aircraft. They have nothing to gain and much to lose by doing so. On the other hand, the West has much to gain by prosecuting a false flag event to take down Putin and Russia.

Much has been reported on the US government's involvement in overthrowing the Ukraine government...and anyone who has studied our government's many covert interventions these past many decades, knows it has happened many times before.

Liberals appear to love US imperialism now that they are the ones doing it.

Yes. They are the most appalling hypocrites.

But the stinking Neocons are in this shit too...big time. At least for their part, they are consistent imperialists, unlike the libs.

Absolutely----which might be more of a story than the actual coup itself. McCain, Graham---all those asshole neocons working hand in hand with Hillary and Obama. That outta be head line news in itself.
I've noticed some media outlets calling them the pro Moscow faction. I see our propaganda machine is working well.

Yeah...just take the word of the guy who works for Voice of Russia!

try this one

The Ukraine Deception: US/EU-Directed Coup D'état Exposes Itself

or this one

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What Does The US Government Want in Ukraine?

No, and nope.

Ones an opinionated blog and the other one is Ron Paul. 'nuff said.

No, and nope.

Ones an opinionated blog and the other one is Ron Paul. 'nuff said.

I will accept Ron Paul's opinion every single F-ING day over your lying Messiah's.

You would too, if you weren't such a foolish left wing partisan.
How about the DailyKOS ?

President Barack Obama has been trying, mostly in secret, to craft a new foreign policy that relies heavily on cooperation with Russian President Vladimir Putin to tamp down confrontations in hotspots such as Iran and Syria. But Obama’s timidity about publicly explaining this strategy has left it open to attack from powerful elements of Official Washington, including well-placed neocons and people in his own administration.

Open thread for night owls: What the neoconservative hangers-on want from Ukraine crisis
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According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


Why am I not surprised the pro-coup thread comes from someone in Texas? :)
According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


Why am I not surprised the pro-coup thread comes from someone in Texas? :)

If you knew jack shit about politics you would know that Austin is a liberal stronghold.
Blue county every election.
According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!

Successful may have to be shifted to the past tense now that the fascist government has crumbled over......

a natural gas deal favorable to the EU.
According to the United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Principles of International Law and under the terms of the United Nations Charter, effectively the Russia population have a right to secede from Ukraine. In an interview with the Voice of Russia Harvard Professor Francis Boyle says that there is no real government in Ukraine right now, and called it a gang of neo-Nazis, fascists and rightist thugs. There is clear cut discrimination against Russians in Ukraine with public demands in Kiev that Russians be killed. According to Professor Boyle what happened in Kiev was a playbook coup d’état by the CIA. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, working with the US Ambassador, were instrumental in carrying out the coup d’état, as it has been proven they were working with “the brown shirts”: Svoboda, the right sector, the Bandera Nazis and skinheads .

Ukraine was a Playbook CIA Coup d?état | Global Research

Congrats to all involves yay America !!!


It is most ironic that Obama, a hardcore leftist, is backing and maybe even assisted in installing a Nazi regime in Ukraine...and he likely was responsible for overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine.

It sure does have the awful smell of a CIA instigated coup d’état...

Nazi regime? It sure is funny watching people repeat whatever they hear from Russian state controlled media.

It is most ironic that Obama, a hardcore leftist, is backing and maybe even assisted in installing a Nazi regime in Ukraine...and he likely was responsible for overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine.

It sure does have the awful smell of a CIA instigated coup d’état...

Nazi regime? It sure is funny watching people repeat whatever they hear from Russian state controlled media.
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No go, Congress is UNITING in support of Ukraine:

Kerry and key congressional lawmakers from both parties especially sharpened the focus on Putin to, as Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein said, "man up" and lead.
There was concern, however, that Russia's behavior since Thursday's destruction of Flight 17 by a missile the United States believes was fired by the Russian-backed rebels further underscores Putin's hardening preference for Cold War-era politics.

Kerry: 'Moment of truth' for Putin Is there blood on Putin's hands? Putting pressure on Putin Feinstein to Putin: 'Man up' Who is responsible for MH17 attack?

"This is going back to the days of Stalin, and Khrushchev and Brezhnev," Republican Rep. Peter King said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "The way he's responding to a crisis, which he caused, which everyone knows he did, and yet he goes underground. This is what a mafia guy does. This is what a goon does. Not a world leader. Not someone in the civilized world."

Asked on CNN's "State of the Union" whether the incident has pushed U.S.-Russian relations back to Cold War-era levels, Feinstein simply said, "yes."

Which Ukraine? The puppet govt we installed or the other one ?

The one fighting Putin backed TERROR.
Its not so.
Americans were at war with fascism. Why now you support him?
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So if we follow the idiot logic of the Russia apologists it must be OK for a nation to start grabbing their neighbors land if they don't like their government. If a foreign power were to support a coup in Mexico then it would be perfectly OK for the US to invade Mexico and take whatever land we choose.....if we follow the Russia apologists idiot logic.
So if we follow the idiot logic of the Russia apologists it must be OK for a nation to start grabbing their neighbors land if they don't like their government. If a foreign power were to support a coup in Mexico then it would be perfectly OK for the US to invade Mexico and take whatever land we choose.....if we follow the Russia apologists idiot logic.
Probably you simply don't know important things.
We have military base in the Crimea. We paid for it on tens years in advance. Our armies were there legally. Military base it not cheap place. It is military infrastructure which can't be moved and it costs a lot of money. The government of Ukraine which signed agreements with us - was overthrown. The new government didn't recognize gas contracts (which the old government signed).
We have the right to protect our military property from fascists? I think so.

We didn't take the Crimea. We didn't let there fascists - yes. Then there was a vote. People didn't want to live with those who threatened to kill them. It too stupid logic? And you want to live with those who will have the guts for garters to you and will burn your family?

Question. The Ukrainian fascists would make what promised? They made it in Odessa.
If you don't trust the Russian mass media here the Ukrainian forum. ÓÊÐÀÈÍÀ. ÃÅÍÎÖÈÄ - easily translate comments
So if we follow the idiot logic of the Russia apologists it must be OK for a nation to start grabbing their neighbors land if they don't like their government. If a foreign power were to support a coup in Mexico then it would be perfectly OK for the US to invade Mexico and take whatever land we choose.....if we follow the Russia apologists idiot logic.

If Russia began to meddle in Mexico's affairs enough to place a Russian friendly govt and missiles there, I'm pretty certain America would respond.

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